Shy Won’t Fly at Skai Blue Media

I’ve been shy my entire life. I tend to avoid situations where I have to talk to people I don’t know. Being anything but quiet and reserved is a struggle. This also affected my desire to show things I create to the world. My discomfort with talking to people manifested in a fear of not just me, but also my art, from being seen. In this industry, I’ve quickly learned that will not be and option. Shyness is not coddled in advertising. Landing an internship at Skai Blue Media was a dream come true. There is no bigger self esteem…

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Intern Learning Lunches at Tag Strategies

I think one of my favorite concepts in the world is free food; you have to eat to live, right? Well as an Account Services intern at Tag Strategies this semester, every Wednesday for the past 2-3 weeks I’ve been getting just that, but with an added bonus…I get to learn while I eat! This is what Tag Strategies calls an Intern Learning lunch. Participants include myself, the creative intern, as well as an employee in a particular capability in the agency. So far, I’ve gotten the opportunity to hear from, and ask questions to employees in Business Operations, Creative,…

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Taking Chances at LevLane

This fall I had the opportunity to have my first internship at LevLane Advertising. Although I am a copywriter, I took an internship in the traffic department. At first, I was skeptical because I did not know much about the department or how it operated and I thought that maybe I was not qualified. But so far, it has turned out to be a great decision. I have learned so much more about agency life and have gained a ton of real world experience. Traffic was something I never thought I would be interested in before, but after the past…

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Casual Agency Environments

When I used to picture working at a “real job” I didn’t imagine people would be dressed as casually as in the classroom.  But at the two PR/marketing agencies I’ve now interned for, that has mostly been the case.  It’s interesting that a casual environment has become the norm in a lot of agency-type places, particularly when you look at pictures from agencies just a few decades ago where the offices and dress code were noticeably more conservative. I think that a casual environment tends to fit the type of work that an agency does.  A very hierarchical setup doesn’t encourage openness…

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Small Fish, Big Pond at LevLane

As an intern at LevLane, one of the coolest and most rewarding experiences I have had thus far is being able to work on a brand new client. Agencies are constantly looking for new business, and we just so happened to land a cardiology group after several months of negotiating as soon as I came back to LevLane for my second semester. I really got to kick start this project. I took the information that I was given about the company and then researched regional and national competitors. Some of the things I looked for were taglines/positioning, how the companies…

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Getting It Right (Through Trial and Error)

This semester I achieved one of my goals that I set way back at the beginning of high school, which feels weird to think about! For a while, I knew that I wanted to work at WXPN in some way, and I feel very lucky to have the opportunity this semester to be their graphic design intern. WXPN is a non-commercial public radio station broadcast from the University of Pennsylvania. Non-commercial means that WXPN doesn’t have the typical ad spots that you’d hear on Radio 104.5 and instead the station gets funding from other sources, like memberships and sponsors. It…

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Live and Learn

When first arriving to my media sales internship at Greater Media Philadelphia I was somewhat hesitant on what to expect. I have been there for about two and a half months now and I have already learned a lot about the media buying business, while getting an understanding about what I wanted to do for my career. Everyone was really friendly and helpful by allowing me to attend their creative and sales meetings. While attending these meetings, seeing what it was like in a “non-agency” company, I feel like I would rather work in an agency. This is not because…

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What’s Pharma?

So, I hoped to come across an internship opportunity this school year and land one for the Spring semester. Internships are a STRESSFUL thought – getting the right one, finding one you like, one that would really make you stand out, and one you would actually gain valuable experience from. They say things never go as planned, as did my interning plans for the year. I came across an opportunity posted by the ad listerv emails, which seemed too good to pass up. It was a listing for Evoke Health, a healthcare advertising agency right in center city who was…

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The Total Flop

I recently attended the event that was intended to be my main project for the length of my internship with the event planning shop, Station Avenue Productions.  Many hours went into organizing this women’s wellness retreat held at Borgata’s Water Club in Atlantic City last Sunday. The program was complete with a yoga session, energetic motivational speakers, massages, and a luncheon. It was all about “unleashing your inner goddess” and self improvement. The event was a flop, with only 4 tickets sold out of 250. The total audience consisted of 25 women, who were mostly vendors or close friends who got to participate…

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Owning it at Chatterblast Media

After working on a month-long research project for a new client at Chatterblast Media, I was given the opportunity to present my work to the client. This was a really great professional experience, not only because it was so heavily involved, but also because it gave me the confidence to own my work. When the research manager at Chatterblast, Jackie gave me the assignment, I had no idea how big of a project I was getting into. Hired as a content creator, most of my previous assignments revolved around writing and composing content for client’s social media. This project, however…

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Leaving Your Comfort Zone

We all have our unique comfort zones.  Some things come easy to certain people, while other things are stressful.  As an intern at Allied Integrated Marketing, a main responsibility I have is contacting local businesses to see if they are interested in receiving screening passes to movies we promote.  Sometimes the places I contact have email addresses, but more often than not I reach out to them over the phone. I remember when I was younger I was completely terrified of talking on the phone. Growing up in a generation with the ability to email and later on text, this…

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Made to Stick Book Review by Michelle Bouh

“Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath discusses what makes good ideas flourish, what qualities bad ideas lack, as well as what qualities good ideas have in common that makes them sticky. According to the two brothers, good ideas are simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and include a story. Chip and Dean claim that by following these six essentials, any idea is almost a guaranteed SUCCESs.

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Don’t Let The Report Discourage You

This fall, I am fortunate enough to be interning in the public affairs department at CBS3 Philly. At first, I was extremely nervous because I had no idea what to expect, and the idea of working for one of the biggest television broadcasting networks in the city was very intimidating. But of course I planned on putting a very high level of enthusiasm and 110% into every project that was given to me. I had no idea what I was going to be working on, but I mean interning at CBS sounds so cool so they must have really cool…

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Make Things Happen

For all underclassmen who still haven’t found an internship, do not fret. It will all fall into place. As a freshman, one of the first things I did was join TAC (Temple Ad Club). It was enlightening, getting to hear from all the industry professionals who came in to speak to us about the cool things they’ve done. It also made me nervous about the future. All of these awesome, creative people got their first internships during their sophomore or junior years of college. As a freshman, it seemed so far off. Nothing to worry about just yet. At the…

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