Speak out and you will be heard

Philadelphia Magazine is such a well known company it is almost impossible not to have heard of it. But I bet many people don’t recognize the name behind the company: David Lipson. He is the President and owner of the company. His family has continuously passed down the company. I would see him passing the hallways every now and then at Philly Mag but I never really had the chance to talk to him. A few weeks into my internship all the interns were told David wanted to take us all out to lunch. I jumped at the opportunity. He took…

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All Aboard, Young Intern

As the photography and graphic design intern for the Independence Seaport Museum, I was in charge of spearheading various projects. When it came to documenting different events and posting about them afterwards, while utilizing a vibrant and friendly tone, I was their man! For instance, my favorite assignment in my time at the museum was shooting Walnut to Walnut. Walnut to Walnut is an event in which regional “boaters” race from one end of Walnut St to the other in their manually powered boats. In order to properly photograph the water race, I was reserved a speedboat. This way, I…

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Positive thoughts brings positive actions

Initially, I thought I was going to be just one of the many Advertising interns at Philadelphia Magazine. To my surprise I was treated just like everyone else. Every morning that I came in I was greeted as anyone else would be. I found it extremely fascinating that I was able to be a part of the weekly and monthly meetings. This helped broaden my knowledge on the company and all they were doing. I was also able to work all of the Philadelphia Magazine sponsored events. Here I learned that the company didn’t make any revenue off of these events but…

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More than the Money

Of course a huge part of a job is the pay. You want to be able to pay your bills and have some money to spend too. As I’m getting closer to graduation, closer to job hunting and closer to those dreadful student loans, I can’t help put to think about money. I don’t want to be in debt until I retire, but I also don’t want to work a job that I hate just because it pays well. I want to work at a place where I actually don’t mind going to. I want to be at a place…

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Chaos at the Concert

A couple of weeks ago, my supervisor asked me if I wanted to work the Stevie Wonder concert. I immediately said yes, not caring about what my specific responsibilities included because the main reason why I chose to intern at the Wells Fargo Center was to be apart of large scale events like this. I was later told that I would be assisting the Premium Seating department distributing wristbands to VIP club box members. How hard could that be? I imagined myself sitting at a desk with the list on my one side and the wristbands on the other, greeting…

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Don’t Hold Yourself Back

While on my third internship in a row, I have definitely learned a variety of information that I wouldn’t necessarily learn in class. The number one thing I learned that took some time for me to realize is the fact that just because I’m the intern or the youngest one there, doesn’t mean my opinion doesn’t matter. First starting an internship is nerve racking. You are thrown into a new situation that you are learning how to handle on your own. In the beginning of my internships, I would sit in the corner and just do everything I was told. I kept…

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Feeling like a Star

Within the first few weeks of my internship, I have helped with a lot of different tasks.  I have updated the Pathways to Housing Pa website in small ways.  I have monitored a campaign and written social media shout outs, and emails for the donors.  I also wrote a press release within my first week.  I have done a lot of little things but in the end it is important because these things need to be done in order to make things happen. I am proud of the work that I have done at Pathways to Housing Pa.  I am…

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Sometimes All That Matters Is Who Likes You

The other week I was dropped from a hold at my freelance job. This happens all the time – jobs cancel, dates get moved around… no big deal. But then I came in to the studio and overheard them talking about the job still. I realized that it was still happening… I was kicked off of it. So of course I was pissed off, kindof hurt even, racking my brain to figure out what I did wrong. Was I doing a bad job as a photo assistant? Did I forget to clean something, or say something wrong in front of…

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The road to the top is full of trash and coffee.

The most valuable skill I’ve learned so far at my internship is how to keep the trash can empty and the coffee flowing. Basically with what I do, my entire job is to make sure that there are no problems and nothing goes wrong. In a photo studio, clients want to be impressed, and they don’t want to worry about anything. And the photographer wants to put on a show and make everyone feel like he has everything under control. Casually. So that means the trash is always empty, the studio is always clean, I always know the wi-fi password,…

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Be Someone to Remember

Everyday when I walk into my internship at Siquis in Baltimore, as a junior account executive I don’t just try to do great work, but I try to make an impression on people. I make a point to say good morning to almost everyone in the office. Siquis is a small agency, they have about 30 people, so it isn’t that hard to make the effort to say good morning to them. One thing that is important to me is that the people there will miss me when I’m gone. Not just miss my work and me helping, but miss…

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Sky High Blue

Who would have thought starting an internship would shape my future and the things I want compared to the things I thought I wanted. Joining the Independence Blue Cross team was intimidating. Going into the big city everyday to go to a high floor and look over the beautiful city of Philadelphia. It felt as if I grew up overnight and wasn’t a college student anymore but a business woman working in the city of brotherly love. I wasn’t sure how the corporate life would treat me and what exactly I would be doing. All I knew was I was excited to work…

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Beyond the Job Description

As an Account Management intern at LevLane Advertising, I thought my summer would be spent crunching numbers at a tiny desk tucked away from the “real” employees. One hour into my first day on the job, I quickly discovered that I was in for an amazing experience. Every clichéd idea I had about a drab, fluorescent lit, cubicle-filled summer was completely shattered. The whole atmosphere in the agency is one that encourages creative development and productivity, and the young staff radiates with friendship and positivity. My desk lies in the middle of an open cluster, giving me a head-on view…

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When in doubt always ask!

  You know how often as an intern you are trusted to handle work that is important to the team and not just actual grunt work? Not very often that’s what! So when you are actually tasked with some thing important, its very imperative that you clearly understand the task otherwise it’s pretty hard to complete it. I had this same issue when I was given the responsibility of checking the expiration dates for offers in our streaming spots.Seems pretty simple but I noticed some incorrect names and spots that I wasn’t absolutely sure of. I could either work on…

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What a Rush

What a Rush For the past two months I’ve been interning at a full service ad agency called Siquis as a junior account executive. It is located in Baltimore and it relatively small with about 30 people employed there. I wanted to talk about one of the craziest days I had so far at Siquis. I start my day by checking my email and getting ready for my daily status call with one of our clients. These daily calls are about 20 minutes. We also have a longer status call every Wednesday. By the time this status call ended I…

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Network Network Network

From as long as I can remember I have not been the small talker. I’d run out of something to say in about two seconds flat and then just stand there awkwardly. This hindered me from even trying to talk to some people at times in fear that I might freeze up and my general questions like “how are you?” might not cut it and make the person pick up the conversation. The thought of freezing in front of someone that was my superior even frightened me more. What if I look stupid? What if they ask something I don’t…

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