The Future of Advertising

Where creative meets compromise and potential meets promise- “Teaching High School Advertising” is like no other course at Temple.

It’s a place where minds, specialized in different subjects, come together and contribute to success on both a personal level and a collective one. Being the only one in the class to have experienced a project like this, it’s a privilege to be involved for the second time.  Being a part of the course’s construction from the ground up, has given it a special place in my heart. As peer teacher, the most enjoyable aspect is learning. It’s the insight shared in class discussion as everyone brainstorms their lesson plans. It’s the passion for this community based learning even beyond the classroom. It’s the positive feeling extracted in each and every class, having learned something new every time we meet. It’s the growth… of both the Temple students and the high school students. An atmosphere where everyone is learning, is the most rewarding environment to be a part of, not to mention life-changing.

Moving into two high schools rather than just one, shows this program’s potential to grow. It’s a powerful thing- something you’ve created, that will remain even after you’re gone. It’s a great way to be remembered, which is a long-term goal of mine. The class of Temple students I work with are reassurance that advertising was the right choice for me. Working with people who share the same interest in making a difference, no matter how small, is glorifying  and much appreciated. There is so much support behind us, from the Philly Ad Club to Temple University, from Palumbo to Kensington CAPA, we can’t say thank you enough. It takes a sturdy foundation to build a lasting structure.

Last year, our client was the Phillies. This year, our new client is Philabundance. I’m truly excited to advertise for this non-profit organization, because unlike the Phillies, we may actually have a shot at seeing our campaigns become a reality. With the media’s help,  it is essential that we get as much publicity for this program as possible so that people hear and support what we’re doing. It will influence others to do the same whether it’s at the collegiate level or the high school level. I expect great things to come, as we work towards our final presentations. The commitment, community, and commendable individuals involved in this process assures me that we are set up for success.

Where dreaming meets doing and chance meets change- “The Philly Ad Club TEENS program” is the future.


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