Downes Designs
My name is Madeleine and I’m a senior studying Art Direction. For the past few months, I’ve been interning at downesDesigns in New Jersey. Pamela, President of the business, has been mentoring me through various design projects throughout the semester. Every day is a learning experience working with her. There was one day in particular, however, where she took some time out of her schedule to take me on a tour of a printing company whose services she often uses.
We went to CRW graphics in Pennsauken, NJ. Pamela knew everyone there on a first name basis. They were so generous to spend their time giving me an in-depth tour of everything from the color-checking booth to the sample room to the printer facilities. I gained a real appreciation for all the steps that are involved in printing high quality materials. Every job within the printing process is done with such care and precision.
In the future, as I put more work out into the world, I would love to work with a printing company like this and to have a close relationship with the people there like Pamela does. Overall, this has been an incredibly valuable experience. For questions about this internship or my experience visiting CRW graphics, you can contact me at tuf78437@temple.edu