One of the Guys

  If you’ve been around campus, you’ve had to have seen this picture in an ad, for the web series “One of the Guys”, that is all over buildings, elevators, you name it. Turns out it has a pretty great story to go along with it. The concept of “One of the Guys” is that a straight man signs a lease for the spare room in an apartment that three gay men currently live in, none of which knew he was straight. It’s a clever twist on stereotypes to see if the guys can really accept this straight guy into…

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My Experience at 102.9 WMGK (so far)

Tomorrow marks exactly one month since the start of my internship at 102.9 WMGK FM, a radio station owned by Greater Media here in Philadelphia.  I have been an avid listener of 102.9 for years, so needless to say, when I got the internship, I was thrilled, although I must admit I was a bit apprehensive as well.  My feelings of uncertainty stemmed from the fact that my internship would exist in the advertising sales department.  As I am studying to be a copywriter, I didn’t know if I would enjoy an internship in sales and thought I may struggle…

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The importance of being a jack of all trades

I am a senior advertising student at Temple interning at Skai Blue Media. My track in school is art direction and my internship is for graphic design. Skai Blue is a small PR firm located in Center City. There are 7 full-time employees and I believe 18 interns per semester. They have clients ranging from fashion designers to nonprofit organizations to large media companies. I have been interning there since the start of the Spring semester. Crossing borders Within the first few days I had a tremendous respect for everything the employees at Skai Blue do. Since they are a…

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R/GA Coming Soon to Kiva Auditorium

R/GA will be visiting Temple University on Friday, February 28th. R/GA is one of the world’s leading digital advertising agencies and a member of Ad Age’s 2013 Agency Hot List who works with a number of clients including Walmart, S.C. Johnson, Nike, Mastercard, Microsoft, Capital One and Verizon to name a few. They will be holding a 90 minute presentation in the Kiva Auditorium of Ritter Hall Annex in order to educate students on various job opportunities in the field. They will discuss a variety of disciplines used daily for online advertising campaigns such as: creative, user experience, media, campaign…

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Diet Coke Names New Creative Director

Coca-Cola has found a new Creative Director for its Diet Coke line in 2013; Marc Jacobs, the world renowned fashion designer will wear a new hat as CD. He will be following in the footsteps of Jean Paul Gaultier who was the creative director in 2012. This years creations will be colorful and fun as he will be giving a new spin to the massively successful Coke brand identify  These ads are scheduled to be unveiled later this month in 2 different European markets. The U.K., France, Benelux, and Iceland with sport iconic looks from the ‘80s, ‘90s, and ‘00s along with the Jacob motifs. [youtube ]

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“No” doesn’t mean “Never.” Sometimes, it just means “Later…”

This is my first semester of senior year and I have finally landed my first internship, at Harmelin Media in Bala Cynwyd, PA! Now, if I have learned one thing about the arduous process of getting someone to hire you, it’s that you should never take no for an answer. If you want to work somewhere, and you get rejected, do not give up. I know it’s been said a million times before, but let me explain… I have been searching for internships since the fall of my sophomore year. It has not been an easy experience. I attended workshops,…

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The Power of the Consumer

Over the past decade, media has shifted quite a bit from its original medium such as magazines and television to online outlets. This shift has caused a tremendous change in the way that we seek out our entertainment. Just a few years ago in 2005, YouTube was created as a video-sharing website that users could upload, share and view various videos on the Internet. Thinking that You Tube is less than ten years old blows my mind considering I don’t even remember life without it. Social Media has increased a significant amount and almost everyone in the world is now…

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TAC: Guest Speaker

Join Temple Ad Club this week for our first guest speaker of the semester! On Monday, February 18th, Jason Grandelli will be speaking at TAC’s general body meeting. Jason is a mobile developer from Urban Outfitters and will be speaking about his past experience with interactive and web media as well as asking any questions you might have for him! This is a great experience to learn more about careers in the advertising industry as well as a great opportunity to network! Don’t miss out on this event and stop by SAC 217D at 4:30 on Monday afternoon.  

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Harlem Shake Keeps Going

Whether you love it or hate it, the new viral video trend that’s sweeping the world is the Harlem Shake. Groups of people from all over are remaking their own amateur versions hoping to get views and make the best Harlem Shake video on YouTube. College students, offices, news reporters, you name it, they’re doing it. It actually all started with the video above from comedian Filthy Frank and after it caught on, YouTube as we knew it changed into the land of Harlem Shake remakes. Who knew an old school dance would resurface as an internet sensation in 2013?…

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            Last semester Temple alum, Devon Moyer offered some advice in her article TED: Ideas Worth Spreading as she neared her graduation date to listen to TED talks on the way to class or whenever you have any free time to spark inspiration and keep you learning even when you’re not in school or doing homework. It was some great advice. Well, now TEDxTempleU is giving you the chance to actually attend a TED like talk here on our campus. TEDx is actually a local program that self-organizes events such as these to keep the ideas…

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Google vs. Facebook

  Facebook has created a new way to search that could quite possibly dethrone the king of search engines, Google Search. Facebook Graph Search goes beyond Facebook and onto the web where it searches for specific answers instead of various links that lead to those answers. Through the help of Bing, Facebook Graph Search will find web results as well as profile specific information when searching. The idea is that people will be able to look for their friends in various places and their information from Facebook Graph Search will be more personally relevant. Facebook now has access to a…

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Career Week Starts this Friday 2/15!

  The Career Center is being kind enough to provide us with another stacked Career Week! There are so many seminars, networking opportunities, and workshops available this week that you won’t want to miss out on all the great resources. It kicks off this Friday with Resumania where you can have your resume reviewed and critiqued by real employers! It continues next week with a Liberal Arts Career Panel, Is this SUITable, Networking Night, Internship Strategies, and closes with a Career Fair. All of these events are structured to make you as business ready as you can be for internships…

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Intern, Intern, Intern

In Advertising, students know that our internships are just as important as our education. Internships open us up to so many more opportunities than just going to class and reading our textbooks. Luckily, the Temple Advertising curriculum requires three credits of an internship. Does that mean you should take one internship and register as three credits? This gives you multiple options. You can break up the three credits and use one in three different semesters. So three different internships. Word of advice, three different internships is better than one! Or you can do what I did and use up all…

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Grammy Awards: Beauty and Fashion Ad Geeks Unite!

Red carpet pre-award show events have become almost more anticipated then the actual award shows they’re representing! These events just happen to be some of the biggest opportunities for beauty and fashion advertisers to grab the attention of fans looking to emulate their favorite stars. It’s a who’s who of the beauty and fashion industry and only the most creative and bold brands will make their statements on the red carpet! It’s always been a great time for designers to get their names out. “Who’s wearing who?” is the most used phrase on the carpet and designers make sure to…

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