Absolut Support

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many other media outlets this week are showing strong numbers of supporters in marriage equality this week as the Supreme Court is making a decision on the topic this week. Many supporters have been posting pictures, words or support, or changing their profile pictures to the red equality sign to stand up for their beliefs on the issue. However, this support isn’t isolated to individuals but full companies and brands as well.

Absolut showed their opinion on the matter on their own Facebook page by posting a new cover photo fully showing support in equality.




Brands have spoken out on the issue in the past in ways that have garnered a lot of attention because of the bold moves. For example, last year Target showed this ad uniquely aiming their wedding registry services to gay couples, which made for an emotional and controversial ad.





It’s a wonderful time in advertising that brands are using their time to speak out for the support of causes they stand strong in. Bold statements on controversial topics such as this really show brands that fully support their consumers, furthering the trust in the company-customer relationship. It’s refreshing to see brands this courageous in the media working for something bigger than just the product or service at hand, the rights of their loyal customers.

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