Shadowing my boss

  On Thursday April 11, 2013, the Philadelphia Flyers played the Ottawa Senators. As a game day presentation intern, I have to be at every home game but this specific game I wasnt doing my normal task. I had the chance to shadow the Senior Director of Game Presentation, Anthony Gioia. Anthony is in charged of overseeing the marketing department on a day to day basis. However his job is not just a normal 9 to 5 office job. On game days, he is in charge of making sure that everything that has to do with any aspect of the presentation…

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JUMP MAG-Round Two

Hi, my name is Bree Wood, I am and adv art track student. I did my internship with Jump Magazine, for the second time. It is a small magazine that has been around for two years now. It is run by George Miller, he is a prof in the journalism department. The magazine isn’t part of Temple though. I really enjoyed the first part of my internship with Jump, I was writing a post every week about up coming show, and then I was also doing my own interviews with bands, and getting them put into the print version of…

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Finlandia Cheese

Throughout my semester as an intern at 102.9 WMGK FM, I have gotten to experience and be a part of many different aspects of the radio station, both in and out of office.  Today, however, I had an entirely new experience thanks to one of my co-workers and her client, Finlandia Cheese. This morning, Finlandia sent a cooler filled with assorted cheeses to our MGK office so Debbi Calton, our mid-morning host, could sample their product on-air as the first of a series of endorsements they will be running on the station. My task was to go to the grocery…

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Looking Back

I recently completed my spring internship at PHL-17 and I’m so grateful to have had the experience. It was great to see advertising from a new perspective outside of an ad agency. I was able to learn about what happens to an advertisement once it leaves the agency and reaches media companies and media outlets. I also learned a lot about the role of account executives in a media setting and the process that goes into getting a media buy. Selling advertising space involves much more than just impressing the client with presents and giveaways. Account executives have to pitch…

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Getting the Job

As college students we are all working toward one common goal; getting the job. However, these days, that is easier said than done. I have had the same internship for the last year and as tedious and monotonous as it could be at times my persistence paid off. Getting a job offer is the most relieving, but also intimidating, moment in my college career. If I could give any advice to my fellow undergrads and those who are just beginning their internships, it would begin and end with effort. As interns our sole purpose is to learn the business and…

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Temple Study Abroad: A New Appreciation for the Web

Redesigning any website is hard work, but when said website involves more extra options than a Domino’s Pizza order for an entire daycare center, things get hairy pretty quickly. Yes, I’ve been working my proverbial tail off all year in order to help Temple’s own Study Abroad department redesign their website from the ground up.  And let me tell you, crafting a website that feels intuitive and natural is seriously hard work.  I’ve spent my months doing everything from creating short, documentary-style films to writing copy for overseas programs, and I’m not sure that most outsiders truly realize the amount…

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30 Years of Outfitting Athletes, 4 Months of Interning

It has been my honor to be an intern at City Sports for the exciting time of the company’s 30th Anniversary. The marketing team has done a great job of event planning this month with training runs for Broad Street, release of Limited Edition 30th Anniversary City Sports Tees (Throwback 1983 Collection), and simple Birthday Cake cutting at Run Club. The company has partnered with New Balance to create a customized City Sports running sneaker and was featured in Sports Insight Magazine. City Sports has gone above and beyond in its outreach endeavors during this time as well. Recently I…

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The End of an Era

My name is Lacy Balistrieri and my six months interning at the March of Dimes Southeastern PA Division has slowly come to an end. Luckily, I was able to participate in their biggest annual event before my time was through. March for Babies Philadelphia was held on April 28th at the Museum of Art. I  was given the job of photographing family teams and the event as a whole because they caught wind I have a photography class this semester. When I had down time I would walk to the VIP tent and help out there. I arrived at the…

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Entering My Last Round at PUNCH Media

As we enter the last bout of the spring semester, I’m finishing up my internship at PUNCH Media. PUNCH is a small food and bev. centric PR company based in the Mount Airy section of Philadelphia. James Zeleniak and his wife Alicia are both Temple alums who own and run the company. Their client list includes the likes of MilkBoy (studio, café, and bar), the Shops at Liberty Place, Devil’s Den and South Philly Bar & Grill. In my previous blog post, “Rolling with the PUNCHes at my First Internship”, I discussed my lack of PR knowledge pre-PUNCH, as well…

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Like an onion, peeling does not end for internship

  My name is Yeeun Oh and I had one of the most marvelous opportunities to intern at iBluein over the past five months. As an advertising student, double tracking in art direction and account management, working at a small firm opened up a new view to the working field for me. I will never forget the first day of my internship at iBluein, which was in early November. As soon as I reported to the office, Joshua Kim, who is in charge of the business department of iBluein, took me with him to sales meeting. We were to sell…

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Designing for a StartUp

It was nearly two years ago that a fellow classmate of mine discovered a team in Philadelphia that was looking to form a tech startup. Little did I know that my classmate would later name that startup and peak my interest enough to apply to work for them! This semester, I was fortunate enough to apply and earn an internship with the fastly growing StartUp called Curalate.  Within this organization, our team works to build and improve upon the completely original and beautifully designed analytics platform for the visual web. Launching a little over a year ago, Curalate has grown…

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Inside View on NSAC

  Temple University’s NSAC team did an amazing job finishing up their competition last week placing fourth out of fourteen teams who presented in front of the NY judges! That’s a great accomplishment for all students involved in the process. This week, I sat down with graduating Advertising-Art Direction student, Angela Lanza, to talk to her about NSAC in general and what it’s like to participate in the competition for future Temple students who may be interested in trying it out. What is NSAC? NSAC stands for National Student Advertising Competition. Over 150 universities participate in this competition every year…

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A look inside the TV World

My name is Shannon King. I’m a junior at Temple studying advertising, in the management track. I was a sales intern for PHL17. At my internship I was able to take a look inside the TV World, specifically through the eye of sales. I spent a lot of time with one member of PHL17, an engineer. He explained how things worked at the station, especially the engineering department, and his work experience. He also gave me a tour of the building and the studio where they film their morning show, Eye Opener. Throughout my internship, I was able to ask…

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#TornadoWeek Targets Interns

As the semester is winding down, a lot of use are finishing up our internships or on the search for one for the summer. We’ve all been in the position where we’ve had to work tireless hours and drain our brains in hopes of impressing our bosses. Well, what if you were going about your normal day, but periodically blasted with tornado winds that are controlled by public mentions of #TornadoWeek on Twitter? This week, during Tornado Week, The Weather Channel has a group of excited interns who came up with the idea to have their office blasted by Twitter…

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Graduation is Around the Corner!

The day we all thought would never come is almost upon us…. GRADUATION! Even though this is what we have been looking forward to for the past 4+ years, now that its finally approaching, some of us might not feel ready. What is hands-down the biggest concern cluttering most of our minds? Jobs of corse! Well there is no time to waste, the job hunt is on. As discussed in previous posts, apparently, there are jobs out there, it’s just a matter of finding them and applying. Here are a few tools, tips, and sites that might help in lading…

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