Release Your Inner Bond

We’ve all been there, sitting in our advertising classes trying to think of some unique way to promote brand awareness or sell the product. They key is to do something people will remember and appreciate. This is not news to the James Bond franchise which is preparing for the release of the newest movie, Skyfall. In preparation for the release Coke helped by venturing to a European train station to give people the chance to release their inner Bond. A coke machine was placed in the station where people could take a moment to to put in their information for…

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Several Brands Drop Armstrong Including Nike

As an advertising student here at Temple University, the concept of celebrity endorsements its often taught in the 1000 level classes. We learn that brands create a voice and often times will use an iconic celebrity to support their brand and form a close knit bond with it and create loyal brand followers. Lance Armstrong did just that for Nike during their long relationship. After allegations that Lance Armstrong had participated in doping he was striped from his Tour de France titles banning him for life and Nike gave him the boot as well. Nike along with the other brands…

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Who Loves Ya? Interning at LevLane Advertising

As a copywriting student, I am privileged to be in the Traffic and Production department at LevLane Advertising Agency.  The internship is extremely hands-on, and gradually introduces me to the up-keep of  the creative department . From the maintenance behind circulating jobs, to creative obligations, my position is very relevant to my course study here at Temple. Being situated near the agency’s Media & Public Relations departments, I am also exposed to the other communication outlets provided by LevLane. I’ll try not to bore you with the details of my role, but I will fill you in on the “cool”…

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The Future of Advertising

Where creative meets compromise and potential meets promise- “Teaching High School Advertising” is like no other course at Temple. It’s a place where minds, specialized in different subjects, come together and contribute to success on both a personal level and a collective one. Being the only one in the class to have experienced a project like this, it’s a privilege to be involved for the second time.  Being a part of the course’s construction from the ground up, has given it a special place in my heart. As peer teacher, the most enjoyable aspect is learning. It’s the insight shared in class discussion as everyone brainstorms…

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Making a Magazine: Not Your Average Internship

Since last fall, I’ve been a Graphic design intern at The Village of Arts and Humanities on 10th and Germantown Avenue (wander four blocks Northeast of Annenberg- when you see the mosaic gardens and murals, you’re in the right place). Last year I designed the first issue of CRED magazine under the direction of the Editor-in-Chief and The Village Communications Director (as well as Temple Ad Professor), Aviva Kapust. Check out a few layouts and the cover below: This Fall, I collaborated with a former Temple advertising student, Rebecca Blessing to design the third issue of CRED under Aviva’s direction. Four weeks ago,…

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The Bright Side of Banking

In the last five years the banking industry has given itself a less than stellar image among the general public, myself being one of those who had lost faith. That being said I would have never seen myself working for such an institution; however, for the last five months I have been interning for PNC Bank in Philadelphia. You may be asking yourself, what is an advertising student doing working for a bank? I am happy to introduce you to the bright side of banking. I work in the Client and Community Relations group, when I say that to people…

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Welcome to the Real World

Hi! My name is Tia and I am currently an intern at Harmelin Media. At Harmelin I am part of the Account Management team where I have been learning the tricks to the trade for the past two months. Because this is my first internship, I am overwhelmed and excited with the many projects and opportunities that I have been given. Even though I have only been a part of the team for a minimal amount of time, I have learned and been exposed to many things. One of the most important tasks that I learned is paying attention to…

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Site Visit: Chemical Heritage Foundation

As part of my events internship with GEP: Philly I have a number of tasks that I may complete. One of my tasks is creating and attending site and vendor visits with venues and companies in the Philadelphia area. Today, the Creative services manager and I got to attend a venue site visit with the Business Development Manager at the Chemical Heritage Foundation-which is a science museum and wonderful venue in Philadelphia! (and it’s free, so go in and look around its beautiful!) The tour was wonderful and we got to view the amazing board rooms of various sizes, the…

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Way Back Burgers

Life on the WayBack

Hey there! Well I have been interning with Rao Group Inc. (RGI) for a few weeks now. RGI is a company that owns restaurant franchises. I have been working with their staff on how to get new restaurants recognized and how to boost their sales by creating loyal customers.  I have been working on one particular restaurant, Jake’s WayBack Burgers. It’s a great burger joint serving up hot, juicy burgers, made to order just like way back in the day. I am surprised by how much I am learning. Previously I thought that all advertising had to be planned and…

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Anderson Cooper Tells All

On Thursday October 18th I had the amazing opportunity to join the Temple Community at a Q&A with the talented journalist Anderson Cooper. After being honored at the 2012 Excellence in the Media banquet, Anderson Cooper made his way to the stage of Tomlinson Theater where all the seats were already filled up. After a short bio about himself he began answering questions from the crowd. With each question Cooper inspired the crowd and gave incredible advice. He spoke of the early days when we was aspiring to be a journalist and took the first step by traveling to very…

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So Many Changes

My name is Stefania Marsico and I am currently interning at LevLane advertising in the account management department. I have been at LevLane for two months now and have already learned so much. In the account management department I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of LevLane’s clients. I have become familiar with each and every campaign, and I am now able to put through jobs, and make change requests for work that is currently in progress. This is where I learned that projects will be changed and altered several times before they are published. I knew…

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How Advertising became Event Planning: The Abridged version.

Three years ago I decided to major in Advertising, here at Temple. One year ago I joined a new organization on Campus called Media Meltdown Productions-designed for students in SMC. 6 months ago I turned my life upside down. Currently: I intern for a global event planning firm. I always thought advertising was for me- not to say it isn’t at all or being in advertising isn’t in the cards- always was my cup of tea. Until about 6 months ago when I chose to take on the role of being MMP’s Free Food Fun Friday event coordinator and liaison.…

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Quaker City Mercantile Agency Tour

TEMPLE AD CLUB PRESENTS: Quaker City Mercantile Agency TourMonday October 15, 2012 4:00 pm – 5:00pm Quaker City Mercantile is a hybrid of 19th century mercantilism and 21st century brand artistry. They create brands from the ground up and bring them to market. This includes all aspects of manufacturing, distribution and marketing. Join us as we tour the inner workings of the agency! We’ll get a behind the scenes look at how they approach their visual design, content creation, social media and overall brand strategies.*SPACE IS LIMITED! Reserve your ticket today!*Don’t want to travel alone? We’ll be meeting outside the…

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