"The Most Interesting Man In The World"…sells beer?

King of Creation Myths! We have a cliché in advertising that goes like this, “Don’t sell the steak. Sell the sizzle.” In a previous post I offered some opinions about Nationwide’s “The World’s Greatest Spokesperson in the World” and Geico’s caveman. In my opinion, the caveman is the greatest spokesperson. Both Nationwide and Geico promote their brands in a current context, but the caveman is rooted in science and history. However, I said that I thought there was someone better. That brings me to Dos Equis’ “Most Interesting Man in the World.” What sets him apart is that his story is told retroactively. “His blood smells…

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Too Much or Just Enough?

Advertising Agency: BDDP & Fils / France The copy of this magazine ad reads “Smoking is being a slave to tobacco.” This photo is only 1 of 3 in the public interest campaign put out by Association de défence contre le tabac. What is the creative strategy here?  To show that dependency on smoking tobacco as a teen leads to being a slave to it, which supposedly leads to sexual abuse? What are your thoughts? Does it work? Does it not work? Would this ad “fly” in the US? image via: I Believe in Advertising

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Are You "In" the loop?

Social Media sites such as Myspace, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have changed the way we communicate with others and the way businesses communicate with us. Nowadays, any business large or small can create a profile on a social media site to connect with consumers. These profiles allow businesses to give their followers access to special offers, updates and benefits that are generally unable to be placed within a traditional ad. Companies ranging from large to local, such as Apple and Insomnia Cookies, are all owners of Facebook, Twitter & Myspace profiles. These social media networks allow companies to build a…

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Crossing the line? Gay dating ad banned by CBS

I recently came across a banned Superbowl advertisement for ManCrunch.com, a website where gay males can interact. This commercial definitely catches you off guard, makes you laugh, and shocks you a bit. CBS apparently thought the ad was too risky to run, and stated it “is not within the Network’s Broadcast Standards for Super Bowl Sunday.” When the commercial begins, it is two men sitting on a couch watching football. Then, when their hands touch suddenly in the chip bowl, they look at each other and start making out. Completely unexpected, and very funny. The main issue at stake was that…

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Philly Ad Club Media Crawl Feb. 2010

I attended the Philly Ad Club Media Crawl. Philly Ad Club hosts many of these ‘Crawls’ reaching out to companies specifically in Philadelphia. During this event we visited Philadelphia Business Journal, CBS Radio, KYW Radio, and Fox 29. This was a great experience to gain knowledge in this specific industry. As a college student looking for internships and job opportunities each company provided helpful information on how to apply, and specific things that they look for. Here are some YouTube clips from the employees who spoke to us. Philadelphia Business Journal; Amanda Kalbrosky: Intern Joe O’Brien: Director of Production Brian…

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Internship Interview #1: Alex Riley & Harmelin Media

Hi everyone! My name is Devan West, and I am a senior studying advertising at Temple. We all know how important it is, especially in this major, to have an internship. After all, it is a requirement in the curriculum. Currently, many students in the advertising department hold internships at some of the most prominent companies in Philadelphia. I will be sitting down with the students in these positions weekly in order to give others a better insight of what it’s like. This week I got to sit down and talk with Alex Riley, 21, who is in the account…

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There are many “Shock Advertisements” going around. This Ad was created by an advertising agency, Serve, that Family Violence Partnership hired. This advertisement is to make people more aware of the rising acts of statutory rape, specifically in Milwaukee, where it is being found more prominent. Is this something that should be advertised? Is this effective?What are your views?

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