With no knowledgeable background in sales, I decided to take this leap into the unknown world.
Read MoreEntering the World of Sales
Through my internship with MANNA, through meeting people who smile and laugh through chronic illness and who wake up every day with the desire to keep going, I’ve learned how to try things.
Read MoreBeing Afraid of Trying New Things (And Doing Them Anyway)
I am observing how important the marketing department is in relation to the operation of the Kimmel Center.
Read MoreThe Business of Music & Theatre
I’ve prepared a few “do’s and don’t’s” that I feel are important with all internships, but especially the fast-paced culture of a large agency like Tierney.
Read MoreDo’s and Dont’s of Interning
Interning at the Philadelphia Film Society has made me feel extremely important and needed.
Read MoreDesign, Film, & Fun
As an Art Direction major, I never pictured myself interning as a copywriter.
Read More3, 2, 1 …. #BlastOff
The idea is that designers don't just draw on the computer all day, we are creating, researching and learning.
Read MoreDesigners Don’t Just Design
Working with a team that makes you feel valuable is one of the most important assets to getting the most out of an internship.
Read MoreBecoming A Little Giant
If I had known that my experience as an intern would be this involved and rewarding, I probably wouldn't have put off applying for one for so long.
Read MoreAfraid of getting your first internship? Me too.
I’m no copywriter, but I can write a damn good email.
Read MoreIf You’re Not Talking Email, I Don’t Want To Talk
Being an intern at a wedding fashion company is amazing because I get to see how a large brand operates behind the scenes and take part in the events they hold for PR.
Read MoreBehind the Scenes of a Press Preview Fashion Show
I have been interning with TPD Design House in Wayne for about 6 months now.
Read MoreFinding My Niche
In September I began my Graphic Design internship at the Temple University Alumni Relations Office.
Read MoreTemple University Alumni Association
The book Consumer.ology by Phillip Graves is all about the flaws he sees in conducting market research, and how to fix them.
Read MoreConsumer.ology – The Myths of Market Research
As you’ll hear from my book review, Byron Sharp points out many interesting facts in his book, How Brands Grow.
Read MoreHow Brands Grow–A Book Review