“Difficulties Mastered Are Opportunities Won.”

I met Seun Olubodun almost a year ago. At the time, his business was dependent on ‘trunk shows.’ Since he started Duke & Winston in 2009, Seun has spent countless hours at booths and tables all over the region selling his graphic t-shirts, sweatshirts, and accessories. I experienced it all for myself last summer as I tagged along with him on many occasions. It’s more grueling than glamorous, but it has allowed Seun to create a strong bond with his customers. It’s not just vending; it’s constant networking, an open suggestion box, a think tank, and more. Consistently fighting a…

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Finally, it’s about time.

As a technical writing intern at Philadelphia Gas Works that started this January, I haven’t been doing much work related to advertising. Once again, technical writers deal with the communication between a piece of paper and the audience. I always like to use the example of how the manuals that are given when purchasing a piece of furniture from Ikea were written by tech writers. I’ve written some documents, however, not as much as I wanted to. I’ve seen and worked with many of the tech writers here and they are truly clever. I always see them as advertisers because they are…

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Skai Blue Media: Internship Experience

Nervous. Excited. I had a rush of feelings when I first started my Internship with Skai Blue Media. Looking back on my first day, any anticipation I had, I left at the door as I stepped foot in the office. I was so warmly welcomed by everyone and was eager to get to work. Prior to starting, I had never considered working in PR, and honestly was unaware of the industry. As far as the office atmosphere, I am pleasantly surprised by how compatible and open everyone is, especially working with such a small group a people. In PR, connections…

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The Magazine Vol. 1

Spring semester of 2012 I have been interning at Philadelphia Style Magazine. At my internship I assist the publisher’s assistant. Interning at Philadelphia is a wonderful experience. The past few months we put together the Tori Burch issue of the magazine. Since I intern for the publishers assistant we handled a lot of the advertising. This consisted of filing contracts, filing names into the database and calling a lot of advertisers. Doing this has gotten me very comfortable with speaking to people on the phone. I have received the opportunity to see how advertising travels through a magazine and what…

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“All Great Things Must Come to an End”

My time here at 20nine is coming to a close and I can’t help but think about how fast it went. I met amazing people and learned invaluable things that I will remember throughout my journey in the professional world. I never once had to run and get coffee or do busywork just for the heck of it. I was always given a task that mattered to 20nine in some way. I performed each one to the best of my abilities. That is why I learned so much and will take that wherever I go next. Since my last post,…

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Doing the Small Stuff

When I first got to my internship at PHL17, I got to find out that one of my tasks at my internship would be to watch the front desk from time to time. At first I was slightly discouraged. I never showed it, I just enthusiastically accepted the job, but I wanted to get to the heart of advertising in my internship and fast. Some of the staff even apologized to me for giving me such a “typical intern task” as they put it but I waved away their concern because I knew I would be getting to the advertising…

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The Importance of Being…Social?

When you finally get the internship that you wanted, this might not be your first priority. The nervousness and excitement you feel on the first day may cause your top focus to just be not to trip over your own feet as you walk to your cubicle. However, your sociability and amiableness could be key to ensuring your internship is one you are learning the most from. When you are friendly (genuinely friendly) and show a simple interest in someone’s day or how they are feeling, then it shows that you care and you start to build a relationship with…

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Magazines Are Realizing Pinterest’s Potential

With Pinterest’s rising popularity, Hearst, a company that produces magazines such as O, the Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan and Town & Country, are recognizing how important it is that each magazine have its own presence on Pinterest. The company has even put together a team of “Pinterns” to man the maiden voyage of the company’s Pinterest involvement. For magazines to be on Pinterest makes an incredible amount of sense. Metrics recently studied nearly 1 million pins on Pinterest, and discovered the most popular categories for “Pin Boards” to be: Home (17.2%), Arts and Crafts (12.4%), Style/Fashion (11.7%) and Food (10.5%) matching all…

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Crazy Steve’s 2

Hi everyone!! So I just recently finished the logo for the “One Jar, One Meal, One Solution” campaign that Crazy Steve’s is doing.  I think it came out well and my boss loves it!  So I’m satisfied.  I’m at work right now so when I get a chance I will upload my design for the logo I just finished. The next  and last projects I will be working on is a banner for the campaign to display when he does his demos at the stores and hopefully a graphic design for his t-shirts that he also sells and distributes. So hopefully,…

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Hearst Creates Its Own YouTube Channel

Print isn’t obsolete just yet, however magazine companies are well aware of their need to expand their content and increase ad dollar revenue through other mediums. Hearst Company, which produces magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Esquire, and Town & Country, will begin producing several YouTube-hosted TV shows in the near future. YouTube has put out $100million in an attempt to expand its audience by sponsoring a variety of new content from large corporations – Hearst being one of them. YouTube has given Hearts $10million to kickstart their “Hello Style” Channel, which will feature shows such as “Sexy vs Skanky” via Cosmopolitan’s already…

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  I was walking around this past weekend and saw on the newsstand an interesting magazine cover. I talked about this in the past but I constantly see magazine companies playing around with their magazine covers. The Glamour Magazine has issued their April 2012 issue with Lauren Conrad with untraditional looking magazine covers. Usually we see magazine covers to be more organized or possibly chaotic but we don’t usually see magazine covers like the one from Glamour Magazine. Unlike other magazines such as Cosmopolitan or Seventeen Magazine, they decided to put words around the figure in a very untraditional way.…

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Sex Sells. Right?

After looking at the Glamour Magazine cover, I was thinking about something. Nudity. We see from time to time magazine covers with nudity. I understand that sex does sell and it gets the reader to buy the product. But my initial thought was that, why would there be nudity of women in a magazine cover for women. (and for men as well) So I started digging around and I remembered couple nude magazine covers. I wanted to start off with the Glamour Magazine for the current issue. People are all infatuated with reality stars like Lauren Conrad but, her being semi…

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Google: Looking into the Future. Literally.

Google has created an augmented reality glasses called Project Glass. The glasses itself looks very futuristic and it can perform simple functions and it acts like a smartphone, a navigation system, a day planner, camera, and so on. So could these glasses be a HIT or a FLOP? What do you think? Could these glasses have some kind of effect for advertising in general? Maybe Facebook and Apple should be on the lookout. Could this be a major competition for them in the near future? I, myself, am a major fan of Google and I have always been fond of…

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Too Boring.

I continued to look through Detail Magazineand found something interesting and very different. I don’t know if any of you followed Ray-Bans print advertisements but they had series of Ray-Ban campaigns. There had series of interesting campaigns done by the brand Ray-Bans but in the Detail Magazine, I came across an advertisement for sunglasses and it seemed a bit off. In the magazine, they were advertising different brands of sunglasses such as Louis Vuitton and Ray-Bans. The advertisement for Ray-Bans still seemed consistent with the previous advertisement campaigns although, it seemed to lack creativity. Even though it was a series…

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Magazine Pulls “Real Women” from their LinkedIn Network for Spread

Marie Claire magazine recently launched a thrice-yearly supplement aimed at the working woman called “MarieClaire@Work”. Brands such as Buick and White House Black Market are among several advertisers in the issues, but Marie Claire decided to make this supplement personalized to the every woman in more ways than one: namely, using “real” women as models. In fact, these are women that they have screened professionally and whose personal stories and advice agreed with Marie Claire’s @Work brand message. The issues strive to connect with their readers on a deeply personal level, and are working to achieve this by relating to the…

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