Bobos Invade our cities, then leave.

Since the 90’s the Bobos have been invading our cities and changing the way they look.  Bobo is a term which combines the two words Bohemian and Bourgeoisie; these two words seem as though they would never be put together, but this consumer group has values and ideals from both sides of the spectrum.  Their motivations combine those of the liberal idealists of the 1960’s and entrepreneurial materialists of the 1980’s (Brooks, 2000).  The Bobos have not only changed the way which advertisers must communicate with the consumer, but have changed the look of the business world. Karl Marx has…

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5 Campaigns that Paved the Way

5 Campaigns that Paved the Way   We can all think of the most creative ads we’ve ever seen, the most successful, or even the funniest ones, but after reading James Twitchell’s, 20 Ads that Shook the World, I now know the most impactful ads ever created. These campaigns paved the way for current art, copy, and research directors. They paved the way, in a sense that their contribution to the ad changed the way people view advertising and products in general. In his book, Twitchell highlights various campaigns, some of which have were short lived but, their sincere…

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5 Essentials for Marketing to Green Moms

Understanding the mindset of your consumer is key when developing a strategy, deciding upon creative and even interacting with them through social media. It’s the basis for how they’re going to react to your ads and as the market becomes more segmented it’s getting harder to keep up with each group. One group that’s been on the rise in the past few years is the “Green Mom”. It’s becoming easier to make green changes and more and more moms are taking the opportunity to do it. They’re becoming a large part of the women’s marketplace and reaching them effectively will…

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Why and how, advertising to “Tech Setters”

There is always some new kind of technology gadget coming out. Once you think you’ve gotten the best and newest gadget, another one comes out and tops it, much like when the IPad came out. Now consumers are running after the IPad 2 and sure enough another new gadget will prevail.  Companies like Apple, Verizon, and other top gadget creators would be smart to advertise to a consumer group that I like to call “Tech Setters.” These are the people who buy the latest technology products and are the go to people for information and reviews on the newest gadgets. They are the trend setters…

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3 Ways Women Influence Advertising

female-buying-power 1. Most women are in control of finances and budgets 2. Women make majority of purchasing decisions 3. All targets can be reached through women 80% of all purchasing decisions are made by women (Buisness Week). In the household women are in control of where the money is spent and how much of it is spent. This is why advertisers have realized this is a strong target to market towards. In a household, mothers and wives are the outlet to all other family members. They make the purchases for their children and spouses, therefore influencing brand loyalty to the…

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More than a religion, more than a consumer.

What do you think of when you hear Muslim?  …Islam? Well, according to a study performed by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 35% of Americans view Muslims in a negative light.  Another 45% believe Islam to be more of a violent religion than any other.   Meanwhile, Islam is the second most followed religion in the world; that’s 21% of the planet’s entire population – nearly 1.8 billion people!  Stereotypes and world events lead most people to associate all Muslims with Arab extremists of the Middle East, while in reality only 10% of Muslims are of Arab…

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Are you Lost? Today’s 20-somethings.

If you’re a 20-something today… chances are, you’re a Lost Boy (or Girl). Today’s young adults are increasingly delaying maturity by putting off the traditional adult rites of passage (think: completing school, leaving home, achieving financial independence, settling into a life-long career or starting a family) much later in life than previous generations. Members of this group live in a transitional period in which moving between jobs, relationships, and living arrangements occurs quite frequently. Their tendency to put off “adulthood” has caused this group to be discussed as the “Peter Pan Generation” and labeled such things as “kidults,” “adultescents,” “twixters,”…

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The Cougar Phenomena

The Cougar has become the latest buzz of pop culture phenomena. From shows like The Real Desperate Housewives, Sex in the City, and the recent, Cougar Town, to the constant tabloid reports of Cougars ‘on the prowl”, there is no doubt that the Cougar craze is sweeping the nation. Even E! Entertainment network did a countdown special, in 2008, called the “25 Hottest Hollywood Cougar Tales”. This trend has been perpetuated by the influence of many celebrity women and it has become a social phenomenon. Demi Moore, Madonna, Kim Cattrall, and Courtney Cox, are just a few of the many…

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Forget Disaster… Disruption means SUCCESS

In most instances, disruption spells disaster but in the case of international advertising agency TBWA, disruption meant innovation. Innovation that would challenge conventional thinking and set precedence in the advertising industry. Author and co-founder of TBWA, Jean- Marie Dru, discusses the concept of disruption in his book, How Disruption Brought Order. In it, he talks about the fairly unknown concept that allows companies to raise brand status and perception among their consumers while separating themselves from their competition. “Disruption is a catalyst for the imagination, a guide that opens up many paths, a method that allows us to turn perspectives inside out, a…

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A Rewarding Foursquare

I know Sheryl is getting tired of my posting from my native blog Popflys, but I just had to share this one. Developed around the framework of Foursquare, the app Turf basically “gamifies” the experience with rewards and social interaction beyond checking in. I might actually start playing this if there are a decent amount of locations in Philly. I’m actually really hype on the Turf Geography Club game. Honestly the whole 8-bit style is cooler than hi-def as well. Check out their website, which is completely kick-ass, and download the app if you have an iPhone . Big ups…

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You win some, You lose some

Just like with anything else in life, some times you have a good day and some times you have a bad day.  There are ups and down to everything, including the ad biz.  Since I’ve been interning at Neiman Group, I’ve had the chance to witness great successes as well as some unfortunate losses when it comes to wining pitches.  I’ll start with the unfortunate.  As you may know, Neiman Group has done work with our very own Temple University in the past more specifically the Temple “T” inserted into different words campaign.  They responded to an RFP a few…

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The moral of the story is: Morale

One thing every aspiring advertising executive must learn to deal with is working long, very long, hours so it’s important to keep the team’s spirits up!  There is no such thing as a steady 9-5.  What I’ve learned from interning at Neiman Group is that every person depending on their work load starts and finishes work at a different time and that the agency often sees each other at work more than they see their loved ones.  It’s important to help out all members of the team in agency life, to ensure the best work is produced and that colleagues…

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Fox Wrap Up

As my time as an intern at Fox winds down, there has been a lot of exciting projects I have been working on. For the past year Fox was secretly working on a new re-branding campaign which has been very exciting to work on. Due to the fact that it was a secret we could not discuss it out of the office, but behind the scenes it was interesting to work on. I also witnessed my bosses interacting with their Advertising Agency who was working on the campaign, which was great experience. It gave me some great insight to everything…

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Flyers Playoff

I have an internship with the Philadelphia Flyers. These past couple of weeks have been crazy at the internship obviously because it is playoff time! At the internship I am a part of the in-game promotional team called the Fun Patrol- super fun I know. If you have ever been to a game we are the ones rocking the bright neon orange Fun Patrol T-shirts and jump suits- they call us the “Orange and Black Pack.” Since the playoffs started I can’t tell you the atmosphere of the arena. Our job is to interact with fans and crowd before and…

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The End Is Here

I have now reached the final week of my internship at The Nouveau Image. It has truly been a very rewarding experience. I was able to learn a lot during the course of the internship. I always enjoy being able to apply my skills outside of the classroom. As I have stated in previous posts this internship was more public relations based; whereas my academic foundation is in the field of advertising. Though both fields fascinate me I believe that I have stronger skills in advertising. Somewhere in the future I would not mind further exploring public relations. This internship…

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