Disturbing Pro-Anorexia Content Banned on Pinterest

Pinterest has taken up a united front against Thinspiration/Pro-Ana (common terminology for Pro-Anorexia) pin boards on their website. “Thinspiration” blogs, tumblrs, and group sites outside of Pinterest have been around for years. They often consist of women posting images of sometimes buff yet more often severely underweight role models to encourage its viewers to aspire to look like said women. No doubt everyone points fingers at advertising and the fashion industry for negative body image issues that women of all ages develop. Photoshopping is rampant in our industry and rarely does anyone deny it anymore. However it is difficult to…

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Dana Tanamachi

Wow, I really respect this woman. Dana Tanamachi is a designer and custom chalk letterer living in Brooklyn. That’s right, custom chalk letterer. I bet that looks really cool on her resume. She does a variety of work including package design, magazine and catalog work, and so much more. As I was watching some of her time lapse videos of her work, it just made me sad. why? Because her work isn’t permanent. But maybe that’s how she likes it. Dana’s most recent work is the O magazine cover. It’s the first cover done entirely hand- lettered. What an honor! Also, check…

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Vivian Maier

As you may have read in my last post, I had the opportunity to view original Vivian Maier Photos at the AIPAD photography show. I learned about Vivan last year, and her story is one of a kind. Of course, she wasn’t famous when she was alive. Maier died in 2009, just before her thousands upon thousands of negatives were discovered. In fact, she never even saw many of her own photographs. She was a nanny/housekeeper by profession, and street photographer in her free time. It seems like every photo she took was a work of art, which is rare for…

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Working around advertising

Since last summer, I have been interning at Philadelphia Gas Works two blocks from Temple’s campus. Towards the beginning, I made posters & conducted surveys for employees dealing with security in the office. While my main focus is in Advertising, I am minoring in IS & T. Therefore, during Fall semester of 2012, I switched positions to the IT department fixing mobile laptops. It was great interning at an organization that can provide me experience in both fields. Because I still wanted to stay here & use this internship to get credit, I switched to Technical Writing to enhance my copywriting…

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Countdown to Timeline!

I hope you guys haven’t been living under a rock and know what’s been creating a buzz since late last year. Facebook Timeline. I remember back in November/December I saw an option to change my profile to Timeline. I remember I checked it out, I wasn’t to fond of it but I said what the heck, Facebook would eventually change it anyways. The part that stood out to me was how easily I could go back in time. It actually brought back a lot of cool, fond memories from my freshman year at Temple. It wasn’t long until Facebook announced…

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The World Of STRATA

As a Media Planner/Buyer intern I have become very very familiar with the software STRATA.  Strata Marketing, Inc. is the leader in software for the media industry.  There are many different programs that run on STRATA but for my internship I focus mainly on two programs, VIEW and SBMS Net.  VIEW is the main program used for media planning; it allows you to easy create a full media campaign.  You just plug in your day part (ex: M-Su 6a-7a) and with the certain market you selected it will calculate reach and frequency.   VIEW is easy to learn and makes a…

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My advice for future interns!

My name is Lindsay Smith, and I was lucky enough to score an internship with Harmelin Media, a great media buying and planning agency just outside of the city.  This experience has taught me so much about working in the real world, dealing with different people, and working to solve problems to create a great end result for the company and the client. Based on my own successes and flaws starting my first internship, I compiled a list of some advice that may help future students! 1) Always show up on time.  Even better, be the first to show up and the last to leave. …

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“Design is creativity with strategy.”

Students at Temple see thousands of advertisements on campus each day.  Some are hung on bulletin boards; others are passed out on Liacouras Walk. But the ads and event posters hanging in the Louis J. Esposito Dining Center and the Valaida S. Walker Food Court in the Student Center—are made by me and the rest of the marketing team at Sodexo! Sodexo is in charge of all dining services here at Temple University.  This includes the Dining Hall, the Student Center Food Court, and other retail locations located all over campus, including Starbucks, Jazzman’s, Lucky Cup, Simply To Go, Café…

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The Neiman Adventures: The End is Near?

Xand Griffin here again, and my internship at Neiman is awesome. Now that the semester’s end is near, let me tell you about some of the things I got wrong. This post is going to be a long winded one, but everyone who’s an art director should know these things.The three major things you should have before starting an art direction internship are comping skills, program skills, and optimism. To be an art director, you have to be able to express your idea visually. Now, in my experience as an art direction intern, you have to start somewhere, and that…

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Challenges, Mistakes and My First Broken Sample

My name is Patrick and I am currently a senior in Temple’s Advertising program, with a concentration in Art Direction.  Last summer, I worked at Macy’s Merchandising Group in New York City as a Product Development intern for their private label brands.  This semester, I was afforded the opportunity to further my retail knowledge skill-set by interning in buying, planning and merchandising at Anthropologie’s home office, in Philadelphia’s Naval Yard. When I began interviewing at URBN Inc., a company which also owns well-known brands like Free People and Urban Outfitters, I considered myself strictly an apparel person, limiting myself to the…

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AIPAD photo show

This weekend I have the incredible opportunity to attend the AIPAD (The Association of International Art Dealers) Photo show in New York City. The show was held at the Park Ave. Armory and panel discussions were held throughout the day on Saturday. One of the panels I attended was “A Celebration of Franchesca Woodman”. I was extremely excited about this because her work is a big influence in mine. My work isn’t quite as eerie, but her use of space is similar to how I work. Before attending this panel, I didn’t know much about her except for the fact…

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Anthropologie Personified

It has been nearly 10 weeks since I started my internship at Anthropolgie in Rittenhouse Square and time has been flying by. One of the coolest things at Anthropologie is that everything is designed and created in-house. As an intern to the Visual Display Coordinator, hours upon hours of this semester have been spent crafting. Yes, I actually receive REAL college credits to hot glue, paint, sew, and hot glue some more.  While the crafts may be tedious, the end results are unreal. The amount of beauty and pseudo-realism that goes into the large installations at Anthropologie is often underestimated.…

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Alberto Seveso

To be honest, I am only intrigued by one of Alberto’s series of works. But hey, to each his own, right? I’ve seen this done plenty of times, but these are just stunning. It’s amazing how something so simple can be so intriguing. Ink and water is all you need. Well that, and a fast lens of course. The rest of Alberto’s work is a kind of a mixture of everything he’s done. He uses these ink plumes in other projects but I really don’t care the rest of his work. To me, its over done and a little cheesy. But the simple…

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A Good Kind of Sweat

  This week, I took a look at the April 2012 issue of Detail Magazine. In this magazine I found an advertisement that I’ve seen many times before. I was thinking about whether or not I should talk about this advertisement but I am in a very simple advertisement kind of mood. So, the advertisement that I am talking about is for Gillette body wash and deodorant. It’s their odor shield line where it’s meant for people who sweat a lot. Men are prone to sweating a lot because most of us are very active. We play sports and are…

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Scout & Catalogue

I’m not entirely sure how I came across this, but I guess that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that that photography is just my type, and this is a little bit of a selfish post. Honestly, what attracted me to Scout & Catalog were the photos, but then I looked at the fashion and it made it 10x better! “During a year living in Mexico Scout & Catalogue was born out of the desire to live a simpler, more balanced life. While we no longer live in a little house with a view of the sea Scout & Catalogue continues…

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