It’s a balancing act

(my space, how it is, most of the time I’m at my internship)For all of you who can balance your school work, your internship, your job, and your personal life without pounds of chocolate and an IV of coffee, you are a robot and should not be reading this blog. It’s hard work. I have been interning at LevLane for the last 7 months, been a full time student, Part-time worker, and occasional friend to those who are lucky to get me on a good day.  Don’t get me wrong, I love it, I love being busy and having things…

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Cocktails in Ancient Egypt on a Sunday Afternoon?

              The agency I intern for, Quaker City Mercantile, attends various events where they showcase our products. On Sunday, March 13th I was lucky enough to work at the event entitled Brewer’s Plate at The University of Penn’s Museum of Anthropology. The event, which was a fundraiser for Fair Trade Foods, comprised of numerous local breweries and restaurants all coming together to offer yummy samples. The purpose of Quaker City to attend events such as this is for people to gain exposure on the unique organic liquors Quaker City’s store Art in the Age…

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KYW Newsradio 1060: Promotions & Events Internship

People have been asking me lately, why are you an advertising major, interning at a radio station, and going to law school in fall?  And my favorite question is, why aren’t you pre-law?  Well first off there is no such thing as pre-law so that is why I am not pre-law.  Likewise, I wanted to have a degree in something I’d actually use in case law school doesn’t pan out as expected.  A majority of the students currently in law school are Philosophy majors, Political Science majors, or English majors.  No offense to them, but if law school doesn’t work…

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KYW: The Promotion Side of Things

A part of the promotions coordinator/interns job is to call the prize winners from our KYW database.  See, on the KYW website you can register to win monthly prizes.  The prizes are various, from things such as gift certificates to restaurants, spas, etc to tickets to concerts, plays, operas, and other family outing stuff.  When people register they go into a database and a program called “Sticky Fish” chooses a winner at random.  Well, they usually give away one big prize every now and then and during the course of my internship it was a one week cruise on Norwegian…

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SpY Street Art

Today’s post is about street art. It was a huge trend that picked up on a mainstream scale in the late 90’s and has continued to gain popularity among the public. Unfortunately with public recognition comes what some would call the demise of street art. Many critics of street art as well as ex-street artists, feel that street art is now played out or dead. Well SpY, a Madrid based group of street artists, has a few fresh pieces still leaving us (well at least me), in awe.  

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Hittin’ Homers with WOGL

Last friday was opening day for the Phillies, and luckily for me I got to work a promotions event for WOGL.  I was super excited because I had never actually done any promo events yet.  I usually would just make phone calls and help with the radio station’s prize give aways. It was a very fun experience overall, despite the bad weather.  All of CBS Radio‘s sister stations were there representing the company as a whole.  We were set up at the Third Base Gate carnival that  is sporadically held at major games throughout the Phillies season.  The basic idea of what…

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Temple Design Student

My friend and design consultant, Justin Morris, was recently indicted into lettercult. Now this isn’t the Pulitzer prize, but in the design world it is pretty rad to have your work posted on here. Justin is a Tyler School of Art senior design student. He works at Impact Magazine in NYC and also has a job already lined up at the Brooklyn Circus once he graduates. It’s no wonder that his hand crafted type and letters were chosen and placed under the best of 2010. Amazing work Justin, way to go friend.  

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A Facebook Campaign So Good, Facebook is Jealous.

I discovered this from the most excellent Ad Teachings– definitely a must follow for anyone on Tumblr. SAS came up with an innovative way to get people to enter into their contest and provide free advertising. I love how they utilized Facebook’s formatting to their advantage (probably the same reason the contest shut down). Keep up the good work, SAS- FIGHT THE MAN!

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Helga Steppan Monotone

Some say that photography is the most complicated art to pursue. While there a lot of problems with that phrase and a lot artists that would love to combat, this is primarily true. It’s hard to be original with a photograph, and its especially hard to find new subject matter to shoot that will make a jaw drop. Helga Steppan is a Swedish born designer and photographer from the Royal College of Art in London. Below is a series of her wonderfully monotone images that study the beauty of a sole scheme.

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98.1 WOGL: Greatest Hits of the 60s, 70s, & 80s

In January I started an internship at CBS Radio’s 98.1 WOGL.  This radio station reaches an older demographic (25-54) and plays the gratest hits of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. One might ask… Ashley, why do you think you would fit in at a radio station that does not even reach your demographic?  And my answer for that:  I already know how to generally reach my demographic since I’m apart of it!  I’m knowledgeable of what is hip and new, and have experience with reaching out to college students.  What I am interested in at this internship is that I can learn…

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