“Buy.ology” by Martin Linstrom

Throughout this book, the author, Martin Lindstrom, attempts to prove to his readers that through neurological testing, advertisers can discover what consumers really want, because sometimes their words aren’t the complete truth.  Each chapter offers a different example of a test done often times through fMRI testing that show which parts of the brain consumers are using when making purchase decisions and simply viewing advertising.  The first of these tests was done on smokers, and whether or not they really understand what advertisements for cigarettes are attempting to tell them.  There were three chapters that really stuck out from the…

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Five Tips to Land Your First Internship

For the last three months I have served as a Media Intern at LevLane, one of Philadelphia’s most prominent and respected advertising agencies (I would flat-out tell you that they are the coolest one, but that would be biased.) It’s my first internship, and I could not be more thankful to have the opportunity. The experience has kind of been like riding a motorcycle with training wheels: a full-speed tour of a world that I’m very excited to join. A year ago, I was desperately wondering how I could break into the industry with the ever-important First Internship. Do you…

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Jonah Berger’s book Contagious explores why certain things catch on and become popular. He starts by dismissing the belief that many, including myself, thought to be true; that a small number of “influencers” cause idea or products to catch on. He opens this discussion by stating that all people hold the same importance in word of mouth, which he considers to be the strongest form of communication of products and ideas. How interesting an idea or product is does not always translate into sharing and word of mouth. Throughout the book he outlines 6 aspects that he calls STEPPS, which…

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Consumer.ology: The Market Research Myth, the Truth about Consumers and the Psychology of Shopping

Throughout Consumer.ology, Philip Graves discusses market research. He explains what exactly it is and what needs to change within it in order to gather reliable information. While I went into this book with the idea that market research (i.e. collecting consumer opinions through in-depth interviews, focus groups, customer satisfaction questionnaires, online surveys, etc) was incredibly imperative in the advertising world, I came out of it realizing that these methods are not helping companies gather reliable data, and as a result, many products are failing. As stated by Graves, “at the very moment that any consumer research works on the presumption…

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Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping

Why We Buy   When you step into a store or shopping environment, have you ever wondered why signs are placed where they are or why there is two feet of walking in between isles? Paco Underhill, the author of Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping, created a company in which he and his colleagues credited themselves on mastering the science of shopping.  Big name corporations would hire him and his company to execute research in their establishments, whether it is a department store or a family restaurant, and determine how they can be more efficient in their selling…

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The Age of Persuasion: How Marketing Ate our Culture

Thinking of advertising and marketing industry today you realize that it has come a long and far way from where it began. Authors Terry O’Reilly and Mike Tennant give a comprehensive history of how advertising started, where it’s been, and what it has evolved to currently. Previous to becoming the author of this book O’Reilly had a radio series, “O’Reilly on Advertising”. His follow up to this was the “Age of Persuasion” where he looking into the ways marketing and advertising have affected everyday life. This book serves as a way for him and his partner author to expand on…

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Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy

Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy. Phil Barden. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. 270 pages We can’t always explain why we buy what we buy. Some product aspects, such as price and quality, are obvious factors in our decision-making process, but often times, it’s the less obvious product attributes that get us to buy. Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy, written by Phil Barden, explores human psychology and how it plays a role in marketing and consumers purchasing decisions. Author, Phil Barden, is an experienced marketing professional, who has done brand development for big name companies…

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The Little Things In Life

During the first week of my internship I was extremely shy. I was intimidated by my coworkers at PHL17. As I sat silently at my desk, an employee came up to introduce himself. He asked if I had met the entire crew yet, and I replied “briefly.” He told me I should send out a mass email to the entire company explaining who I was and what my goals were for my internship experience. I thanked him for the advice but I honestly was not sure if I was going to do it. I didn’t want to bother everyone while…

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Sixers Brett Brown

My  Sixers office internship has come to an end, it was undoubtably one of the the best experiences of my life. I made so many connections and learned so much about being in a business setting, and how people in all departments work together to keep the business afloat. I saw how the social media department has to work so hard to keep up with all the latest posts on what is going on with the players, coaches, schedule, and even other teams. It is quite impressive. I had the opportunity to be invited to the press conference on my…

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The Beginning to an End

This week marks the last week of my internship at Transparent Healthcare. Time went by so fast. I cannot believe that in so little time I could learn so much. I learned many new programs and how to use them so they could make my work easier, learned how the company functions as a whole, and the importance of keeping things updated in all areas of a business. Apart from all the programs and systems I have learned, I learned how to become more professional. At Temple University, I have been taught a lot of professional skills like staying organized…

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It’s not Goodbye, It’s See You Later

Wrapping up my time at Esquire has been so bittersweet. This summer I worked closely with designer clothes, attended fashion events and photo shoots where I learned roles between fashion directors, designers and stylists. Aside from the glamour, I spent most of my time looking through Esquire reserves dating back to their first issue in 1932, where I pulled information that will be released in Esquire’s upcoming 80th Anniversary issue in October. I’m very excited to see the finished product after focusing so much time on this article! The hardest part about leaving Esquire is having to leave everyone I…

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Inspired by Trap Door Athletics

As I began my internship workign with Trap Door Athletics 10 weeks ago, I felt a bit uncertain in my decision as it would be my second internship working within the fitness industry. With a hope to see myself in the fashion industry at some point in my career, I was doubting my decision to take on another learning experience outside of that realm. Today, I am grateful for my decision to choose this specific internship as I learned it is never to late to change your mind. The women I work under are professional, down to earth, enthusiastic and…

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Coming to an End

  Hey Guys!! Can you believe it is already August 1st?! Sheesh, where has the summer gone? I am more than ready for this summer to be over because this will be my final semester EVER of college! Bring it on, real world! As I reach my final days at Phillybass’d Entertainment, I take a look back on my summer and evaluate what it is that I have learned the most, and that has been that I am horrible at blogging. Not that my blogs are horrible, but my time management and getting them in on time are. The toughest…

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My Time So Far at Focus Pointe

My name is Jordan and I’m interning at Focus Pointe Global in Center City this summer. I’m a winter kind of guy myself so (and I’m sure someone out there can relate to this) the gaps where you aren’t in a subway car or in the office and are walking in stifling long pants and sleeves in 86-degree heat with 50% humidity aren’t exactly a (wait for it-) breeze. Ugh, that was awful and I apologize. Anyway, that being said, once I’m at the office with its beautiful, beautiful air conditioning I have a lot of fun working with the…

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My Classroom in the Real World

Hello everyone, my name is Yvette Ramos and I am an advertising major and a senior at Temple University. This past month I have been interning at a company called Transparent Healthcare. It is based out of Swarthmore, but provides its services in the New York metro area, northern New Jersey, and Atlanta. At my internship I help with social media, update the website/materials, and work with my marketing manager on a new campaign that the company is going to launch. When I started, I did not know what to expect, but it was exciting at the same time because…

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