Dove Puts Real Women in Times Square

To further their “Campaign for Real Beauty” concept, Dove, a Unilever brand, is launching a campaign titled “Show Us Your Skin”. One component of the campaign is to feature the images of real-life, Dove-using women in New York City’s Times Square. These photos are certainly not restricted to head shots – women are encouraged to submit full-length shots of the skin they’re proud to be in. What message is Dove trying to convey with this campaign component? That women, especially through using Dove body/skin products, can be free to feel comfortable with their bodies. My prediction is that the company…

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Moms Love Mobile Technology, Yet Still Skip Ads

Its no secret that women with children nearly almost find themselves evolving into masters of multitasking. BabyCenter released a study that, after interviewing over 2,500 moms, showed that at least 65% of mothers used smart phones and relied on digital aid to get them through their busy day. Additionally, it was recorded that mothers are 38% more likely to own an internet TV device, and 28% more likely to  own a tablet. Not to mention, approximately 1 in 3 internet bloggers are moms. However, though mothers may be all about technology, they still are highly likely to skip over or…

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From Classroom to Real Life

Hey there Temple Advertising, this is Nicole and I’m a Junior on the Account Management track. This semester I have an internship at Brownstein Group as a Project Manager. I really enjoy it here a lot and PM is a great position to see all the different departments at an advertising agency. One thing I really like about being here is seeing everything we learned in the classroom applied to actual, real life situations. Remember that Advertising, Strategy and Positioning class we all had to take and write up briefs for? Well, those skills come in handy, because the management…

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Agency Life: Teamwork at Its Finest

The last internship I had I worked more on the client side of the business. This Spring I wanted to work at an agency so I could experience the agency environment. As a Project Manager intern at Brownstein Group, I experienced just that! If an advertising agency was a car, I feel like Project Management would be the oil. PM keeps the agency running smoothly. No client really signs on an account because their Project Management team is wonderful, however Project Management is definitely needed to make an account wonderful. Through Project Management I was able to see all the…

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Armory East Skateboard Shop

Interning at the Armory East Skateboard Shop has been a great experience this semester. There is so much valuable information and skills I have learned here. One of the best parts about interning here was being able to work side-by-side with the owner Darien (Brax) Schell. This man really knows how to run a business and please his customers. He also has a great eye for design and knows how to make things that people want to buy. Throughout the semester I have learned an array of things ranging from the screen-printing process, dealing with company representatives supplying products, building…

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It’s Complicated

I continued to look through the April issue of GQ magazine. The “special issue” consists of 100 different “hot” things in the year 2012. They have everything from all the best clothes to tips on how to do everything better. I’ve been looking through the magazine layouts for GQ for years and when they tend to have a lot of information packed into an issue, it kind of looks overwhelming. If you see from the images, you see that they have the different parts numbered so that it will be easier for the reader to see and understand the contents.…

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Rebecca Cairns: Photographer

Rebecca Cairns is a photographer from Toronto, Canada but now lives and works in Berlin. Her work reminds me a lot of Francesca Woodman’s and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a inspiration to her. She does a lot of self portraits which I can really respect because that is probably the hardest thing for me to do. She does it well, and creates an extremely emotional and slightly uncomfortable feeling. I also love her processes. To me, a lot of it looks like a mistake in the developing process but she embraces it and makes it her own.…

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Francesca Woodman: Photographer

There is too much to say about Francesca Woodman’s life in one simple post on AdLib. But I will say this: I first heard about Francesca last year in my photography class and fell in love with her work. I soon learned that she committed suicide at the age of 22, which is extremely sad because I know she would have made it far in her life. I was fortunate enough to see some of her work at the AIPAD show in New York, and it literally brought tears to my eyes (you can make fun of me, I don’t…

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Mary Temple

Mary Temple’s work is extremely consistent. Most of her works have to do with space, and light and how they work with each other. Sounds a lot like photography to me, but most of her works are installations, prints, and sculpture. The way she makes the shadows of light in places where the light would never be able to reach is so beautiful (a photographers dream) Take a look at Mary Temple’s work! Also check out her exhibition spaces and visit them if you are ever in the area’s they are featured!

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Mom & Pops

If you’re like me and think you don’t want to work for huge international advertising agencies, it can be hard to get in touch with excellent mom-and-pop type studios. I know I was confused and discouraged–their websites might only talk about the two head people and not at all about how to contact them with an inquiry. But I was given some great advice in Portfolio class yesterday by Professor Kantrowitz, which is, “Just ask!” Send them your stuff, ask if they need help. They might be too small to have really good infrastructure for posting openings they might have,…

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Outrage Against Urban Outfitters’ “Kissing Girls” Ad

Urban Outfitters is no stranger to being criticized for being anything from too conservative (the company’s CEO donated to Rick Santorum’s campaign against legalizing gay marriage, among other things) to overly controversial (the company caused quite a stir with the message they were sending through their “eat less” shirts). Recently in their latest catalogue, the brand featured a page with two girls kissing, prompting the organization One Million Moms, who have already rallied (and failed) to get Ellen Degeneres off of the new JC Penny commercials solely based on her homosexuality. The organization asked its followers to stop shopping at…

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Back to the Basics

Although, I’ve been working at the Longswamp Tavern as a bartender for over a year, this past semester I also became an intern there. We are located in Macungie, which is about an hour outside of Philadelphia, located near Bear Creek Ski Resort. Being as we are located in a very wooded and hilly area, our advertising and marketing differ from that of bars that are in the city. There aren’t billboards to advertise on and being that this is a small family owned bar, the budget for television isn’t there. In turn, we rely much on word of mouth…

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More Words of Wisdom Hung On The Wall

If there is one thing that I have learned during my internship at Quaker City Mercantile, it is to be ready for anything. Whether this is the nature of an internship or working at an advertising agency, it is a helpful tidbit to remember. I never really knew what to expect when I walked into the glass doors of QCM and I liked that. No two days were the same and it kept my days fresh and interesting. Whether I’d be digging through the stock room discovering lost ad treasures or attending a beer launch party, Quaker City Mercantile presented…

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March Of Dimes, The Transportation, Building and Construction Awards Luncheon

I’ve been interning for the March Of Dimes in King Of Prussia this semester. When I first started I wasn’t completely familiar with the organization and its cause. After a few weeks of interning there, I started to gather that even though the March Of Dimes is a non-profit organization there is a ton of work and long hours that go into fundraising for the mission and putting on events in the greater Philadelphia area to raise awareness of the problem of premature child-birth. My favorite part about my experience so far has been putting together the larger events and working side…

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