The End of the “Everywoman” in Marketing

Not long ago, two women dominated the female market, reaching and influencing their target in all aspects possible – TV, print, radio, you name it. Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey’s reign over the communications industry seemed both everlasting and impervious. But, as with anything in our industry, all good things come to an end. Or do they? Its been said that site like Pinterest and the ever-present Kardashian Family are stealing the spotlight from these media mavens – also known as “The Everywoman”. As it turns out, the female consumer is evolving, and depending on her to commit to one brand…

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Brooke Shaden, Photographer

I discovered Brooke Shaden on the evening news in my hometown of Lancaster, PA. Why did they feature her? Because she is a Lancaster native making it big time in the Los Angeles. That rarely happens, besides the taylor kinney/lady gaga rumors Oh, and she is a Temple Alum too! One of Shadens photos, “Time” was chosen for the Canon imagin8ion contest. The imagin8ion contest is a contest of photographic works that inspired a short film. The winning photos were chosen by Ron Howard and the film was directed by Bryce Dallas Howard. Brookes work has this whimsical yet eerie…

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Visual Power

Just take a look at this print ad… At first glance, I thought it was a cellphone too, but taking a second glance, its something more than that. Nissan’s “CellTruck” print ad was created by TBWA Argentina. Brilliant, isn’t it? The art direction of this concept was executed very well! Not only does Nissan promotes the well being of others by emphasizing on the message of “Don’t text whiling driving”, it also creates a subtle yet strong visual image of an oncoming truck of a deadly consequence if you do text and drive! Although, it doesn’t necessarily convinces me to…

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Facebook & the Much Younger Generation

I came across an article on AdWeek called “Data Points: The Kids are Online.” The article basically reveals how younger children today such as 7 years old are already using social media sites like Facebook. I started using Facebook when I was 17 (however I am no longer a Facebook user) and I didn’t really use it much except to comment on a few friends’ walls. It really boggled my mind to think what can a 7 year old really do on Facebook?! I mean, shouldn’t they be outside, enjoying the sun? Shouldn’t they be doing other activities like art…

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‘American Idol’ Launches Clothing Line

Reality TV shows often further their profits by creating merchandise such as dolls and figurines, accessories like backpacks and lunch boxes, and other branded products. American Idol, however, will take that to the next step by designing a clothing line inspired by the hit reality show. The difference in this case is that the line will simply allude to the show, as the American Idol name will not be so obviously tied to the garments. “Authentic Icon” (which shares its initials with American Idol) will be featured at Kohls for six weeks starting April 20th, 2012. Its been said that…

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This week I decided to take a look at Women’s Health magazine. I don’t particularly look at Women’s Health but I decided since I looked through Men’s Health, I would do the same for all the women out there. In the current issue of Women’s Health (April 2012 issue), you see Kristen Bell on the cover. When looking through the magazine, I came across an advertisement for Target. We all know and love these stores like Walmart and Target because they basically have everything that we need. In this advertisement they are advertising the pharmacy section of Target. As spring approaches,…

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Funny Faces

I continued to look at Women’s Health this week, the April 2012 issue with Kristen Bell on the cover. I found another advertisement that I thought was cool. I rarely see advertisements for LifeSavers Mints but in this magazine I came across this ad. I thought it was really cool because I think it is their 100th year anniversary. They took the 100 years into consideration when creating this advertisement because you see that with the LifeSaver Mints, they made faces for the different time periods of the past. They focused on the important years like when people walked on…

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Cass Bird, continued!

I recently wrote about Cass Bird, but wanted to share her most recent work (that i know of). Cass shot Urban Outfitters entire spring collection catalog, which personally I love. The photosgraphs make you feel like you are right there, having fun with these sunkissed models.   Check out one of the videos from the shoot! so make sure you pick up the Spring 2012 issue at Urban Outfitters!

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Female Consumers Trust Pinterest Above Other Social Media Sites

I recently posted about the wildly popular social sharing site Pinterest, and how it has serious potential to become something big in the world of advertising. Well, as a matter of fact, Adweek recently posted an article highlighting how, according to research done by, women are more likely to trust information posted about products on social sites like Pinterest and blogs than they are Facebook or Twitter. 61% of women polled said they’d acted on a blog recommendation, 47% said the same for Pinterest, while only about 30% could say the same for Twitter and Facebook. Additionally, when comparing Pinterest…

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Funny Tourism Ads for Lazy People

Does sarcasm sell? If it did, these posters would be a huge success for the tourism industry. It’s a shame, however that they’re just for fun, courtesy of Each ad, in correlation with the headline/message, cites a fake agency at the bottom of the page. My personal favorite is the Hulu poster, who’s agency is called “Oh God How Is It 4 In The Morning Already“. I’ve posted a few below, but the full parody collection can be viewed through this link. Perhaps we’ll see something like this pop up in a real campaign in the near future..  …

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Edward Burtynsky, Photographer

Let’s talk some more photography, shall we? You may have heard of him, but I think he is just too good to not feature here on AdLib if you haven’t. Thats what I’m all about, introducing great artists (photographers, mostly) to those who don’t know. The Fox is Black reminded me how much I love this man’s work, so here it is! Edward Burtynsky is a photographer from Cananda, and he links his early exposure to the sites and images of the General Motors plant in his hometown to the development of his photographic work. Sounds a lot like photographers…

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Faucher Artists

Well, I dont know if I can give you much information about these guys unless I research every single one of the artists on their page. But I thought this was a great way to introduce several artists in one post! Faucher Artists represents Photographers and Prop Stylists, and show some amazing work ranging from prop/set styling, to landscape, food and fashion photography. Take a look around and make sure you check out the artists individually!

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Ads That Don’t Make Sense.

This week I continued to look through GQ magazine (March issue) and came across an advertisement that seemed a bit off. We all know that little lizard from Geico. Well, in this advertisement they are using their phrase “15 minutes to see how much you can save”. In the print ad that appeared in GQ magazine, they used a creative device by comparing two different things. They said “It took forever to find those perfect shades” and comparing that to how it only takes 15 minutes to see how much you can save. They are comparing the time it takes…

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Effects Are Cool.

This week, im looking at the current issue of GQ magazine. When looking through the magazine there are tons and tons of advertisement for men’s fashion. I came across an interesting advertisement for the True Religion Jeans. In this campaign they are focusing on the patriotic essence of the brand. They chose to go with the American color red, blue and white. They are representing this patriotic feel and they incorporated that into their type as well as the image. As you can see, the man is wearing a shirt that looks as if an American flag. But the interesting…

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Smith and Wesson “Target” Women

Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. has typically been a man’s brand: even the landing page of their website screams Male Cop and/or Military Veteran With No Regard For Style Whatsoever. The company sells security equipment, handcuffs, and above all, firearms. Apparently, nearly 20 million women in America own guns – yet find that they have no where remotely stylish to put them while carrying. The company’s line, coming out this fall, will be designed in-house by Julie Golob, a world champion shooter herself. Often when a clothing line targeted to one gender attempts to switch genders for the sake of expansion, mixed reviews…

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