From the View of a Senior

As a senior wrapping up the last of my assignments and realizing that my time as a Temple advertising student is coming to an end, I've been thinking a lot about advice I would give to current and potential students in Klein. My number one takeaway would be this: always intern. 

As a senior wrapping up the last of my assignments and realizing that my time as a Temple advertising student is coming to an end, I’ve been thinking a lot about advice I would give to current and potential students in Klein. My number one takeaway would be this: always intern.

The advertising curriculum is unparalleled and led by some of the best professionals in the industry, but still, those professors will tell their students that only so much can be taught in the classroom. Coming out of my 5th and final internship, I can attest to that fact. I’ve always loved learning and I’m extremely comfortable in a classroom environment, but until I was sitting at a team debrief, or listening in on a call or even presenting to a client, what I learned in my classes couldn’t have been applied to its fullest potential.

Since January, I’ve been with at Tierney as a copywriting-intern-turned-part-time-junior-copywriter, and it’s been nothing short of a blast. The creative energy and passion that flows through the office day in and day out is what makes going to work so fun and the work itself inspiring. I’ve been able to work alongside art directors who can work on photoshop faster than I can follow, and learn from creative directors on both the art and copy side. Their mentorship has been just one of the many reasons I’m excited to continue at Tierney after graduation.

If it wasn’t for the advertising department, its dedicated professors, and the opportunities it has given me to seek out, apply and obtain internships, I wouldn’t be who I am today. So again, my advice to any student weighing the idea of interning while taking classes, my advice for you would be: go for it. You’ll learn more than you could’ve thought imaginable and the experiences you’ll have will be immeasurable.

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