Projects, Projects, and Projects

Since my first day another intern has been assigned to my boss, Diana. Her name Is Olivia and she is from Rowan University. From here on we work together on projects for the most part. Our first major project together was gathering tons and tons of information on Philly’s best restaurants, their top chefs and their best dishes or what they are known for. This project is for GPTMC, Greater Philadelphia Marketing Corporation and the idea is to create a cookbook featuring Philly’s best restaurants and chefs. The thought is to remind the audience that Philly has more than just…

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FHB- Getting around.

Hi fellow bloggers, I would like to let you all know about my positive experiences I am having down in beautiful Orlando Florida. First things first, I am working at my Fathers agency Fry Hammond Barr(FHB) this summer for the second time. The first time I was just shadowing and doing remedial tasks to just you know get my foot in the door. This summer I am joining in on the a lot of the different teams here at FHB such as the creative, and account teams. I have found that as of now I tend to like the creative…

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Sebago x Stash Collection Launch + Photo Exhibition

Earlier this month we put together a launch party with the shoe company Sebago to release their latest collaborative shoe collection. Sebago teamed up with NYC graffitti legend Stash to put together a new footwear collection. In addition to the footwear, we celebrated with DJ Smoke LES spinning music, while presenting the very first exhibition of Stash’s photo work in our upstairs event space. Stash, himself, was in attendance! The event’s beverages were sponsored by Heineken. I was lucky enough to be tasked with helping to get the word out about the event and responding to any questions about the event such as if…

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Day 1 at Red Tettemer

Click here for a Tour of Red Tettemer. My name is Katie McKown and I have been interning as an Account Manager at Red Tettemer and Partners since the end of June. I started not knowing anything about Account Management other than what I have learned in intro to Ad classes because I am following the copywriting track. You are probably wondering why I am not interning as a copywriter. When I was going through my applying processes an agency offered an Account Management position to me in Harrisburg. Unfortunately I could not travel to Harrisburg, but it got me thinking.…

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Keep calm and Move on

Hi everyone, this is Jasmine coming to you from Teen Vogue again! One great thing about being an intern is that when you make a mistake it isn’t the end of the world! That’s not to say don’t be mindful with everything you do but your employer is expecting mistakes. Afterall, this is new territory for you, how would you come in knowing everything? I have made many mistakes this past summer but have prided myself on not being a repeat offender. I try to take a close look at the mistake that I made and figure ways to not…

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The Importance of Keeping Business Relationships

Working at Ubiq has shown me what it’s like to be considered the “client”. What I mean by that is various businesses come to the store and vie for the attention of our buyer, managers, and staff so that they can bring their product in and onto our shelves. Companies such as Sebago and Adidas go to great lengths to keep the buyers and staff pleased . Sebago’s rep and our good friend Cody recently stopped by the store to show us a new 2012  Sebago Collection in the works — a collaboration with Filson Leathers. Websites within our industry haven’t even gotten…

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My first week and I’m already doing the Newsletter?!

I’m Amber Volponi, a senior and an intern at Temple University, College of Health Professions and Social Work in the Communications and Marketing Department. I got my own computer on my own desk, in my own office with my own key. But with that responsibility came jumping right into work very fast. My first week and I’m already working on the newsletter. Not having a clue who anyone in the office is,  I set to the task at hand. I decide that I’m going to start with the template, and work from there first. I can at least just start…

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I have to meet who?!

It’s Amber Volponi, the lonely intern at Temple University, College of Health Professions and Social Work (CHPSW), Communications and Marketing Department. Whoa, that was a mouth full! In the very same first week as having to do a newsletter, I was asked to take pictures at a graduation ceremony. The Interim Dean of CHPSW, Michael Sitler, EdD, ATC, FNATA; and Director of the MS in Health Informatics Program and the Interim Chair of the Health Information Management Department, Cindy Joy Marselis, MBA, MS, RHIA were receiving an award for their excellence educational partnership with a program that helps less-fortunate-students chances…

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My experience beyond the classroom.

I just finished my marketing internship with At Media. Being my first internship, I had no idea what to expect but what I got was an incredible experience I will always keep as my foundation for my career. I learned how a business runs, how to effectively speak to clients, how to contact people to get what you need, how to treat your coworkers, and how to be successful. I admire that they are always trying to improve and build their company. It’s forever growing and I can’t wait to see where it will be in 5, 10, or 15…

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PR to Account Management

I have been interning in the account management department at the Brownstein Group since January.  Up until early June, my desk was located in the PR department.  In June, Brownstein decided to get new furniture in various departments and trade their cubicles for smaller desks.  For one, it made sense to get the new furniture, because it came from one of their clients, IKEA.  The main reason Brownstein removed the cubicles was to create open spaces in the agency.  What used to be closed off areas for each person became big rooms where communication is  easier. Because of this, there…

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Adding Client Value Through Creative Leveraging

Advertising executives have a responsibility to provide the client with creative content that holds great value beyond just the message.  The industry requires the work produced by the agency to be powerful and the common trend has been to leverage aspects of the campaign to increase its overall reach in an economic way. The creation of overarching themes in collaboration with complimenting media content used over a range of media channels can offer clients this value while also increasing the impact of the overall campaign. For example an experiential marketing brand event would achieve a certain amount of impressions based…

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Communication is Key

My internship at the Brownstein Group has taught me many things about the advertising industry.  First hand experience teaches you things a classroom cannot.  Working with real clients with people who are passionate about what they do has assured me I made the right decision in choosing advertising as a major. The one most important things I have learned at Brownstein is how essential communication is not only with clients, but within the agency as well.  Throughout the day, I receive emails from various departments at Brownstein regarding clients, meetings, or even an article someone found about the industry.  Without…

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Importance of interning!

Hey guys! My name is Jasmine and I am currently an assistant intern at Teen Vogue! It has been amazing summer so far so I just wanted to give some tips that have helped me thus far. I know we are constantly hearing “you have to intern” and whoever is telling you this is absolutely correct! Not many of us after graduating will land our perfect job because there are so many of us and so little job positions. The best way to put yourself ahead of the pack is by showing what an asset you would be to a…

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Small agency, big responsibility

What’s the saying? “Finding a job is a full-time job.” Sorry to spit clichés, but it seems the same can be applied to internships. I worked my tail off just to get an internship, an UNPAID internship at that. It’s my future, so obviously a lot of thought went into the process. I began by deciding if I would prefer the rigid structure and program of a large advertising agency, or a loose apprenticeship like those oft found at smaller firms. Turned out the pickings were too slim for me to really be picky. I got a small firm. Which…

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Don’t overthink it

Before I began my internship at the Brownstein Group, I had no idea what to expect.  I talked to people who had internships before, but nothing could prepare me for what I would experience at Brownstein.  As an account management intern, I have been allowed to really be involved in the process of working with clients.  I have written creative briefs, researched clients and competitors, and created powerpoints for different departments. If I knew I would be doing this before I started, I would have been worried about how I would do.  Working with real accounts and advertising professionals alone…

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