When did I become a Grown-Up?! The play by play of landing my Internship.

Greetings and salutations friends, My name is Darcy Stackhouse. This is my first post on this lovely cyber compilation of student thoughts so I feel it is only right to formally introduce myself! So hello gang, I’m Darcy, I am currently an Advertising major following the Art Direction track at Temple University, I enjoy laughing, listening to beautiful music, appreciating the arts and as you may have picked up – I am currently an intern! Intern. Such a fun word. It still hasn’t exactly hit me yet that I’ve landed a position at a real agency with real clients and…

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Philadelphia Magazine

Hi! My name is Mary and I am one of the few Advertising Sales interns at Philadelphia magazine. I am a rising Junior majoring in advertising. Next semester I will be on the account management track. I have always been an avid reader of magazines, but I have never been an active reader of Philadelphia magazine before applying. I ended up applying for Philadelphia magazine last-minute without any expectations. I had  high hopes of receiving an interview and soon enough I got it! I had no experience in any other internship work, but thought it would be a great start to learn…

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Speaking in Tongues

First off, a little background, as this is my first post on AdLib.  I’m a senior advertising major on the copywriting track. I’m currently interning at Quaker City Mercantile, and having a blast. I’m finishing my classes at Temple this semester, then heading out to the LA study away program to finish my collegiate career. Enough about me. Like I said, my copywriting internship has been going well. I work two days a week, and my days are never the same. There are no structured requirements for interns at QCM, so basically I’m left to my own devices to engage…

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Who knew working could be fun?

I am working at a communications company in Newtown PA called SmartMark. The picture posted is of my desk showing some of my assignments and also how neat everything is to be kept. This experience thus far has been great for me. I am learning a variety of new facts about topics I have never known before. So far, I have not worked with producing logos and advertisements, but I would like to. My goal is to be able to work with our design employee to help with these type of tasks. The owner, Juliet Shavit has inspired me in many…

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“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart”

Being in an intern for the circulation department of Philadelphia Magazine was not all that I thought it would be. I take phone calls, send out magazines, file through the mail, charge credit cards, all of the typical “intern” work. Day after day my days were starting to become more repetitive, even after I asked for other work to do. One afternoon, while I was sitting in my cubicle away from everyone else, I decided that I needed to change what I was doing. I wasn’t meeting anyone, going out and showing my potential to other people, or even learning…

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Savvy Social Media

Everyone knows that social media is becoming an essential part of most marketing projects. This area of advertising leaves room for creative ideas and unique market opportunities which I have had the opportunity to begin working in through my internship at AdBox360, an Internet Marketing Company.  My first account began with our main client Jack’s Rental Search, a Facebook page that allows students in universities nationwide to search for off campus housing conveniently and socially. So far my experience has greatly improved my organizational skills as well as my personal communication skills. I was lucky enough to act as an…

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Teaching High School Advertising

Always the student, I never realized what it was like to be the one in front of the classroom. From brainstorming the content of this course and imagining its potential to seeing it become a reality, was such an enlightening experience. Being only a sophomore, it wasn’t in my original plan to take on an independent study course so early on and become a peer advisor at that; fortunately, it was the best decision I could have made. I believe our ability to to work together and our diversity compliments our expectations for the future -advertising. It gives me a…

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First Day at Palumbo

We prepared for weeks before going in to the classroom but I don’t think that any amount of preparation could have prepared us for what we experienced that very first day of High School Advertising Workshop at The Academy at Palumbo.  Those students exceeded all of our expectations. We (the Temple students) walked in ready to teach these students about advertising and how it works, but surprisingly they already had a solid foundation about what advertising was and how it functions. Some of them even knew how to use Photoshop and other editing software. The talent in the group of…

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Saul Bass

I had to make a post dedicated to one of my favorite artists of all time. If you don’t know/love Saul Bass already, you’re missing out on a world of inspiration. In fact, a lot of his work is probably familiar without having actually heard the name responsible for the genius, so allow me to introduce you. I was definitely surprised at what I learned just reading his wikipedia. Saul Bass, (May 8, 1920 – April 25, 1996) is an American designer and filmmaker best know for his film poster and title designs.His career spans over 50 years, during which time he worked…

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Secret Cinema at Temple Gallery Shows Rare Haunted House Horror Films

Secret Cinema Rare Haunted House Horrors Friday October 28th, 8pm-Midnight Temple Gallery @ Tyler School of Art Admission is Free! Click here to register and reserve your seat! On Friday, October 28th, the Secret Cinema will present a four-hour mini-marathon of Halloween-themed movies at the Temple Gallery, in the Tyler School of Art. Haunted House Horrors will include three rarely-screened horror features and some short subject and cartoons on the same subject will be included. The films will be shown using real film (not video) projected on a giant screen! Horror Features Include: The Man They Could Not Hang (1939, Dir: Nick Grinde)…

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Haunted Histories at Temple Gallery

HAUNTED HISTORIES, HALLOWED GROUND Friday October 28th, 6-7:30pm Temple Gallery @ Tyler School of Art 2001 N. 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122   At Halloween, many abandoned mental health institutions and prisons become haunted attractions. Historians Kelly George and Anne Parsons will speak about the use of abandoned institutions for material gain, especially through marketing efforts that depict those institutions as haunted. Also attend an accompanying exhibition that considers what can we learn from these pasts that haunt our present.   Kelly George is a Doctoral Student in Mass Media and Communication with a concentration in Disability Studies. Her dissertation research examines public…

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Searching For Something Creepy To Do This Week?

Searching for something creepy to do this week? Explore The Laurel Hill Cemetery… Laurel Hill Cemetery is 175 years old, the second major rural garden cemetery in the United States, and one of the few cemeteries in the country designated as a National Historic Landmark. It is 78 acres of outdoor sculpture, gardens, beautiful architecture, history, fall foliage, and of course, dead people. Picnics, strolls through the cemetery, bike rides, dog walkers, painters, and photographers are encouraged! It is a perfect place for a late october excursion. There are self-guided walking, audio, and driving tours. They also hold several events…

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Personal Branding Boot Camp – Networking made easy

  Who, What The Philly Ad Club is hosting a free event for students and young professionals about the ins and outs of networking. (To learn more about the Philly Ad Club click here to visit their website.) Did you know that networking is the “hidden” job market? Over 60% of jobs are filled before they are even posted because of referrals and networking. Don’t miss out on these opportunities because you don’t know how to network effectively. If you attend you will hear from successful industry executives about: • How to network to meet the right people • What…

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“The Persuaders” Film Screening

AIGA Philadelphia presents Frontline’s film “The Persuaders,” that explores how the cultures of marketing and advertising have come to influence not only what Americans buy, but also how they view themselves and the world around them. The documentary draws on a range of experts and observers of the advertising and marketing world. Critic Douglas Rushkoff narrates, offering chilling insight into what he terms “the persuasion industry.” The film is 90 minutes long and is followed by a discussion moderated by Temple University’s own Keith Quesenberry adjunct professor of advertising. To learn more about the film click here When: 10/21/2011 at 7:00PM…

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