Facebook may help the dot.gay application

Have you heard about the .gay initiative? Scott Seitz, the CEO of dotGay, is planning to ask the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to approve .gay as ICANN’s application period begins.

Facebook recently began offering the following options for ‘relationship status’: civil union and domestic partnership. This marks a milestone (perhaps just a small one) for the LGBT community online.

You can “get involved”, support, or follow the news on the .gay initiative here.


  1. Brand new “GAY” Domain Names and TLDs have already been released. For the first time, Internet users can create their own set of Domains and TLDs totally free, and without any reference to ICANN.

    ISPs such as https://dashworlds.com offer a parallel Internet using new Dashcom (not Dotcom) Domain Names. Dashcoms are brand new web addresses in the format “gay-com” or “radio-gay” or “human-rights” (Examples Only).

    With users and members in over 90 countries worldwide, resolution is via an APP (although ISP links are now available to negate that need).

    Having just one Internet in infinite cyberspace is like saying you can go visit anywhere in America just as long as you stick to route 66. So today, just as in the USA (and everywhere else in the world) the Internet has more than one road to travel.

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