Start to Finish Satisfaction

Over two months ago, my publicist asked me to begin looking at racing events in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh markets for an upcoming Disney movie. Back then, the movie was simply known as “McFarland” but Walt Disney Pictures decided to change the name to “McFarland, USA”. The races needed to be set before Disney even released the trailer. I informed the event coordinators as best as I could by using any information available. And so began my cross-country run with the film. I was able to get The Philadelphia Marathon and The Ugly Sweater Run on board. They agreed to…

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That time I didn’t meet Jake Gyllenhaal

Alright, so the headline may have caused some curiosity but seriously, it happened. Most posts are all about the positives of the internship experience or overcoming the initial issues. This one deals with completely missing the internship mark and missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity. As I was sitting at Penn State main, depressed at the sight of Ohio State almost losing the game. Ohio State pulls off the overtime win, therefore my day of drinking and trash talking efforts are not in vain. Back in Philly, Allied Integrated Marketing had held a little secret from the…

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HMC University

Here’s my Chance, HMC, is a creative agency in Northern Liberties. Their internship program is unique in that there was a great balance of guidance and freedom. We were never once left with a day that we didn’t have something to do whether it was running with an idea to pitch to a senior level staff or it be assisting in research or preparation for a client meeting. We were encouraged to feel like we were apart of the HMC team. We were also encouraged to come together as interns. One of our “intern projects” was being tasked with hosting…

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“Moderating to the Max” Book Review

Moderating to the Max: A Full-tilt Guide to Creative, Insightful Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews, written by Jean Bystedt, Siri Lynn, and Deborah Potts, is an interesting and fun read for anyone interested in conducting interactive and enjoyable qualitative research that creatively spans beyond the typical Q&A. In my  review, I give some background about the book’s content, and also why I would definitely recommend Moderating to the Max to any qualitative researcher, especially those just starting out.

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Keep Your Mind, and Your Options Open

Two years ago, around Christmas time, I was having a conversation with my mother and stepfather.  I had three semesters of FOX prerequisites and GenEds under my belt and was lucky enough to intern at a financial planning firm.  The most important thing I learned over that year and a half was that the financial world and my happiness were not a match made in heaven.   But what was I going to do about it?  Could I change the path I was on and finish on time?  There was no way I could afford any more debt, I didn’t even…

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Lunch & Learn at Blue Skai Media

I like to plan events. Making lists and checking off tasks is fun for me and there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your work culminate into something fun for everyone. However, the events I’ve hosted have been mostly for myself; parties and vacations and such. Being enlisted by my internship to help plan an event for young entrepreneurs seemed daunting, but has turned out to be pretty fun. It is just myself and my four other interns put in charge of putting this together. I’ve never organized a professional event and to my knowledge, neither had any of they, so…

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Intern Survival 101

Brain Power Intern work often consists of easy tasks, but the key to becoming a good intern is asking for more. People will always be impressed with you asking to take on more responsibility and therefore will trust you with more responsibility. It never hurts to ask for more work especially since time goes by faster when you’re busy! Offering to help shows that you are capable of more than your duties and deserve to be there. Creative Juice When ideas are thrown out about an ad or how the copy should read, this is your chance to shine! When…

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WMMR: Saying Goodbye…as an Intern

Hello readers! I am in the final week of my internship with 93.3 WMMR. WMMR is a radio station which houses one of the most popular morning shows in the country and it wouldn’t exist without the help of the Sales department. During the last few months, I have been the Sales Intern at WMMR and have learned information I could not have gotten anywhere else. One of the most important takeaways of my internship is that no two days are the same. One day, you can have an overload of work, whereas the next, you can have none. In…

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The Power of Social Media

While I interned at Harmelin Media, I was involved with the Digital Team. The Digital Team handles display banners, online videos, mobile, search, site analytics, and social. I was involved with almost all the services, but I particularly became familiar with the social service of Harmelin Media. Social media is an integrated part of most people’s lives so I think it’s an incredibly important thing to be aware of.  Harmelin Media uses paid social tools to track its client’s customers all over the world. Being a millennial, I’d say I’m pretty familiar with social media. One thing I realized while being…

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Food and Beverage Signage

At Cashman and Associates I have learned great new ways to spice up an event. One of the best things to do is have food and beverages. Preferably alcoholic beverages. This keeps people happy throughout the night. However, now a days more and more people are health conscious and want to know exactly what they’re eating. So C&A has found creative ways to make food and beverage signs. For example, if it’s an event that involves travel you can use postcards for labeling, or if your event is for a spa/salon you can use red lipstick on mirrored trays. It…

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Opportunities hide in unexpected internships

It’s important to remember to take chances with any and all internship opportunities. Don’t turn down positions just because it’s not exactly something your studying in classes or in the exact field you wish to eventually be in. This is something I had to realize for myself. I wasted a lot of time not having an internship because I was just waiting on the “perfect” one, even though I didn’t know exactly what my idea of that was. I went to a few interviews, but not nearly as many as I should have because I just didn’t apply after reading…

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Steps to Success

This semester I was a intern at Two Aprons Cakes and Catering. This wasn’t the typical Advertising Agency job. However, since I worked for a small business I gained a lot of hands on experience. I look forward to interning with an agency next. In any internship I think there are certain steps to successful experience. Take Initiative. Taking initiative is one of the most important things you should do during your internship. During my time at Two Aprons I made sure my boss and mentors life easier by getting them home on time. Professionalism. Make sure you are professional…

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Clichés Are Cliché For A Reason

During the course of my internship this semester I’ve learned that although cliches are annoying – some are true. ————– “Confidence Is Key” Confidence is a weird thing, sometimes you might not realize you’ve lost it until you are called to do something or are being relied on. During my internship I had to regain confidence in my work and ability to present it. Everyday whether it was my best work or my worst the process of producing actual work really helped me build my confidence back up to what it once was.   “Do Everything With A Smile”  Bad day. No sleep. The…

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Cinderella wears purple…everyone knows that!

Interning at Allied Integrated Marketing has been quite the experience this semester.  Allied Integrated Marketing is an entertainment marketing company that promotes new movies and productions.  The second half of this semester, I was lucky enough to have a part in the promotion of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella for Broadway Philadelphia.  Cinderella was at the Academy of Music November 25th– November 30th.  Believe it or not, Broadway’s Cinderella wears a purple dress and has black hair (this really threw people for a loop).  Some promotions we did for Cinderella include street teaming at local Philadelphia events, Cinderella meet & greets,…

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