The Experiences of Temple Advertising Students

Navigating Success in Agency Life
Hi everyone! My name is Allison Foedisch and I am a senior Advertising major with concentrations in Copywriting and Brand Strategy and Research. I intern at Think Traffic located in Spring Garden, Philadelphia. My role there is as a Copywriting/Social…

Becoming a Better Writer Through My Copywriting Internship
Hello! I’m a copywriting intern, and I work remotely with iDayDream Studios. It is a creative media agency that helps produce video, photo, and audio content for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The company’s mission is to provide opportunities for small…

Elevated Look: My Journey from Philadelphia to Hollywood

From the Desk of a Nonprofit Intern

How I chose my retirement home at 20
Any chance you are looking to retire soon? Me either. But I have a lot of knowledge about retirement communities, how much they cost, what the benefits are, and some options across the country, thanks to my copywriting internship. So…

How to Land a Full-Time Job Before Graduation
There are a few tips we hear regarding internships on our way through college. Things like “make connections with people”, or “if you’re bored, always ask for more work.” I’m here to say that they are all true. When I…

My Internship At The Fox School of Business: How Crafting Emails Helped Me To Become A Better Writer

I Interned at Nine Dots, but I’d Rather Title This Post “Four Lines”.
Hey, what’s crackin’? My name is Alex Bujak, but you can call me tonight 😉 Now that I have your attention, I would like to tell you about how cool my internship was. I interned at Nine Dots, but you…

Only Elite Matters: My Phenomenal Experience
I was lucky enough to be a social media marketing intern for Only Elite Matters, a digital agency that specializes in the arts including photography, videography, event planning, etc. They are a Philly-based agency ran by four talented and smart…

My Adventure of Interning for an Independent Writer
Hello! My name is Brianna Salort and I’m a senior majoring in advertising. I just wrapped up my internship with an independent scientific journal writer, Michael Eisenstein here in Philadelphia. His business is an independent LLC, which is very unique…

180 minutes: How My First Day’s Commute Taught Me Everything I Needed to Know

How A Marketing Agency Really Works
LightStream Group is a marketing agency concentrated in bank and credit union, healthcare, and higher education advertising. The organization has two locations, one in Lansdale PA and another in Telford PA, both suburbs of Philadelphia. They currently have just over…

Experience at Temple University’s Marketing Department

Editing: A Necessary Evil
I’m not just talking about spell check. Go read it forward, backwards, and sideways. Read it out loud like a monologue to your roommates. Does it sound good? Great. Now go make it better. Can’t? Let new eyes see it…
Temple Study Abroad: A New Appreciation for the Web
Redesigning any website is hard work, but when said website involves more extra options than a Domino’s Pizza order for an entire daycare center, things get hairy pretty quickly. Yes, I’ve been working my proverbial tail off all year in…

Tyler School of Art’s Restaurant Identity Exhibition
From October 31 through November 21, 2012 Tyler School of Art’s Juniors will be displaying their Restaurant Identity Projects in the Tyler School of Art Atrium. This project showcases the designs of first year designers at Tyler as they develop…
Writing is important, and it’s not so bad after all
At Lorel Marketing Group, in King of Prussia, I have been given several jobs such as posting on social media, writing for blogs, coming up with copy for websites, proofreading projects and assisting in pulling together different information to form…

Slang in Advertising
We see and hear more “slang” and “street talk” used in advertising than ever before. How do you know when to use slang and when to adhere to the established rules of English, including grammar and spelling? Start by realizing…
Oh man, I’m about to graduate and I still need an internship
We’ve all been there. It seems like every other major just has to show up for class, do the work, and leave. But for advertising majors, the ultimate test comes when we have to complete an internship. And, as most…

‘Hardcore’ History Ads by The Smithsonian
The bottom reads: “Historically Hardcore.” What a great angle- especially coming from an institution as regarded as the Smithsonian! Check out two other examples on the most excellent Behance Network. Update: I wrongly appropriated these ads to the Smithsonian, when…

Cliches- A good thing?
Seth Godin is a marketing heavyweight (a quick trip to his Wiki will attest to that). I came across a blog post by him recently, and knew I had to share it here. He writes a very insightful post on…

CopyWRITING: Yes, you are a writer.
If I could have the attention of all the copywriters for a moment, please. Art direction, account management, research: you can stick around if you’d like. I still love you for who you are. As my first blog post for…
Twitter and Copywriting
Young copywriters, heed my words, embrace that unfamiliar technology you know as Twitter. Many advertising students scoff, laugh, and sneer at the suggestion of starting a Twitter account. Why? Its simplicity? Perhaps, it’s the stigma attached to it, that the…
Honest to Goodness Lunches May be Too Honest
“Honest to Goodness” is a new campaign from Healthy Choice. It demands more attention than the previous campaign with Julia Louis Dreyfus. It’s easier to sell an idea with unknowns than it is with a celebrity. What about people who…
Now Showing: A Play on Words!
At some point in your life you’ve been subjected to a pun. Whether or not it hit the mark is subjective. A pun doesn’t extend you too much comically. It’s generally a pretty safe way to go. If you do falter while using…