I Interned at Nine Dots, but I’d Rather Title This Post “Four Lines”.

Hey, what’s crackin’? My name is Alex Bujak, but you can call me tonight 😉 Now that I have your attention, I would like to tell you about how cool my internship was. I interned at Nine Dots, but you probably already know that. ND is a media agency that specializes in visual storytelling, social media, and content creation. As a copywriter who also wants to be an art director, this internship was a perfect fit for my indecisiveness. I had the best of both worlds.

On my first day, I had no idea what to expect. I assumed it would be like any other past job, except doing stuff I actually want to do. And, I couldn’t have been more right. This experience has taught me much more than I originally thought. I developed a better sense of time management and learned how to work organized. I not only utilized my skills as both writer and artist, but now I have a thick understanding of how a brand is developed. Considering ND was such a small agency, I was able to get a first-hand experience in the inner workings of a company. With the tips & tricks I learned, I was able to set up a sturdy foundation for my personal brand. And, now, when I lay out my future businesses, I will actually have a better idea of what I’m doing. I’m an entrepreneur at heart, so this is totally priceless information. I couldn’t be more thankful to have it.

I never had a bad day at ND. That was the best part of working there. The teamwork flow, open/creative atmosphere, and laid-back approach sweetened the experience nicely. Of course, all credit goes to Geoffrey Klein, the owner of ND, for fostering for such a comforting environment. Throughout my 4 months with him, Geoffrey has inspired me in more ways than one. Mainly through example, he thought me the importance of structure, how to create opportunity, and how to keep a level head in stressful situations. I am honored to have spent so much time working with him.

Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about that “four lines” thing from the title. I never realized this until my final weeks with ND, but the logo is a PUZZLE. With a 3×3 grid of dots, your supposed to connect each using only 4 straight lines. Confusing, right? Spoiler alert, you have to draw beyond the premise of the box to solve it. Take a sec and try it out yourself.
I couldn’t capture the essence of Nine Dots better – thinking outside the box to connect the dots.

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