Really? Windows Phone…

“It’s time for a phone to save us from our phones.” People spend so much time on their phones they’re missing out on life. Interesting concept. I suppose Windows Phone is so fast that each of these people can do what it is they do and still have enough time left over to live. It sounds like a great idea… really. I don’t have a smart phone, so I don’t have this problem, but I will say that it piques my interest. Here’s the “mama spot.” There are a number of “baby spots” too. It’s cool that this ad…

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Honest to Goodness Lunches May be Too Honest

“Honest to Goodness” is a new campaign from Healthy Choice. It demands more attention than the previous campaign with Julia Louis Dreyfus. It’s easier to sell an idea with unknowns than it is with a celebrity. What about people who don’t care for a particular celebrity? It creates an instant disconnect from the product. There’s no prior expectation with unknown actors. That’s not to say that celebrities don’t help, but the product should bare most of the liability. It should be able to stand on it’s own. What grabbed my attention was the honesty of course. In an environment where…

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Prematurity Awareness Month is happening now! Look out for the purple buildings!

I am continuing to love my internship at March of Dimes.  Right now I am in my waiting period; in two weeks things will start to pick up again.  It is slow because I spent the past month continuing a project the summer intern began.  The month of November is Prematurity Awareness Month and November 17 is Prematurity Awareness Day.  The goal is to reduce preterm births and raise awareness about what a problem preterm births are.  The goal I was concentrating on accomplishing was to raise awareness about pre-term births. During the summer, the other intern called businesses around…

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TAC Update: Quaker City Mercantile

This week at TAC, we had a guest speaker come from Quaker City Mercantile, a top branding agency in Philadelphia. Nicole Hutnyk, a branding manager and account manager, explained Quaker City Mercantile as an agency that covers all phases of development from packaging, multimedia, social networking, and viral. The main goal at Quaker City Mercantile is to create and sustain brands which leads to their philosophy; “A brand isn’t sustainable if it doesn’t tell a certain kind of truth”. Ms. Hutnyk also happens to be the Intern Director at Quaker City Mercantile, which offers internships all throughout the year. Internships…

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Up and coming for TAC!

There are a lot of great things in store for TAC! The next few weeks are a crucial time to attend meetings and events; you will not want to miss out. Several guest speakers haven presented at TAC meetings, and more are to come. A radio production company will be speaking at a meeting this month. And even more exciting, Grey Healthcare is visiting TAC on December 3, @ 12pm in Kiva Auditorium. Grey Healthcare is an agency from New York City, and they will have a lot of valuable information. A few other upcoming events: The film Art and…

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It has been almost two months since I started interning at Maiden Media and it’s been a wonderful experience so far. For those of you who might want to intern at Maiden, here’s a short list to summarize what I’ve witnessed there: Interns are treated as employees- no getting anyone’s coffee/lunch unless you want to Small agency-  you get much more involved in the nooks and crannies of the work, plus you will work side by side with the people of your department Relaxed but professional environment- everyone likes to have fun here, but they are very thorough and professional…

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Getting cozy in Old City

Maiden Media is a new resident to Old City Philadelphia.  The agency originated in Princeton, NJ and made the move to the city of brotherly love just this past summer in hopes to grow from the many opportunities Philly offers.  Being located in NJ, their clients were from the area and there wasn’t much room for growth.  Since the move, Maiden has really begun to make their mark in Philadelphia. The agency has already attended Philadelphia Ad Club events in order to network with the Philly Ad scene as well as meet other businesses in the area.  Being a startup…

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First Day

Yesterday was my first day at LevLane. It made me realize something. And that was my passion for creating, tinkering on ideas late into the night never wanting to stop. Sitting with blood shot eyes and mindless fingers putting it together as carefully as a surgeon. I was Dr. Frankenstein, I wanted to give life to something. Finally my life had a purpose to fulfill. I wanted to breath life into my ideas and watch them take their first steps. Eventually they would run, moving beyond my imagination into the public domain. It was a beautiful day My first day at…

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PHL17 Internship – "Hey! That's my bus!"

After doing a sales internship with PHL17 this summer, I decided that TV is an interesting industry and I wanted to give the creative department a try. This semester, I was fortunate to join the creative team during a logo and name change, which meant lots of new outdoor ads. During my first week, I was given the task of finishing the headliner for a Septa bus ad for one of PHL’s newly acquired shows House. It was approved and is currently running on multiple buses throughout the city!  Just the other day, on my way home from the station,…

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Measuring Success

Since I’ve been at Harmelin Media, I’ve been able to work on different phases of a media plan  Today I was able to measure how successful a media buy was for a specific client.  I really enjoyed working on this, maybe because I thought the client was an interesting one, or maybe because I was able to see first hand how a good media buy affects a client.  While working on this I discovered that the week a specific advertisement ran in a specific magazine, the client significantly increased their sales.  It was exciting to discover such a big success…

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Halloween at Cities2night.

I have been interning at Cities2night for about a little over a month and we just successfully completed our big promotional event for Halloween. The event was a scavenger hunt and it took place at  8 different bars on South St with a grand prize of a gift certificate for $250 . It seems like something pretty basic but  alot of time, effort and hard work went into making this event happen. We had to call venues, get into contact with the company Scvnger, who is the leader in scavenger hunts apps for your cell phone, we had to print flyers and poster and most importantly we had…

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Single Most Important Thing I Learned At My Internship:

Know everything. If you don’t know it, go learn it. I feel like it is a common misconception that once you leave university, you don’t need to learn enough. People think they are prepared for the workforce and jump into a job. Advertising is the exact opposite. Of course you’ve gotta jump head first into your job, but do so knowing that if you don’t know how to swim- you’d better learn quickly. So be prepared to look up answers, research case studies, and phone a friend. Sign up for newsletters. I’m of course the least experienced advertising person in…

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LevLane: Social Media

Because social media is becoming such a widespread medium for advertising, I have been doing quite the bit of research on how to reach clients and consumers via social networking. The main client I have been doing this for is Beneficial Bank, one of LevLane’s biggest clients. Although I don’t enjoy doing research for obvious reasons, I have learned so much about how to target certain demographics. I have learned that the right copy, along with the right visual, and the right incentives is what attracts people to join company’s twitter pages and become their fans on facebook. Many people…

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Try it out.

After interning for a handful of companies, it was important for me to actually choose an internship in my senior year that I would enjoy. I had previously interned for a major production company, a small agency, and some other businesses, and although I learned a great deal from each internship, i was beginning to wonder if  the field I studied for four years was what I actually expected. It was to late to change my major, and even if I could change it and graduate on time, there was something about my courses that I loved. Once this fall…

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