Advertising Major to Public Relations Intern

This past semester I have been interning at Cashman and Associates Public Relations & Special Events, a boutique public relations firm in the Northern Liberties neighborhood of Philadelphia. The firm has a wide array of clients including AMG Revel, Hotel Monaco, Flywheel Sports, Mitchell and Ness, Bernie Robbins, Hotel Palomar, Shake Shack and Steven Starr restaurants. While I have had previous internships in the public relations industry, I have yet to have one in Philadelphia, so it has definitely been a great learning experience about the Philadelphia media industry. I realized through my first public relations internship that I wanted…

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Interning at iBlue人 ([in] as a man)

As one of a few interns at iBluein, I had a chance to get excited for my own work to be on the press. My name is Yeeun Oh and I am about to earn bachelor’s degree in Advertising under both Art Direction track and Account Management track. Since it was my last semester when I was interning at iBluein, the company and I both tried to enhance better experiences in and out of office. Due to generous working environment of iBluein, I got to participate in both art direction and account management—sales field.   It was more than exciting…

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“All Work, No Pay” & Some Perks Too!

Throughout my journey of finding, solidifying and following up with internships,, whose motto is “All Work, No Pay”. has basically been my go-to guide. But if my past two internships are any representation of the real world in public relations, I have learned that interns as well as professionals are granted opportunities that occur on rare occasions. Although it is work, I have been exposed to new people, places and food that I would have never been exposed to without my internships. It is definitely of the perk of the industry, but it is all granted with hard work…

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My Experience at Tristate Indie

When I hear others complaining about their internships, and all the tedious work they have to do, I know I lucked out in getting an internship at Tristate Indie. They say, if you love what you do then you’re not working, a statement that I’d say holds true to the subject. I thought my internship was going to be at an agency, assuming the role of the coffee and errand guy. Instead I got to work with a small, local business like Tristate Indie. Tristate Indie is relatively new to Philadelphia, having moved here from Lancaster. Though they’re new, as…

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Designing the Mobile Experience

Even though my internship with Kings Rule Together is coming to a close, I made a connection with the company and will be continuing my relationship with them. It’s a growing brand with a lot of potential and I want to be a part of the building process. A current project K.R.T. is working on is a mobile store. They recently purchased an old ice cream truck and are renovating to use at different vending opportunities this summer, like concerts and festivals. The project to design the truck was given to another intern and myself and to say the least,…

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The importance of interning for the right company

Interning can be a nerve-racking experience. When I began to think about interning,  I was slightly reluctant because I had heard so many horror stories about internships from friends and peers. I knew I wanted to work for a company that would allow me to grow my knowledge of a specific industry as well as help me gain experience working in the real world. I searched high and low for a well established company that had internship opportunities. It took me a good amount of time, but luckily I found Harmelin Media. Early on, my internship supervisors discussed how “you…

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Casey on Wired

Internships are about gaining experience and making connections. Working at Wired 96.5 has been that and more. I have had an amazing opportunity to work with one of the most inspirational people I have ever met. It isn’t easy being a woman in the professional world, let alone a gay woman. For the duration of my internship at the radio station, I had the pleasure of working with the midday DJ, Casey, who has been out on the air ever since getting into the business. In hindsight, I am just now realizing what an incredible experience this has been. Hiding…

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Prerequisites for Success

Back during the cold, long days of last winter, I was on a mission to acquire an internship for this semester (that is winding down, ever so quickly!) I stumbled across Skai Blue Media, a PR firm in Midtown Village, and started doing some research on the company. Before I was even interviewed for the position, I got the impression that Skai Blue Media’s successful reputation came as a result of their passion for their work. In an industry that I’ve learned demands enthusiasm, it got me thinking… what other factors contribute to the success of a company? As a soon-to-be…

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The Top 5 Things I Learned During my Internship

I am sad to say my time here at Harmelin is coming to a close. I have really enjoyed getting to know the media buyers and planners and, of course, my fellow interns. As I am preparing to say goodbye, I have developed a short list of the top 5 most important things I’ve learned here. 1. I love media buying & planning. I was told that the point of an internship is to feel out a potential job and make sure that it’s what you want to do. It is sort of like a taste test. I thought I…

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The Importance of Scheduling

At the end of December I was hired as an account management/copywriting intern by 20nine Design Studios.  This was my first shot at the ‘big time’ as the only internship I’ve had before this semester was last summer and it was working for a small legal company which I acquired because my boss was a friend of my fathers.  So going into this semester I had no idea what to expect.  One of the first things I picked up on is something ad students have been told since day 1: the advertising world is extremely hectic.  Every Monday we start the…

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My experiences with social media and interning…

Seems like I’ve come a long way from when I first started my internship in December 2012 to where I am now. I began an internship where my position was Social Media Marketer. I helped with all aspects of starting the sites and making them live so once it was over I thought it would be a piece of cake because it’s social media and who doesn’t love and use social media anyway? Well the problem with social media, as many people know, is that it is pretty addicting! I would spend a lot of time searching on the web…

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When life gives you an unpaid internship…

Believe me, I understand how frustrating it is giving a company 15-20 hours of your time each week and getting no monetary gain out of it. It can seem like a waste of time, and you may feel a bit taken advantage of. The important thing to remember is that you absolutely get out of this experience what you put into it. Hopefully, the bitter taste in your mouth will sweeten up when you have gained a job offer, or at the least a letter of recommendation for your records. In a perfect world, companies would take on new grads…

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Hard work is a Skill

During my time here at PDQ, I have worked along side one of the most efficient designers I have ever met. Her name is Ravi, and I never met such a hardworking, determined person in my life. She taught herself how to work the Adobe suite over the years without any classes. The way she works may be a little different from other designers, but the work comes out as good as any professional out there. When given a job, she beats the deadline every time. I say this with confidence because there are days where she continues to work…

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Through the Eyes of an Intern

I am currently undergoing an internship at a print shop called PDQ. This internship gave me a different look at the advertising world. Throughout school I learned all about design and the Adobe suite, obviously being a creative director. However, when I began this internship I learned very valuable lessons. Dealing with customers was one of the biggest hits of reality. Yes, this is a privately run business (a print shop), but it is as much like the real world as being in an agency. I get to deal with clients directly throughout the entire process of creation. I learned…

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My experience at MOD

I am about 5 weeks into my graphic design internship at MOD Worldwide, an advertising agency in Center City. My name is Brynn and I am in my Junior year majoring in Advertising-Art Direction track. This is my first internship and real life “job” outside of the restaurant business. I have learned a lot about what goes into art directing at an agency and how to manage and organize the work of numerous clients. I have created a ton of work samples and have learned how to properly use space and dimension in order to appeal to the client. I…

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