What we do at R.B. Packaging Innovations

Being an intern at R.B. Packaging Innovations has been a once in a lifetime chance for me to work alongside my brother in revolutionizing the prescription pill bottle. We have a unique design that not only saves cost in packaging and shipping, but achieves a hundred percent satisfactory rate among those who have seen it. Our bottle has a push and slide cap that makes it easy to open, yet mentally challenging to figure out. I am happy to be at the ground floor of such a blossoming company and I am confident that in time our bottle will revolutionize the…

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The Ball is Beginning to Roll

Today we met with one of the largest plastic manufacturing companies in the world to discuss our revolutionary prescription pill bottle. It was the second time meeting with this company and it went very well. We have, and presented, molded parts which work and look great. A few more tests and we’ll be prepped and ready to show this to the world.  

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Umm… What Now?

My Internship is almost over. Now what? I worked at Red Tettemer because I knew it would be a well-established agency that would be able to teach me a lot. I really liked the range of clients they worked with and I wanted to see the strategies that runs those brands (including Planet Fitness, Morningstar Farms, and Dockers). The agency is a friendly, fun environment that let me learn in a fast pace. I feel like I have been instilled with great knowledge for future jobs or internships, but I just really have no clue what I want to do…

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Pipe Up

The line between “well informed, eager young professional” and “blabbermouth” is a fine one. When I first expressed interest in entering the Advertising game to the folks back home, I was hit with a few, “That’s a good idea, you like to talk a lot.” style jabs. I couldn’t really argue against them, and honestly that fact did influence my decision to join the copywriting cause. I like to talk, and I think I’ve gotten better at it since I first started. While my goal has been to produce more “on-brand” copy than “on-brand” small talk while moving around LevLane Advertising|PR|Digital as a copywriting intern,…

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Share Your Summer, but Fall into Fall

  Summer always goes so fast, doesn’t it? It’s little things that start approaching in late July that grab our attention and remind us of the fact that it unfortunately doesn’t last forever. The “Back to School” commercials, fall clothes on the covers of magazines, even things you need to plan at your work. Last summer I worked in the back room stocking a retail store, and we started to get CHRISTMAS items in the late summer. I see it happening at NEST, too, although it’s more fun then unpacking snowman center pieces and santa socks. As I mentioned in…

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Where I Don’t Belong

I have never seen Mad Men. In high school, my freshman journalism teacher was so gung ho about the program that I decided to avoid it at all costs, just to stick it to the man. To this day, I have continued boycotting the bandwagon to preserve my own image of the industry. Thankfully, her obsession with advertising led to a small unit including the 1979 documentary, Killing Us Softly, which examines the way women are portrayed in advertisements. I was so intoxicated by the idea that these handpicked words and images could affect the mindset and behaviors of hundreds…

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When you start your first internship, you are most likely going to be so nervous that you only worry about all the things you’ll mess up on. Take some chill pills – you’re fine. I felt the same way. But after working at Red Tettemer for a couple of months, I’ve got a much better understanding of how agencies run. You will understand too once you begin interning, The people who hired you know that you’re new to all of this. So, here are my Top Three Must-Knows for the new interns out there. 1. ASK QUESTIONS Your team would…


Keep Work at Work

I cheated at interning. LevLane Advertising|PR|Digital let me inside their walls as a copywriting intern, treated me with nothing but kindness, told me anything they thought might possibly help push my abilities as a writer, and I had the gaul to leave work every Tuesday through Thursday… and try to beat the system. Oh, they warned me. During a lunch break around my third week at the agency, the copywriter in charge of assigning new creative work to the interns caught me red handed. I approached him outside of the building as he left for a mid-day bite, and asked him…

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Be a Chameleon

I was hired as an Account Management Intern at Levlane for the summer. This being my first internship, I figured that I would basically be following an Account Manager all summer and simply learning about the job. Little did I know, I would be helping with not only the account department, but PR and client relations. Whenever someone needed a little extra help, I was there to assist. Surprisingly,I spent a few weeks working on the Massage Envy account for PR. Some of my suggestions for a brand ambassador program were actually sent to the client. It’s great to know…

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Going the Distance

If you thought group projects were tiresome while you’re in the same class room, imagine having 3 group members in Chicago, 2 group members in New York (different locations), and 2 in Philadelphia, all working together on a four week project that we have to present on the 1st day we all meet each other face to face. Can you say, welcome to the real world? During my internship at Digitas Health in Philadelphia, the first 4 weeks of the program were really dedicated to our knowledge. We learned the ins and outs of the company, did specific tasks to help…

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Art + Food Event

My name is Rachel Gomberg and I am an upcoming Senior in the Advertising program with a focus in Art Direction. This Summer I’ve had the pleasure of interning with Art Sphere Inc., a non-profit organization located in Philly which provides art classes to low-income youth in the city. In addition to art classes they do fundraiser events, mural events, and neighborhood clean-ups. I was hired specifically as their graphic design intern right in the middle of the coordination of their latest fundraiser event titled “Art & Food”. This event has many big-name sponsors in Philly, mainly the Art Institute…

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What’s Behind the Big Blue Door?

Dozens of highly motivated and generous people who put in countless hours of work to make their dream come true – their own small business.  I have been able to get to know several entrepreneurs of the Incubator Program in the Small Business Development Center and am grateful that everyone is always so helpful and outgoing.  They aren’t so consumed in their everyday work that they forget about the lives of others, I have had numerous conversations about my summer classes, from Spanish to swimming and also the Women’s World Cup and Temple women’s soccer. You might think of a serious-looking, always…

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Fun in the City

  Hello everyone! I’ve been meaning to post for so long now. My laptop has been damaged for weeks and I’m breaking in my new one with a blog post 🙂 Currently I’m interning at NEST, which is more or less a hip child enrichment center Sounds random, but I’m on their marketing team, and it’s a blast. Being at NEST has shown me so many clever and fun marketing skills. Really, much of our advertising is through ourselves. Sure we hand out flyers, schedules, and discounts to customers at events or even when new members come into the center,…

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Wake-Up Call: I’m Graduating Soon

I have been determined to have a career in advertising ever since my junior year of high school. I came into college with my declared major in Advertising Account Management, and then later decided to get a Business Studies minor in order to expand my resume. So when I got the internship at Levlane in the Account Management department, I was ecstatic. I came into the job with the idea that this is exactly what I want to do with my future. After this summer, I only have one more semester left in college. That pretty much leaves me with 5…

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So, what do you want to be when you grow up?

I honestly probably haven’t thought of the question; “what do you want to be when you grow up” since I was about 12, but recently during my internship program I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my future. (Which I’m sure everyone has). I view  this question in a completely different context today then I used to. Technically, I’m grown up- but do I know exactly what I am? I knew since the time I first began applying for colleges that I wanted to do something where I could utilize my creativity and critical thinking. Of course, my path has…

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