If there's one thing that's been consistent about 2020 it's adapting to new things that come your way.
Read MoreFrom the Student Center to Zoom
This year has been unprecedented. Luckily for me, I was able to secure an internship with Navitas Marketing.
Read MoreNew Challenges, New Opportunities
Regardless of how intimidating the concept of internships may be, they are absolutely crucial in one's college journey.
Read MoreInterning At AMERICAE – Fashion Marketing Edition
I have been lucky enough to participate in an internship where I have the opportunity to try my hand at a little bit of everything in the digital marketing space.
Read MoreJack of All Trades, Master of None
My internship at DSG has shown me what road I want to begin to drive down.
Read MoreMy Internship Experience
After this experience, I am very determined to continue working as a copywriter in a pharmaceutical setting.
Read MoreInterning in a Pharmaceutical Setting during COVID-19
When I was brought on at Marquis and Co. I realized the importance of trying to fit as many hats on my head as possible.
Read MoreBecoming A Hat Person At Marquis and Co.
I’ve gotten hands-on experience in working with many different teams, speaking to clients, working on websites, and more.
Read MoreStarting My Career at FourFront
Overall, my experience at Philly PR Girl has been incredible and eye opening.
Read MoreNavigating The Internship World Through A Pandemic!
If writing is your passion, don’t let your nerves get to you, just write, even if your idea doesn’t make sense.
Read MoreWrite like no one will ever read it
Working with American INSIGHT was a life changing experience.
Read MoreInternship: You Define It!
This experience has taught me that you can think outside the box and that all ideas are welcome.
Read MoreInternship Experience during a global Pandemic
This internship has given me a lot of confidence in my ability to learn to help however I can, wherever I am needed.
Read MoreI Got The Opportunity To Help Rebrand A Skincare Company
The team I worked with was made up of incredibly creative, welcoming, and driven individuals, I am so thankful for them.
Read MoreDesigning for Temple’s STHM
The way to succeed working remotely is through clear communication.
Read MoreThe Key To Working Remotely