John Varvatos Internship Update

Hello again, Tom McCann here. With my internship at John Varvatos wrapped up, I’m feeling prideful when I think of all I’ve learned. It is hard to stress how important I feel office experience is. Sure, we all see a caricature of offices on TV and in movies, but experiencing the synergy of a well oiled machine and becoming part of it is something that can only be experienced. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to simply work at John Varvatos regardless of all the other benefits. One of these aforementioned benefits is a much better understanding…

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St. Luke’s Pride

Over the past month and a half I have been interning at St. Luke’s University Health network. In the beginning I was anxious for this internship and wasn’t too sure what to expect. I was moving back home, which I wasn’t really looking forward to, I was going to be working with the same company as my mother, which i didn’t know how to feel about. Though, I was excited to have an experience in a marketing atmosphere. St. Luke’s University Health Network is a non- profit organization that offers services at over 150 locations, and serves over 1 million…

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Start of Something Good…

With a little under two weeks remaining in my internship with Cintas Corporation, I can safely say that I have grown both personally and professionally. I have to admit I haven’t fully mastered the art of blogging just yet, so I figured with my last and final blog I’d keep it simple for you. Below I have listed the top five lessons that I have taken away from my 3 months interning at Cintas… 1.      Positive Discontent.  Out of all the jobs that I have held in my past, Cintas stands as the most culture driven company that I have…

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West York Loft Project Makes Me Feel Pretty Important

Hello fellow advertising students, it’s Emily Walsh, Advertising Art Direction student in her senior year. If you’re curious, read my first blog post for a fall background on my internship at Matthews Interior Design.  For this blog post, I would like to share my experience with my first and favorite client. A man and woman from a company building condominiums in West York, PA came to inspect the furniture that had been delivered to the warehouse. Joseph lead the meeting, but I contributed by adding to the conversation. I commented how a certain desk was reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright’s…

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My Summer at the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce

Over the summer I interned at my local chamber of commerce–The Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce. At first I was extremely nervous…I have a lot of experience in advertising design and this internship consisted of barely any advertising design. However, as weeks went on, it felt great to get my feet wet with the business aspect of the advertising/marketing/PR world. My first few days consisted of getting to know the GWBCC better. I was stuck doing some work that was tedious and not so glamorous, but I can’t complain–you have to start somewhere! Eventually I was given more responsibilities and…

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A Meeting with Nicole Cashman

As you may remember, I have spent the summer interning with Cashman & Associates, the public relations firm in Northern Liberties and owned by Nicole Cashman.  Throughout the course of my internship, I have been fortunate enough to mix and mingle with Philadelphia’s social elite. First and foremost, I was fortunate enough to have a 45 minute power lunch with Nicole, herself.  She made herself available for me to pick her brain about any questions I had about the industry.  Essentially, all of her advice boiled down to work hard and always be thankful for the opportunities presented to you. …

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Philadelphia Magazine “Lady in Red”

From my experience working in the art department of the Philadelphia Magazine I’ve realized that I’ve gained a great knowledge of what it takes to be in a fast paced magazine company. There are different cycles within each month for when the magazine comes out. The first cycle is usually the beginning of the month which can be extremely slow but once we hit the middle of the month there are mandatory chaotic deadlines. Every day at the Philadelphia magazine can be different. There are some days where I will be asked to email and call in for photography and…

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Learning to Grow Thick Skin…

On June 11th when I began working as a sales intern for Cintas Corporation I had a general idea of what my roles and responsibilities would include. What I didn’t realize at that time was how much these daily duties would allow me to evolve, not only a sales intern but also as an individual. After a few weeks of sitting behind my desk and mailing out direct marketing to potential prospects for the company, I have to admit my 9 to 5 started to become a bit robotic. I was still getting paid so there wasn’t too much room…

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Making the Client/Customer Happy: A Very Good Skill

My internship with Hamilton Jewelers of Insignia is not centered around advertising, however I am taking away great skills that will only improve me as a worker.  When talking to customers on phones all day long, problems do arise.  There will always be those people that like to cause chaos and are unnecessarily rude, however I had to learn to deal with those people in a very polite and calming way, and then I had to figure out how to solve the problem.  Since my track is management, I will hopefully be working in an agency, and therefore I will be surrounded…

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I <3 West Chester

I am currently a social media intern at Bradford Media Group in West Chester, PA. As an intern I work on Twitter and Google+ everyday. Which can get a little boring, but recently myself and my fellow interns received our own project to run and organize. Bradford Media runs the Facebook and Twitter page for the West Chester, PA community and currently have a ‘I love West Chester’ campaign going on. They post events going on in the area, share restaurant tips, etc. So for our project we were to think of an idea for the West Chester Community to…

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Cats and Kittens and …Gigantic Lizards? Oh My.

My name is Nicole and I’ve been interning at the Animal Care and Control Team of Philadelphia now for over two months. I took on this internship as a way for me to both fulfill the advertising requirements and help out an organization that I both care a lot about and needs the extra set of hands. My first day was nothing short of overwhelming. However, my actual first day I hadn’t even made it to the shelter- not fully aware of the exact part of Philadelphia the shelter was I began riding my bike into the depths of North…

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Philadelphia Magazine “Best of Philly”

My name is Samantha Dubin and I am an intern working in the art department of the Philadelphia Magazine. My job as an intern in the art department of the Philadelphia Magazine is to get photography in for the art department. My main tasks include calling in and emailing contacts for specific images, organizing art trackers, keeping everything in stock, and being asked to pick up items that need to be photographed in the studio. This month’s August Philadelphia Magazine issue was the Best of Philly and I, as the intern, had to gather photography for that article. I was…

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Hi! My name is Bree and I am an intern at Jump Magazine in Philly. My job is to write articles for print and blog. I write a weekly post about what to do this weekend in Philly. I also go to shows and interview bands. In addition, I help with distribution, editing and fact checking. My major is advertising, so I also help with finding businesses to advertise in the magazine to keep it running. Working with Jump has taught me how to be my own boss and to be self-disciplined. If I don’t actively go out and search…


Saying Good Bye to the Cube

Hello all! My name is Nicole Berger and I am currently an intern at St. Luke’s University Health Network. I am incredibly sad to report that this is my last week at my internship! I can’t believe how fast the summer has gone by. I also can’t believe in 2 weeks I’ll be a senior in college… The time really does fly! Everyone, please enjoy it while you can and make the most of every moment and every opportunity that presents itself. Sorry, had to get a little cliche for moment. Now, to the cube, this has been my home…

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The Life of A Web Nerd at Two Paperdolls

The graphic they posted for the web design position. I’m Kelly Clawson and this summer I had the amazing opportunity to work as a Web Design Intern at Two Paperdolls. This boutique design and letterpress shop does everything from branding and wedding invitations to website design and coding. I was fortunate enough to work directly in the web department with inspiring and informing people. The main area for client meetings and reception. Designing directly for Two Paperdolls clientele was a unique experience and enjoyable challenge. Their range and depth of clients allowed me to work on websites for photographers and…

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