Interning for a Month

My name is Karly O’Toole, I have been interning for Vizion Group in Berwyn PA working with two non-profit organizations.  I also have two other jobs so I have been spreading my time out trying to get everything in.  The experience thus far has been interesting!  Working for a nonprofit organization causes a lot of stress and a lot of work.  So far I have learned many different things, one being that you cannot fall behind in work!  Since there are so many different events that go into this organization there are a million different letters, phone calls, organizing, excel sheets, shirt sizes etc for each event that you have to work with every day and make sure the people participating are all ok, ready to go and have no questions or concerns.

Something that I have noticed that I would like to pursue just within this organization is the actual event planning and dealing with the notable people they want to come and support.  These interns seem to have more fun :).  I think the actual event planning and deciding what will go into these events are fun, gives you space for creativity and I believe that is something I would love to do.

Some positive business aspects I have learned just from being at this particular foundation is that you must love what you do in order to work for a non-profit organization.  Believing in your organization and developing a relationship with these families are very important for success.  Additionally, working over time and advertise yourself within your own community to get support is something that people have taught me really works to our advantage and gives us an even better edge.  Then lastly, I would say working with my boss, many things I learned from my classes in my advertising courses have helped me a long way to better understand the real life business aspect to advertising, and the amount of effort and decision making goes into this business.

Overall, thus far has been fun, and definitely exciting getting my feet wet with a non profit organization.


Attached is just a thank you card I created with for some for the participants that ran a marathon in Chicago.nephlete4

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