Mid-sized reliability is no myth.

LevLane is no “boutique” ad agency. However, it is also by no means huge. With about 60 employees, they fall squarely in the middle. At a larger agency, it’s easy to be concerned that you’ll be lost in the shuffle, or that the most work you’ll be doing is remembering everyone’s coffee orders. At a smaller one, having someone breathe down your neck while you’re trying to work and watching every little thing is both disconcerting and no way to get creative work done. That’s what I loved about working at LevLane. I was given the space to do the…

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Humble Pie

I was very fortunate to land an internship at the law firm Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman, & Goggin (Marshall Dennehey for short). However, I was a little uneasy about being an advertising major working for attorneys, as I’m sure we all know how those ads usually turn out. I appreciate the work, but I didn’t want to be stuck writing variations on “we don’t get paid until you do!” for the entire semester. Fortunately, we do not advertise in the traditional sense. Rather, we focus on marketing efforts. And while it isn’t exactly my field of study, I learned a lot…

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What I learned in a boat museum is…

I hope you all got that Spongebob reference, except I actually learned a lot working at the Independence Seaport Museum as a Marketing and PR intern.  The experience gave me a chance to learn how to do tasks that I wouldn’t learn inside a classroom.  I got to go to office meetings that I wouldn’t get to experience in Annenberg.  And overall my time at the Museum was a valuable tool to learn the aspects of a full time job that I can’t see in a classroom and decide which of those I want and do not want. I worked…

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Welp, Here Goes Nothing…

Finally, it is coming down to an end. Not only is my time at Harmelin Media winding down, but my time as an undergrad at Temple as well. I feel very confident that Harmelin and Temple have put me in a great position to succeed in the future. Although I admit that finding a job will be stressful, hard work will eventually pay off. Harmelin especially has taught me the first steps of being a professional and working within a professional environment, and for that I am truly grateful. It is encouraging to be given such great reviews from your…

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What I’ve Learned At LevLane

Being my first internship in the advertising world, there were some basic things that I had figured I would learn at LevLane. I knew going into this internship that I would probably see a whole new side of advertising that learning in the classroom just couldn’t possibly show; I was correct about this. There were a lot of things that I expected – copywriters and art directors having more creative workspaces, openness and less formality, an extremely fast-paced environment – but there were some things that I couldn’t have expected. I knew that the creative side and account side worked together,…

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Guidance to Life After College

I came into college with the belief that I was absolutely certain advertising was the career I wanted to pursue. As my college career continued, I found myself enjoying my advertising classes and being even more certain that I had found the right major for me. Because I wanted to be an account manager, I decided to declare a business minor. Once I began my business minor, I realized that, while business and communications are very similar, they are also very different. There were things that I liked about both, and suddenly I found myself uncertain of what exactly I wanted to…

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Stay Curious

I’ve spent much of my free time at college agonizing over The Big Decision—or more specifically, what I want to do for the rest of my life. They tell you time and time again that that’s what college is all about, so the longer I spent at Temple without making up my mind, the more panicked I felt. While I have managed to graduate from the ‘All I know is that I don’t like math’ phase to something a little more concentrated (double-tracking in Copywriting and Art Direction as an Ad major), I always struggled with never feeling like a…

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All Pretty Things Must Come to an End…

In the beginning of January I had the opportunity to start an advertising/social media internship with a small jewelry company named Wild Lilies Jewelry (WLJ). This was not an agency nor a large company for that matter, but the learning experience was greater than anything for which I could have asked. Since WLJ is such a small company I had the opportunity to work side-by-side with the CEO of the company, Stephanie Greenbaum, on a daily basis. This alone was a valuable experience because as a Temple University graduate, Stephanie was not only able to share with me tools and…

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Break Out of Your Shell

Working in an agency environment provides a lot of perks. There are social outings, wellness seminars, and social interactions with different agencies and professionals. All of these events provide great networking and learning opportunities you normally don’t get in the office. When you’re in the office you get to learn the basics of the job but there really isn’t time to pick the brains of your superiors for advice. Social outings provide an excellent chance to get to know your superiors outside of a professional context. When you get to mingle you can ask different questions that would be irrelevant…

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Unconvential Takeaways from the Pitch

Where has the time gone this semester?! I swear yesterday was the first day of my internship and now it is coming to an end. I learned a great deal this semester interning for the marketing department at GEICO. My main role this semester as an intern was really working on the dealership referral program. Here are the top three things that I learned at this specific intern task more than anywhere else 1. Building relationships is created purely out of how two parties can benefit from each other When you have a beneficial relationship, whether it be a friendship or…

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Less is More

I currently work at Temple Small Business Development Center as a Creative Consultant, which means I create business cards, brochures, etc. for clients. The client I am currently working has really changed my perspective on some of my work. Upon meeting with her she requested a simple logo – she had nothing in mind but something simple and readable. After her request I resulted to Google searching simple logos that brought me to the most common logos such as the Nike Swoop and the FedEx logo, which made me realize that a simple logo is even more complex than the…

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What to do?

I am a copywriter at Temple, but I am not sure where that is going to take me. Don’t get me wrong I love advertising, I really do, but I don’t really see myself at an agency, although I would be open to taking a job if one offered. My internship is at the BQ Golf Academy in Conshohocken and no it’s not an agency. My job is to manage all of the social networking sites as well as help create ideas and build advertisement concepts. I am so grateful that I was able to use what I learned at…

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It’s not about the size of the ship

Working at Inspire as a creative design intern has been quite an interesting time.  It gets even more interesting when the company you work for is very small, having only a dozen or so coworkers.  At first, it felt as if my experience might be limited.  I was worried there wouldn’t be enough work to go around, and that I’d be stuck getting coffee and answering phone calls like the stereotypical intern you see in the movies. Thankfully, I was very wrong. After the first few days, I had already started to form friendly bonds with my coworkers, more so than I ever…

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A Permanent Internship

Most fellow students I have come across took an internship in a traditional ad agency, or marketing company that would naturally progress into either a job, or teaching the tools in order to land one. I, however, decided to intern at a tattoo shop, entitled Lost Soul Tattoo. This presented me with many opportunities to use my creativity and strive to come up with new ways to advertise an already popular tattoo location. I was thrust into a real role, as they never had anyone do advertising or “business” oriented work in the shop, other than piercing and tattooing. It…

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