In this podcast, I share my take on whether or not it's ethical to do research for advertising purposes to pregnant mothers and their babies in the womb.
Read MoreBrandwashed by Martin Lindstrom
The best advice I could give to another student is to get an internship as soon as you can.
Read MoreGet Yourself an Internship ASAP
If you told me that as a senior in college, I would be sitting on a panel as a student representative from Facebook, I probably would have laughed in your face.
Read MoreFrom Planning to the Podium: My Experience Sitting on a Panel
“The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30”
Read MorePie-ghtmares
Why do we love certain brands - the ones that feel like ours - and passionately or indifferently reject the rest?
Read MoreThe Better Mousetrap: Brand Invention in a Media Democracy
Almost immediately upon opening Unmarketing, you're introduced to the idea of the hierarchy of buying.
Read MoreUnmarketing by Scott Stratten
Being able to see my work in real time will be a dream come true!
Read MoreMaking an Impact in My City
This internship is truly the highlight of my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Read MoreAn Internship to Remember
Not to sound cliché, but interning at Grayson Sky has truly allowed for me to grow as a designer and aspiring art director.
Read MoreSmall, But Mighty
This semester, I was given the opportunity to work on accounts for Fox Searchlight, Open Road Films, Lionsgate, Sony Films, and Universal Films.
Read MoreThe Glamorous Life of an Entertainment Intern
I’m currently serving as an intern for Cordasco Financial Network, which is a financial advising agency located in Center City.
Read MoreNo internship? Read this post
My Philadelphia Style Magazine internship was the type of internship that I've always dreamed of doing.
Read MoreA Couture State of Mind
When you're done interning, it's important to take the things you've learned and use them in the future. Here are some tips that I've learned from my time interning at a small local nonprofit.
Read MoreWhat to Take Away From Your Internship
This book offers priceless advice on how to build, maintain and even stand out in the digital space.
Read MoreHow to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age – A Book Review
So now here I am, finishing my last week of internship but with a promised paid position in the near future; how’d I get here?
Read MoreHow I Turned My Internship Into a Career