Being a jerk online spills over into being a jerk in public! It’s funny that, one of the great powers of the internet is anonymity. People write things online that they wouldn’t dare say face-to-face to anyone. They’d be too embarrassed to act like that in public, but because there is little or no consequence, this type of behavior runs rampant online. Now…what if all of a sudden those same people felt absolutely no shame and decided it was okay to act like that offline? As students of advertising, one of the first things we learn is that, “The medium is the message.” This phrase was coined by Marshall McLuhan back…

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Word of Mouth at its Best!

Of all the things Philly is known for, we’re kind of a big deal when it comes to the restaurant industry. Fine dining, pastries, and bar food aside, our claim to fame is the cheese steak. Depending on whom you ask any number of places could be the best in city. However, 3 names are most consistent: Pat’s, Geno’s and Jim’s. Philly is a big city and in reality, every section has its own comparable and reputable steak shops. So how is it possible that these 3 shops, all located in the same small region have the most notoriety? Word…

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What's Happening in Philly?

PHILLY FUN: Body Worlds 2 & The Brain at The Franklin Institute till April 18th Picasso and the Avant-Garde in Paris at the Philadelphia Museum of Art from February 24th till April 25th; STUDENTS ONLY $19 Flower Show 2/28-3/7  at the Pennsylvania Convention Center; STUDENTS ONLY $18 order online FIRST preseason PHILLIES game on March 3rd 7:05pm VS. Florida State Relay for Life on March 26, 2010; Registration is $15; Temple Ad Club has several participants : Justin Melnick, Mia Mack, Melissa Markowitz, Rebecca Albert, and Katie Killian. For more events/workshops in Philadelphia ADVERTISING FUN: ADDY AWARDS on 3/11 at 6:30-9:30pm. At the Please…

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Texting and Driving

This issue keeps popping up more and more! Texting and driving is causing accidents and it’s becoming very serious. What are your thoughts? Any stories that anyone is willing to share? According to The New York Times, President Obama banned Federal staff from texting and driving. Obama’s next step is to ban it for bus drivers and truckers except for emergencies. I think if you’re going to ban it for some people and not others,  that’s where it becomes an issue. If you’re going to making talking on your cell phone while driving illegal, texting is even more dangerous. Everyone does it—I admit to pulling out…

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