Student Center: More Than Just an Office

As we all ease out of our Turkey Day food-comas (and leftovers too), I’m ready to finish this semester strong– but not without taking a moment to reflect on my internship at the Student Center!

In the (now belated) spirit of Thanksgiving, the following is a list of the top three things that I’m most thankful to have learned during my time interning this fall.

1. Versatility: Being the only intern within a department can be a little intimidating. In my position as Marketing Intern, it was my job to strengthen the Student Center’s social media presence while also promoting the Student Center’s brand identity with two marketing initiatives per month. With such a wide range of tasks, no two days were alike. Learning to really be flexible and adapt to each new assignment as they came was both exciting and challenging. I’m thankful to have had gained experience in both event planning and social media. It’s amazing how much you can learn by doing!

2. Teamwork/Leadership: I lump these two together because of the unique opportunity I was presented as chair of the Student Center Marketing Committee. The committee is made up entirely of Student Center employees, like myself. As the Marketing Intern and therefore head of the committee, I obviously had a lot more at stake, however, these general body members came out and committed their free time to making the building they work a better place. I couldn’t have accomplished so much this semester without the help of my awesome team!

3. Execution: The biggest change from being a member of the Marketing Committee last year and running the show this semester was seeing through the execution of each individual task. Organization, responsibility, and communication were key here. In the past, I loved being a part of the creative team that helped come up with the ideas for our promos, but being able to not only see, but be a part of making those ideas come to life was such a gratifying feeling. This was what made the whole internship experience truly worthwhile for me!

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