Last Day at KHI

Yesterday was my last day at KHI and it was a sad but exciting day. I was excited it was my last day because it meant the semester was over but at the same time my time at KHI has taught me a lot and I have learned so much from them. The people at KHI from day one were the most welcoming people I have ever interned with. They wanted to help me out in any way possible and help me to absorb as much as I could in my short 16 weeks there. While there I got to see a little bit of what everyone does but I was mainly in the research department.

Over the course of 16 weeks I learned how to thoroughly look into clients and help to find the perfect match to which position they filled along with getting to see how they compose the ads for the positions on careerbuilder and monster. Although that is not exactly they type of advertising I was hoping to be involved with it was nice to see how a company composes the ads they put on sites that I currently go on to look for jobs myself.

Although I am not sure if I want to get into the biotech and pharmaceutical world it was nice to have an internship to help me see what this particular field is like. It is very up and down and can be very fast paced but at the same time it has its lulls.

Overall, I am happy I chose to intern with KHI this semester because not only did they teach me a lot but I also enjoyed what I was doing and who I was working with. From looking at peoples Linkedin profiles to the small office duties I was assigned there was never a day that I felt bored or not useful the office. So, all though my time at KHI is up I know I will stay in contact with many that I worked with and hope to see them in the future!

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