The Axe Effect

Many people are familiar with the Axe brand of body spray. Their latest commercial features thousands of women running through trees, and jumping over rocks to get to a man on the beach who is spraying himself with Axe. These women are literally coming at him in every direction, and of course, each one of them is gorgeous and wearing a bikini. Obviously there is a sense of humor in this advertisement. But is it giving off a bad message about women? This is showing that a man can spray on Axe, and a woman will do anything to be…

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Great guerrilla

I came across some really great guerrilla advertising campaigns used on buses. One is for a Baltica Beer. The poles to hang on for people who stand in a bus, actually have beer cans around them. So when you hold onto them, especially in a group, it looks like everyone is holding a beer. Another cool guerrilla bus campaign i found was for a brand of watches. The straps people hold onto, similar to the poles, actually looked like watches that you could slip your hand into. When people hold onto the straps, it actually looks like they are wearing the…

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Does it offend you? Or make you think?

There is always controversy when it comes to animal rights advertising. In the United States PETA is responsible for creating some pretty attention grabbing campaigns. Most of the time they feature a naked celebrity, claiming they’d “rather go naked than wear fur.” If you thought this was shocking you should see what some animal rights groups are doing overseas. A group called, “Humans for Animals”, has produced some extremely shocking advertisements which were created by TBWA in Paris. The ad is set in an arctic location. It features an image of an adult seal killing a human baby. In the…

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A visit to Red Tettemer

We all know that joining TAC has many benefits. One of the main benefits is getting to visit real, and prominent ad agencies. Recently, TAC visited Red Tettemer, a mid-sized agency located right outside of Philadelphia. I got to talk about the visit with Michelle Dunst, 21, who actually set up the trip to the agency. Michelle is a TAC member studying advertising, and in the copywriting track. DW: “So you organized the trip to Red Tettemer? How did you go about deciding upon Red Tettemer as an agency to visit?” MD: “We decided to go there because they have…

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DEC vs. an Internship

Recently, I’ve heard a lot of students contemplating whether to do DEC, or an internship to fulfill necessary credits. Personally, I did an internship, and I know a lot of others who went the same road as I did. I was curious though, what does DEC have to offer? To find out I interviewed Roger John Cassi, 23, who is an advertising student in both the copywriting and art direction track. DW: “What exactly is DEC, and how can students become a part of it?” RJ: “DEC (Diamond Edge Communications) is a student run ad agency, one of only a…

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Why should YOU be a TAC member? What does it have to offer?

Hi everybody! This week I got an inside perspective on what it’s like to be a member of TAC, and learned about some of the great things they do. Since I am not in TAC, I thought it would be helpful not only for myself, but for other students, to see what opportunities the organization has to offer. I conducted an interview with Lindsay Gallagher, age 23, and she had a very helpful and interesting perspective on this topic. DW: “Are you an advertising major? If so, what track?” LG: “I’m actually not an Advertising major. I’m an Art (Studio)…

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A veteran in the industry shares his experience

A few of us from the blog team just left a room from listening to a fabulous guest speaker here at Temple. His name is Ted Regan, and he’s had a successful career in the advertising industry for over 30 years now. For the majority of his career, he worked at N.W. Ayer, which was the first advertising agency in the U.S. located in Philadelphia. In 1973, it  moved to New York. He was a copywriter there, and then went on to become a creative director. He was very informative due to his great knowledge of the business, which comes…

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The current perspective of advertising. How YOU can help fix it.

I got word that TAC was having a guest speaker, so I went today to check it out. The speaker was Tom Czajkowski, who is an associate creative director at Carton Donofrio Partners in Baltimore. He had an interesting take on the advertising industry, and here’s a recap on what he touched upon. He began his presentation by discussing the current state of the advertising industry. He said the business is in a weird situation because right now, people do not like us as advertisers. Most people across the board feel that advertising is interruptive, and regard it as white…

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Social Media in Action

Today JetBlue airlines surprised it’s Twitter followers by announcing that they would be giving out free airfare in Manhattan. The only perk is that you have to “find” them. This is a perfect example of how businesses are beginning to incorporate social media into their advertisement and marketing plans. The idea here is not to promote yourself or your products but instead to offer customers a benefit and value for following your brand. This in turn can help with customer loyalty and maybe even word-of-mouth advertisement.

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"A Virtual Call To Action"

As Temple students, many of us have traveled to the heart of the city only to be greeted by the scent of putrid air and homeless men and women searching for their next meal in a garbage can. Clearly these people are in need of help, but like many problems they go unnoticed. Agency Sarkissian Mason has created a virtual version of a homeless man to aware pedestrians walking the city streets how easy it is to help out someone whose is homeless. Instead of including an awkwardly place headline, a message pops up asking for people to move the…

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