Courtney E. Bailey

Courtney E. Bailey

A Success Workshop & A Winning Campaign!

Monday, December 10th, marked the end of the Philly Ad club HS workshop. The turn out for the final presentation was greater than expected. The students from both high schools came together to present their final campaigns to Philabundance and…

Sharing our Enthusiasm for Advertising!!

Temple University has partnered up with Philly Ad Club to travel to local public high schools to start an after school advertising club. We are teaching these students the basic advertising concepts and skills so that at the end of…

Life of a Pharma Intern!

This summer I had the opportunity to be an Intern at Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide, in their Speciality Marketing department. Specialty Marketing specializes in Oncology and Hep C related drugs. I am one of 13 interns! Working at Ogilvy CommonHealth has been…

Intense last week!

For my internship at Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide, the interns are put into groups to put together a project. Our project this year was to bring awareness of a pro bono client to the employees of Ogilvy CommonHealth. The client we…