Wrapping up my Internship at Skai Blue Media

Only 2 days left as a graphic design intern at Skai Blue Media and only a few weeks until graduation. Things are starting to get a little scary and a little sad but mostly hopeful. One of our interns left Wednesday and it sunk in for all of us that we have gotten pretty close and are going to be sad when it’s over. But the other senior interns and I have been talking about our plans after graduation for months now and all of us are finally starting to formulate plans that we are extremely excited about. So, next…

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Intern Life: One Year Later

I have had the unusual privilege to transition my summer internship at PNC Bank, into a fall internship and finishing up with a spring internship. As I now come upon one year in the same job, I have seen a glimpse of the dedication and persistence it takes as a professional. We as college student interns see a snapshot of what a working business model is and how it feels to work in a ‘real world’ setting. However, we capture our interpretation of that, generally, in three to five short months. I have learned that the key to being a…

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140 Characters to 6 Seconds of Branding

 Vine, released just a few short months ago, has already made a big impact in the social and mobile advertising world. Vine has already been employed by various brands to promote their products. Advertisers now have 6 second spots to fill as opposed to the 140 character limit found on Twitter. Brands can now engage with consumers in a conversation via 6 second video clips, much life gifs. Many brands such as Gap, UGG Australia, Starbucks, and American Apparel have already begun to use Vine as 6 second commercials on their Twitter feeds. This goes to show how Vine has…

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Evian’s “Baby & Me”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pfxB5ut-KTs   Evian strikes gold with another spot focusing on their “Live Young” branding and providing us with yet again a video featuring adorable babies, Evian’s signature. This time, instead of just showing the inner child that Evian’s water brings out in drinkers because of the pure quality, the brand decided to take the story a step further and have the adults actually meet their inner child. The casting for this campaign was spot on in both the commercial and print applications. Above you can see the dancing, youthful, children as they meet and below you can catch a glimpse…

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3rd Annual Portfolio Review: EXPOSED

As the Spring semester is coming to a close, portfolios are becoming finalized for many ad students. Now is the time to see how you really measure up. Join us at the Art Directors Club of Philadelphia’s 3rd Annual Portfolio Review, EXPOSED. Get unbiased feedback about your work from the best creative minds in Philadelphia. The exclusive event allows you to get the purest feedback possible; no hand-holding, no filters, just you, your work, and great feedback! Bare your creativity. Reveal your artistic integrity. Unzip your portfolio and become EXPOSED! When: Thursday, May 16, 2013 from 6:00pm-10:00pm Where: Vox Media Inc. 601 Walnut…

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Happy Earth Day, Google!

    Happy Earth Day 2013! While you’re all being especially green today, do yourself a favor and head over to Google‘s homepage to see their interactive logo for the day. Google has presented us with a beautiful landscape that goes through the changing of the seasons. As the sun moves westward and the moon goes through it’s phases, the seasons pass, showing us different days starting with spring going slowly into summer, fall, and winter. Google has always been fast in representing holidays on their homepage’s logo. I still get excited each day I open the page to something…

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Branding Yourself on LinkedIn

Throughout many of my classes, the majority of the teachers have been strong in pushing the professional use of social media. Facebook and Twitter are easy for us to use because they cross with our personal social lives. We know how to use them because we are on them all the time any way. One tool that I think slips a lot of our minds is LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network. The purpose of LinkedIn is for us to broadcast our professional experience to connect with colleagues, teachers, mentors, and potential employers. If used correctly, LinkedIn can be a…

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The Free Journal Project

    I recently came across an amazing project developed by Kelly Clawson, a fellow advertising student here at Temple and President of the Temple Ad Club. The Free Journal Project is a socially based art project founded in providing free handcrafted journals, for all to use and enjoy. The project focuses on making journal keeping accessible and enjoyable while establishing a space for personal inspiration and creativity. Kelly actually came up with the initial concept when working on a project for her social practice sculpture class at Tyler with hopes of continuing with it. Kelly designed the whole journal on…

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Seeing The Music Business From The View Of A Trade Association

The National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM) is a trade association for the music industry. NARM and digitalmusic.org, NARM’s sister organization, hold a convention each year. This year’s convention, Music Biz 2013, is being held in Los Angeles. The convention brings together every part of the music business including retailers, record labels, distributors, and start-ups, to discuss issues within the industry, share ideas, and learn about how the industry is evolving. Being part of a trade association has given me a whole new outlook on the music industry. I’ve learned about several different fields I could see myself working in that…

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My name is Shannon King and I am a sales intern at PHL17. This has been a great opportunity to work for a television station to see how it operates. I have also learned first hand how important advertising is to any business, specifically a television station.  I don’t think I expect to work in sales, but I am happy for this learning experience. I’ve also gained experience on how a television station works internally. I learn a lot in the meetings held every Tuesday morning, where they discuss trends in the market, what is going on at the station to then tell…

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Kings in New York

Back in February, I had the pleasure to accompany my internship, Kings Rule Together, to NYC on a vending trip. It was a natural hair event hosted by Taren Guy, a huge supporter of K.R.T. with over 500 people in attendance.  It took me out of my usual role of being behind the scenes doing graphic design to interacting with actual consumers.  Instead of portraying the brand through art, I had to speak with consumers about the brand, our message, and the product. In the beginning, my interactions were dull, but over time I became more comfortable and relaxed talking…

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Rolling with the PUNCHes at my First Internship

This semester I began my very first internship at PUNCH Media, a very small PR company based in the Mount Airy section of Northwest Philadelphia. It is owned and run by James Zeleniak and Alicia Crawford-Zeleniak, both of whom are Temple alums. PUNCH is food and beverage centric with clients such as South Philly Bar & Grill, McCrossen’s Tavern and MilkBoy, but also represent others, such as the Shops at Liberty Place. As an Ad major in the Copy Writing track, my intention was to find something within the field of advertising; however, all things led me to a PR…

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My MOD Journey

  My name is Lacy Balistrieri and I have been interning at the March of Dimes Southeastern Pennsylvania Division since August. At first I was thrilled at the opportunity, but confused on what I’d actually be doing. The first couple months were tedious. I’m not sure if my original boss felt it risky to delegate her work to another person, or just gave me menial work because she didn’t recognize my strengths yet. Eventually I started working with various people throughout the office because I was completing tasks too efficiently for my supervisor to keep up with. I grew close…

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Tuning In to PHL-17: My Intern Experience

Hello! My name is Kendall Jackson and I’m a junior at Temple studying Advertising, with a concentration in Art Direction. For the past two months, I have had the pleasure of interning in the sales department at PHL-17, a local television station in Philadelphia, PA near Bala-Cynwyd. Although I am a creative at heart, working as a media sales intern has really allowed me to see advertising from a new perspective. When I arrived at PHL-17 on my first day, I’ll admit that I was extremely nervous. I had tons of questions swirling in my head: “What will I be…

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Relationships are Key

I’ve had the opportunity to intern at PHL17 this semester in the Media Sales Department.  As a local television station PHL17 relies on the Media Sales Department to produce most of its revenue.  One of the great things about my internship is that I get to go on sales calls with the account executives.  These sales calls have given me a chance to watch account executives negotiate deals and interact with clients. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned came on a sales call I tagged along for.  We went to meet the client for quite an informal meeting…

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