Media in the Home Building Industry
Before I began my internship at Group Two, I did my research to find out the agency specialization. Group Two only works with New Home Builders. I thought this was interesting, because most agencies I knew about had a variety of clients and did not have one focus. I did not know much about the home building industry going into the internship. So, I knew I had a lot to learn.
First, I had to become familiar with the clients. They are from across the country. So, it was really cool to see different communities and how it changes from state to state. I also had to become familiar with different media outlets in the client’s area and find the best ways they can advertise. Group Two’s website states, “We understand your challenges, we know what works, and we can tell you what you’re marketing plan is missing at a glance.” It is so important as a client to find an agency that understands their challenges and knows the best solutions. As I worked with the media team, I got to see whether the client was successful or not month to month through media reports on which I worked.
I really enjoyed working on reports and using Google Analytics, Zillow Builder Dashboard, and Facebook Ads Manager so that we could see the traffic the clients were receiving. We would then, take the data and use Google Data Studio to create a chart that was used as a visual aid in the reports so the client could better understand the data. I am grateful I learned about these programs, because they are so important to understand in the world of media. You can take classes about media planning, but it is so different when you are actually in an agency working with real clients.
Group Two is a really great agency for Home Builders. I am sure they will continue to grow as a company. Interning here has been so rewarding and I gained a lot of experience and skills I can use in my future career. This is just my first step into the advertising industry and I am forever thankful Group Two welcomed me onto their team.
As someone who has worked in media for a variety of different industries, I think it’s really interesting to hear about your experience in the Home Building Industry. Congratulations on being able to apply your knowledge of media techniques to a new and interesting area!
Hi Kristen!
As a current intern at a full service agency this semester, working with a variety of clients in diverse industries, it was super interesting to read about your experience at an agency focused on home building! It seems like you are gaining a lot of hands-on experience and tangible skills that could carry over into your future career, which is awesome. Congrats on expanding your network and skills in what seems to be a very growth-inducing environment!
Hi! Interning at Group Two sounds like it has been a great and informative experience for you so far, which is great. I know my first internship was very helpful and informative but I didn’t have the opportunity to work with platforms like Google Analytics and Facebook Ad Manager so it’s really cool to hear you have the opportunity to learn how to use platforms like these at Group Two! It’s exciting to hear all about all the skills you’ve gained so far that you will be able to apply in the classroom and in the real world as well. Good luck with the rest of your internship at Group Two and all of your future endeavors!