Drink City Live! at Hard Rock Cafe
I’ve been given the opportunity to help plan another event at my internship! 🙂 It would mean a lot if any Temple students of age would come out and support on December 16. The event is a part of an…
The Experiences of Temple Advertising Students
I’ve been given the opportunity to help plan another event at my internship! 🙂 It would mean a lot if any Temple students of age would come out and support on December 16. The event is a part of an…
Make sure you’re ALWAYS early not on time, internships and jobs pay very close attention to how punctual you are. Never use your cellphone unless given permission or on break even if it was never discussed. Check your email for…
Looking back on my internship, I realized how much I have learned. What I thought was a terrible experience actually taught me everything that I needed. My first day was unforgettable. The woman that had given me my the internship…