Work Can Be Fun!

This past month at Allied-THA, a marketing agency that promotes major motion pictures in the Philadelphia area, I have been a part of two really fun and exciting things. The first occurred at the Ritz Five Theater in Center City. I was working an advanced screening of the film THE BOOK THIEF there. I collected tickets from the general public and from people on our reserved seating lists. The lines for this particular screening were larger than usual because there was to be a Q&A session directly following the film inside the theater. Who was going to be there? The…

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The Bible of Modern Advertising: Confessions of An Advertising Man.

“I would like to make it mandatory that everyone in advertising read David Ogilvy’s first book, Confessions of an Advertising Man at least once a year.” George Parker commented that in Business Insider. Media Week also evaluated this book as the “required reading for anyone in business”. In Confessions of an Advertising Man, David Ogilvy not only tells legendary stories about his successful career, comprehensively introduces the advertising industry, but also elaborates his concepts, tactics, and techniques that were generated based on his estimable experience and knowledge by using a pithy, lively and humorous writing. David Ogilvy is considered as…

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Creative Intern at College Glasses

  Hello fellow SMC peers! My name is Jean Alban, I am a senior at Temple majoring in Advertising – Art direction track. I have been interning at College Glasses since April and I have nothing but good things to say about my time there so far! College Glasses is a company that designs and manufactures completely custom sunglasses for universities, organizations, events, and corporations. They are in the midst of expanding their product line and becoming a bigger player within the promotional products industry. The most important thing that I have learned from this internship as the in-house Creative…

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Is it really over?

I can’t believe that my semester at Philadelphia magazine is coming to an end. I only have two days left of my internship in their sales department and it seems like just yesterday that I started there. The end of this semester also means the end of my junior year. This time next year, I will be finished with my college career. Crazy, right? This semester has been, in a word, insane. Two jobs, my internship, and a full time course load. But I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I gained so much valuable experience through my internship at Philly…

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Learning Experience at Phillybass’d.

My experience a Phillybass’d Entertainment has taught me the importance of being critiqued. Before coming to my internship the only creative work I was working on would be for class assignments and that only entailed me turning in assignments and receiving grades. In the classroom I did not go through the constant trial and error stages that I received at my internship. One of my last assignments I had to do for my internship was to create a logo to accompany a book that one of Philybass’d’s client will soon be releasing. I started off with a simple idea to…

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Work with Stream!

I am currently an account management intern at Stream Companies. Going there three times a week is something I actually like to do. The atmosphere there is very laid back, fun and serious at the same time. The experience thus far is teaching me how to complete tasks by deadlines, communicate with people in the office setting, and all around act more professional and learn things that account managers take care of. I am on the account management track in advertising, so I have always been interested in that field. I have noticed that my job at this internship and…

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Red Tettemer and O’Connell + Partners

I’ve been working at Red for a little more than two months now.  There are many perks of the agency and one of them is the view from the top floor of the Widner Building in Philly.  The environment of the office is also inspiring and the occasional dog or cat strolling around is always a plus. My role as an intern is to help out the broadcast department with editing and preparing media to be used in a video.  I regularly edited videos for a social media platform that Under Armour. This social media platform is a community that…

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Waaaaake Up Philadelphia!

Hey everyone! My name is Lindsay Webber and I am a senior here at Temple studying advertising. Over the past few months I have been interning with two of Philly’s top radio stations, Wired 96.5 and 92.5 XTU. So far, I have had an overall positive experience with the two companies. Before this internship I never really thought of pursuing a career in either the music or radio industry, but over the course of these past few months I have grown to truly enjoy this career environment. I have worked closely with both the promotional side of the radio station…

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Discovering What M Really Means

This semester I find myself interning at M, a small branding, advertising and design agency in Old City. Founded just over a decade ago by four guys (two business side, two creative), M is still thriving in Philadelphia. Staffed at under 30 people, M is broken into the typical account, creative and production departments. There is also a separate M Health branch. It’s a small group of hard working, fun loving individuals, many of whom are less than a decade older than us college kids. Having the chance to actually snag a copywriting internship is a rarity in and of…

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Riding with Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners

Hey there! My name it Mitchell Katz. I’m a third-year advertising major and general business studies minor at Temple. During the Fall 2013 semester, I will be interning in the Account Management Department of Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners, a large advertising agency in Center City, Philadelphia. It is a privilege to intern with such a prestigious agency. Recently, RTOP was awarded the 2013 Small Agency of the Year by AdAge and Top Agency in Pennsylvania by AdWeek, two major advertising publications. Their clients include Under Armour, Planet Fitness, Century 21, and Dial for Men among other big-named brands. Working…

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Woah, I’m halfway there.

Since I am almost halfway through my internship at Philadelphia magazine, I thought that this would be an ideal time to write a blog post about my time there! I cannot believe I have already been working there for a month and a half. I picture myself on my first day. I had no idea where the back issue room was, how to create a recap, or what in the world a counter card was. Now, I am able to navigate my tasks like a pro 🙂 I am learning so much about how a sales department functions in the…

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My #1 Lesson So Far

Hi everyone, I’m Jacquelyn and I am interning this fall at a company called Advanced Sports International, an international bike distributor.  I am working in their marketing department, helping develop an advertising schedule and plan for 2014.  Our goal is to make ASI’s 5 brands and most important 2014 bikes known to the biking community.  In my first few weeks at ASI, I have done a variety of jobs.  I have done your typical intern jobs ranging from lunch pick-up to organizing expense reports, but I have also done a ton of ad related work.  This work includes jobs like going…

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The Start to my Career in Advertising

My name is Laura and I’m interning at Barilotti Wealth Strategies. My supervisor Christy is a Certified Financial Planner which pretty much means what it sounds like; she advises her clients on anything that may affect them financially. For the most part I’ve had a very positive experience. My title is Marketing Coordinator and my tasks include everything from managing social media sites to organizing all networking events. My favorite tasks are the ones that require me to use my design skills. Since my major is advertising (creative track) I especially love getting practice using the programs I’m taught such…

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Intern 101 Chapter I

It feels like just yesterday I started my internship @Harmelin Media. I heard a lot of positive things about this place such as it is a good start for interning, people are in there are nice, etc. Frankly speaking, I was so thrilled to start my internship at  this place, I even have these lists about things that I would do for this internship: I always try to come 15 minutes before my clock starts, always try to be proactive with the team, and try my best to learn as much as possible. As the time goes by, I do…

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Promoting Hollywood with Allied-THA

Hello! My name is Stephanie DeLorenzo and I am currently interning at Allied-THA in Center City. So far, it has been one of the most fun and valuable experiences of my life. Allied-THA is a marketing agency that promotes films from major motion picture studios. There are many office across the country, but I am working at the office that specializes in promotions in the Philadelphia area. I am working as a publicity and promotions intern for the Paramount Pictures accounts (but I still get to dabble with a bunch of other studios when help is needed). The publicists I…

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