My experience working with Temple Athletics

I was granted the opportunity to see what Temples athletic marketing department does to help attract more people to games. I had the opportunity to sit in meetings and discussions with the sales, graphic designing, and social media team. I have talked to my boss about development opportunities available to her, she explained the step by step development in the department. It began with student worker leading all the way up to her title of Assistant AD/ Marketing & Fan engagement. The athletics department used by Temple is based on the price of its competitors, the success of teams, and…

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The Temple athletics department

My name is Kenneth Yeboah and I am a student-athlete here at Temple University. I was granted the access to work with Karli Hausman , Assistant Ad/ Marketing and Fan Engagement. It was a very eye opening experience considering it was my first real job. It was not hard to adjust because my boss brought me in with open arms. I was able to discuss with different administrators about different marketing ideas for athletic games. I was granted access to discuss with them great ideas to attract more people to games. It was really cool to see what goes on…

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The ~Intern~ Life

I was wasting away in my late afternoon class when my phone starts violently shaking on the table. Someone was calling me. I took a gander at the number but not recognizing who it was, I did what any person would, I ignored it.  After class, I was waiting in line at Starbucks in the Student Center and decided to check my voicemail. The random New York City number was Tom Dolan, a recruiter for Hearst Television. I previously expressed to Professor Ed Dress my interest in working in promotions and aspiration of landing an internship with Hearst this summer. …

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Internship in the Office of the Provost

My name is Anthony Russo and I am a student athlete here at Temple University. I was fortunate enough to land an internship this summer in the Office of the Provost working for Jodi Laufgraben. Throughout the summer, myself and the other two interns in the office have had a great opportunity to use creativeness and critical thinking to complete different projects. The most recent on that we did was creating a walking tour for the New Student Athlete Seminar class. We took them around the campus and informed them on what different buildings or areas were about. We interns…

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The 2019 class of interns at NBCUniversal LA, standing outside Universal Studios

From Owl to Peacock: Working For NBCUniversal

The owls’ nest is wider than what you might think. If you told me at the start of my undergraduate studies that I would have spent the summer before my Senior year, living in LA, while interning at NBCUniversal I wouldn’t have believed you. My name is Kieran and I’m an entering Senior, studying Advertising and Business, here at Temple. I have spent the summer as an Ad Sales intern, at NBCUniversal’s West Coast Office. Although my experience isn’t in sales, I accepted the position because I thought it would be a great opportunity to understand another part of the…

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After three noteworthy years, occupations, and apartments – my desire for change, both professionally and geographically, became irrepressible.

EXLing Forward

After three noteworthy years, occupations, and apartments – my desire for change, both professionally and geographically, became irrepressible. Three months and thirty-odd miles away, I am now comfortably situated in Lambertville, New Jersey, as a lead Marketing Coordinator for EXL Service. My name is Alexandria, and after an entire summer, I still have trouble describing my internship. What I initially envisioned as an opportunity to shadow in a new and emerging field, quickly transformed into a full-time position as my predecessor departed on maternity leave. In her absence, I independently lead all marketing efforts for TTL’s (Travel, Transportation and Logistics)…

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Salus Univ. Communications Internship

My summer communications internship at Salus University just so happens to be during the middle of the university’s founding college, Pennsylvania College of Optometry, celebrating its 100th year anniversary. For this year, the university’s goal is to acknowledge the university’s legacy through stories and photos. With centennial highlights featuring notable Alumni faculty and staff members, the Salus University Centennial Campaign focuses on ensuring that students will not only succeed in the classroom, but also thrive within their profession after graduating. The goal within the university’s communications department is to not only promote the school, particularly since changing its name from…

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Good Morning New York…& America!

Hello fellow owls!! My name is Tsoline Karakelian and I am currently an intern at Donovan Public Relations in New York City. The agency focuses primarily on indie/entertainment public relations and works with a number of singers, bands, actors, actresses and music management groups. Working at a PR agency has been a dream come true. I have been able to learn about what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to bringing light to celebrities and how the entertainment industry works. I shadow several publicists and have been given a lot of great opportunities while working here. They’ve shown…

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“Elevating” My Career

Hello! My name is Nicole LaPilusa, I am a senior and will be graduating this August from the Klein College of Media and Communication with my degree in Advertising with a concentration in Account Planning. For the past six weeks I have been interning at a company called Elevate Healthcare, read the story about my experience below!
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