Relaxed Vibe of an Agency

I’m a firm believer that attitude and positivity can affect your work and the quality of it. Before interning at BOCO this summer, I was aware of the more relaxed vibe of a creative agency, but I was never really sure how much it was implemented. After interning at BOCO, I’ve learned that the relaxed vibe of an agency truly does help the workflow of the employees, and overall raises the morale of the group. The dress for the company is casual and all employees are welcomed to express themselves and their personality. There is no discrimination or any rules…

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Home for Hope – Hope for the Future

I am interning at BOCO Digital Media this summer. BOCO focuses primarily pharmaceuticals, and though I have learned a lot particularly about that field, I also have discovered from interning here exactly what I want to do with my degree when I graduate. One day at my internship, my coworker shared with me a video that made me instantly realize how I want to utilize all the skills I’ve learned. Knowing that I am an avid dog lover, he showed me a video that he saw on Facebook about a campaign that certain Ikea locations were participating in. The campaign…

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How I Got Rejected From A Bunch of Lame Internships and Landed One Pretty Cool One

A lot of summer happened this summer, and I survived, only just barely.  My friends went home, I made new friends, they also went home,  I moved into a new house,  I watched the Lego Movie like five times,  I bought Death Grips tickets, Death Grips broke up, and I cried a lot.  I loved, I lost, I interned. I went into this summer with a singular goal: Get an internship so I don’t have to take 17 credits the next two semesters in a row to graduate on time.  Internship searching while prepping for finals is one of the…

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Harmelin Media Internship

This summer, I did an internship with Harmelin media, a buying and planning agency on city line avenue. It was great interning with a large company, where I was given the opportunity to work in multiple departments. When I applied for my internship, I was asked by Harmelin’s internship coordinator to work in the sports marketing and traffic departments. Without any knowledge of what occurs in a traffic department, I told the internship coordinator it was fine. While I was nervous for what kind of work I’d be doing on my first day, the people that I worked with were…

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“The Dude’s” Top 5: Successful Internship Tips

My name is Josh Zimmerman and I’m an intern at D4 advertising agency in Manayunk PA.  I’m an aspiring copywriter, renowned film buff, and a proud Temple Owl.  Hoot!  Hoot! *Inspired by the Coen Brothers film The Big Lebowski 1. Work Attire “You don’t go out looking for a job dressed like that? On a weekday?” Turn on an episode of Mad Men and you’ll likely notice the fashionable 1950’s work attire worn by the employees of the fictional agency Sterling Cooper.  Although Jon Hamm may appear dashing, wearing a skinny tie, smoking a hand rolled cigarette, all the while expertly…

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I Scream for Ice-Cream!

My name is Veronica Moyer and I have been interning with two radio stations in Philly this summer: Wired 96.5 (Philly’s Party Station) & 92.5 XTU (Philly’s Country Station). I have been working with both stations as an intern in the promotions department and I have also been interning in the studio with Buster during his afternoon show on Wired 96.5. Both radio stations do this awesome form of promotion in the summer by sending out ice cream trucks throughout the city of Philadelphia, New Jersey, and the rest of the Delaware Valley giving out free ice cream. I have…

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Ready For My Close-Up

There are many perks that come with working at a small agency.  Bagel Wednesdays, 5$ Burger Tuesdays and an agency-wide game of music popcorn everyday are just a few.  My insatiable appetite for food aside, d4 Creative Group has given me some unique opportunities in different aspects of advertising.  In less than a month, I have been involved in brainstorming sessions, designing food truck wraps, logos and website comps, compiling stock footage for commercials and designing storyboards.  The opportunity we had the most fun with was a photo shoot for a perspective client.  Since d4 does all production in-house, we wanted…

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Brain Snacks

When it comes to Lego vs. K’nex, I have always been a K’nex kid.  I received a huge tub for Christmas one year and loved them.  The creative freedom that came with K’nex was so much more extensive than the restriction I felt with Lego.  I also created the stereotypical K’nex roller coaster in junior high.  When my friend came to me two months ago saying d4 needed more design interns to work on K’nex, I was so excited.  Not only was I way more familiar with that product over Lego, I actually liked the brand and product more.  The…

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More beneficial than classes

As sad as it sounds, I have truly learned more during this summer internship than I ever have in a classroom setting.  My boss at Vintage Tub & Bath, is very good at making time to sit down with me at least twice a week and teach me something new.  He stresses how if you want to make money in this industry you need to focus and learn all you can know about PPC (pay-per-click) and SEO (search engine optimization).  For example, I have worked with Google Adwords every day I have been working here and I understand now why…

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UO Summer Client

What a dream come true it’s been working at Tierney this summer. From the initial first step it was all surreal. Anxiously waiting to hear our client we all couldn’t help but wonder and chat on who it could be, and then it was revealed, Urban Outfitters. This all was such a rush and the most exciting point in my career by far. I was working with Urban Outfitters to pitch a huge campaign for them by the end of the summer, and it has been all things fun and crazy. On August 6th, I will give the most important…

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Intern 101: 10 Tricks

Internships are a great way to gain experience within the field of your choice, develop occupational and personal skills and make lasting connections.  I thought I would share a few of the things that I learned while being an Intern. Tips, tricks and tactics for success. 1. Proofread EVERYTHING…… Especially in the advertising/media industry. Things move fast and pressure to get things out can make you feel rushed but always cross your T’s and dot your I’s. Read everything 3 times; have someone else read it. But remember that everyone makes mistakes. 2. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you…

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Ask me anything about bathtubs…

I never thought an ad internship would allow me to learn so much about bath stuff.  This summer (going into my junior year) I was just going to work at the summer job I have had for years.  However, my mom’s good friend is the president of a company called Vintage Tub & Bath and she offered me an internship position with their marketing department.  The company’s big seller is clawfoot bathtubs, but they also sell other expensive home appliances and high end home decor.  The nice part about the position is it is a couple minutes away from my house…

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Coming Down to the Wire

This week has been absolutely hectic with my Supervisor gone for the week on a business trip. The big assignments I’ve been working on with the other interns are all due early next week, and unfortunately, we need our Supervisor’s guidance and wisdom. The quarterly magazine, “Philly Review” is due tomorrow, but the the edits are not quite finished. The presentation of the market research the two marketing interns and I put together is due next Monday and Tuesday. Monday we are doing a dry run presentation in front of the other interns in the office to receive feedback and…

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A Boat Party in the City

I’m in my second month interning at Weber Shandwick in Baltimore (Advertising) and the general atmosphere is pretty light. Dress is casual/business casualish, pretty much jeans and t-shirts are fine but we usually draw the line at spaghetti straps. The office is freezing though so everyone has a sweater, blanket or snuggie at their desk regardless. There was a dog in here just hanging out last week, my coworkers routinely have lightsaber battles toward the end of the day. Most of my coworkers are between the ages of 22 and 30. I’m the youngest (21). Recently we had an event…

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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Vector Traces

(This is a short story about some of the less-fun work interns tend to encounter.  This is an entirely dramatized and completely personal account, and is in no way meant to reflect poorly on anyone other than myself.  Enjoy.) … The days all kind of blur together anymore.  I think it began about three weeks ago if it ever began at all.  I am no longer certain of anything. What they tell me is a client had ordered a 10 minute “whiteboard video” for their website.  Typically you just videotape an illustrator drawing, speed it up, and make sure it…

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