Karmic Reincarnation

I still don’t know how I managed to score this internship at Karma agency in center city. It boggles my mind. And here, in the twilight hours of my twenty first year on the planet, I cannot help but reflect on the meandering path that lead to where I am now, and in what direction it is headed. Tomorrow I will be twenty two. With every birthday I like to ask myself, would 10 year old Sam approve of present day Sam? What about 15 year old Sam? I don’t worry so much about 18 year old Sam, he was…

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Almost there!

Yesterday was the second to last class in the schools. There was actually a great turn out which was unexpected but amazing. We started off taking group pictures for the presentation which was a lot of fun. After that we started finalizing everything. I had the kids sketch out some more designs for print ads and billboards. I was amazed at what they had come up with. Kamea redrew her ninja can which I loved and a few other kids had some fantastic drawings. I was so surprised that these kids came up with these ideas. A few weeks back…

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A Taste of Latino Culture

This semester I have been fortunate enough to intern at AL DIA News Media. AL DIA is a Latino newspaper that provides Latino News, Issues, & Opinion in the greater Philadelphia area. AL DIA has created such a great niche market that it has been awarded high honors and is the topic Hispanic news source in the area. This achievement has gotten the advertising business of major companies such as Best Buy, Home Depot, Rite Aid, Macy’s and Verizon. My role at AL DIA is in the marketing department. I focus more on AL DIA’s branch company, the Latino Professional…

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Social Media Marketing

Before starting my internship at Fame House LLC, I had always thought I was extremely knowledgeable in the field of Social Media Marketing. Now after the past three months, I could not have been any more wrong about that assumption. Fame House LLC deals with clients predominately in the entertainment industry, more specifically musicians. All of their clients campaigns derive from all different aspects of social media including Facebook, Twitter, and many social media sights I would have never even thought of. I had always known social media and marketing would never stop evolving, but it was truly put into…

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Internship is coming to an end!

              Hey guys! So it’s November 15, 2012 and there is not much time left at my internship, which truly makes me a little sad. Working at evoke interaction, a pharmaceutical advertising agency, I have learn so much and also have become friends with many of the employees. In gathering all the components of my final binder, I have been able to look back at my whole experience at my internship. I have done so many different projects, assignments, and overall accomplished so much more than I have ever expected. Coming into this internship,…

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Playing Tag With Propulsion

When I first started this new internship at Propulsion Media Labs in August, I wasn’t entirely sure what exactly it was that they did. Propulsion Media Labs, formally known as Paul Turner Productions is a full service production house, specializing in radio and television advertising, as well as contracting voice talents. I wasn’t sure how the flow of work traveled from the account guys to the production guys. Yes, guys. This all male office, with the exception of the office manager, Susan, is run in a laid back yet professional way. The work flows from the account guys, then to…

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Sharing our Enthusiasm for Advertising!!

Temple University has partnered up with Philly Ad Club to travel to local public high schools to start an after school advertising club. We are teaching these students the basic advertising concepts and skills so that at the end of the program, they can pitch their ideas to the client, Philabundance. High School Ad Club is a way for local high school students to learn about opportunities after high school. Aside from teaching advertising, we are there to help inspire students to graduate, apply to college and to consider a career in advertising, marketing, public relations, sales, event planning, media,…

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The World of Lev Lane Advertising

In my opinion, my internship experience as a whole was kick started by one of the best agencies I could have been a part of in Philadelphia. Lev Lane’s company culture is distinct from all other agencies I have visited and fully encompasses the feeling of being part of a tight knit family. One positive aspect attributing to this personality of the agency is the small staff they have on board. Each member is accomplished, dedicated, lively, and truly passionate about the department they represent. A wide array of personalities may be seen as a clashing quality, but Lev Lane…

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Philadelphia Ad Club Workshop at Palumbo High School

This program is the first in my college career to showcase the full potential community learning courses have in engaging students off all ages and backgrounds. Rather than teaching through traditional lectures or power points to take notes from, this experience has taught me that not all minds, especially those who are creative, absorb the material through these methods. By asking the students for their consideration, direction and powerful ideas for the Philabundance Great Food Fight campaign, the project is in their control. This is conducted in a college class room environment and offers them a hands on experience to understand how…

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Temple Students Aren’t the Only Ones Doing the Teaching

Throughout the semester my team and I have been working hard to create lesson plans for the advertising workshop, make incentives for students to join and project just how successful and fun the world of media and communications can be. It isn’t easy work and it takes time and dedication to efficiently cover each topic, but the payoff is one of the most rewarding experiences of a lifetime  that I wouldn’t think twice about continuing or suggesting the program to a fellow student. By spending once a week with high school students, it reminds you what it’s like to be…

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How Did I End Up Here?

Ever since I was a freshman in high school I have been working in an advertising agency assisting the account manager as a summer job. Although I enjoyed my job, I never thought that once I finally made my way to Temple University, as a Chemistry major, that I would end up switching my major to Advertising Account Management two years into my college career. Advisers thought I was kidding and were baffled when they reviewed my academic history. Although I knew that this was a drastic change, I never knew that it would lead me right to where I…

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Kembrel Men’s Store Opening

After interning for Kembrel for over a year, I have learned many things about fashion, retail, social media, merchandising and branding. Kembrel’s latest venture was opening a Men’s Shop in the midtown village. With such a small space and an unconventional retail/showroom space. I knew something that needed to be done. So, I suggest to the CEO, Head of Store Operations, Head Buyer Marketing Manager and the Creative Director that we change the space into a men’s only store. We needed to revamp a location that wasn’t doing well. I was discouraged with Daffy’s closing, many men had come into…

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Neo cocktail cool

The picture above is a shirt that North Bowl had printed for one of the First Friday events. The art exhibit for this friday was titled Neo Cocktail Cool, and featured an artist by the name of Mike Bell, whose artwork I had a picture of in my last blog post. The First Friday exhibits have been getting a little more popular with each month that passes. The advertising we do for First Fridays consists of street flyers, event cards that were placed in local businesses and social media marketing. These forms of marketing/advertising get people in the door, but…

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Final day in classroom

On Monday we had our final day in the classroom. It didn’t really hit me at first. We got there and there were only a few students which wasn’t a surprise. The students who were there were the ones who have been very involved throughout the entire semester so it was nice to spend the last day with them. We went over the presentation with them and got them excited. They were a little apprehensive about speaking at first. All of the students are in drama club and love to act so once we got them acting out the radio…

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Learning More About ME!

Whenever I think of advertising sales I get a bit antsy and discouraged. You see, advertising sales has always been something I wished I could do but didn’t think I was the right person to do it. You need to be a confident person that deals well with rejection to succeed.  While I may be on the outgoing side, I have never been one to deal with rejection very well. Working at PHL 17, I have witnessed some of the daily duties of the advertising account executives and from my boss, Jeff Finken, who performs the research. Within the sales…

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