Future of Dolce & Gabbana

We all know that high-end fashion print advertisements seem to have nothing to do with fashion. They usually portray bunch of people doing random things that seem to make no sense what’s so ever. For example, Louis Vuitton has print advertisements of people in exotic places laying down or doing things that you don’t really see in regular fashion advertisement. In my quest to investigate these high-end fashion advertisements, I looked through the February issue of Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ). I came across an advertisement that caught my eye. Dolce & Gabbana is known for creating print advertisements that are random…

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H +M Bends It Like Beckham

Its that time of the year again: the 2012 Superbowl is approaching, and sports fans and ad geeks alike are getting ready for the biggest Sunday TV event of the year. Generally, we can expect big names from car brands, web domains, and a slew of other food and beverage brands with enough bling to nab a 30 second spot for millions of dollars a piece. This year, Swedish fashion retail company H&M will be making an appearance as one of the first commercials of the big game, starring none other than the insanely handsome European soccer star David Beckham. As…

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La Redoute’s Questionable, Yet Very Naked, Mistake

When creating good advertising, we are taught that it is of the upmost importance to consider our target audience’s feelings, and what their reaction may be to what we put out there. So, when French powerhouse fashion retail company La Redoute published a photo of four children in La Redoute swimwear on a beach with a completely naked man in the background, its no surprise the “mistake” caused quite a stir. The first question that comes to mind is, of course, how could this possibly have gone unnoticed by the company? How many people did it take to look at…

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Exposure and the Benefits of It All

So culturally, as a Jamaican American, I wanted to bring awareness to a room(s) full of ethnicities about the Advertising industry. I wanted to bring to them another option for a career choice that they may never hear of and that may even utilize their talents a whole lot better than another industry can. Unfortunately, the reality is, that there are many circumstances that present everything but opportunity to minorities. So the simple fact that someone, like myself, can come to someone and educate them on a possible option that can benefit their future greatly is almost like a blessing…

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Go Eat Lunch

If I were to pass on one piece of advice, which I received during my semester-long internship, it would be to go eat lunch. During my first week, my supervisor told me to go eat lunch with some of my colleagues from the firm. Whether or not this was his way of getting me out of his hair is something, I may never know. Regardless, eating lunch with my co-workers turned my internship into a networking springboard for my career. At the onset, the task was daunting. A week into my internship, I sat down at a lunch table with…

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A Major Success!

I was overwhelmed with joy after our presentation to the Phillies.  It was like a mother seeing her child graduate!  A bit corny– I know.  But it truly felt like we’ve known these students for a very long time.  Especially since I only had one member on my storyboard team, I was extremely proud.  He stuck with our group from beginning to end, and provided useful information.  He worked so hard on the 3 video concepts that we came up with. (We eventually stuck with only 2 videos because the 3rd idea wasn’t as strong as the first two).  Even…

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High Hopes, Low Expectations

Before we went to Palumbo Academy to launch this awesome campaign for the Phillies, we spent a great deal of class time learning about Urban Education.  We wanted to be prepared to deal with these Philadelphia Public School Students. I think that we all saw the potential in this program and wanted to make it something great.  Being that this was the first time that this had ever been done at Temple, I think we wanted to set the bar pretty high. In all of our excitement, we laid out the goals that we had for the students.  Since they…

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Has a Whole Semester gone by already?!

Hi all, Darcy here. So it seems that my time as the Marketing Intern for At Media has come to close!!  What a fast 3 1/2 months it has been.. I honestly can’t believe how fast time went. One minute I’m nervously ringing the buzzer to walk into my interview and now here I am, confirming next week as my final week! My time here with At Media’s small boutique Branding Agency has been nothing short of fantastic. Like at the beginning of most internships, you set yourself goals of what you would like to get out of your experience.…

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Philadelphia magazine

Hi, my name is Allison Hollander, most of my classmates know me as Allie. I am a senior Advertising major with a focus on Account Management. I didn’t start at Temple University with the intent of studying Advertising. I began undeclared and then chose Elementary Education. It wasn’t until I took Introduction to Advertising my sophomore year that I realized this was something I could be passionate about. So, I went ahead and declared my major. I was determined to graduate on time and therefore I jumped right in to my major coursework. I have always been a hardworking student,…

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Business Based on Darwin

I had many goals in mind when I first set out to find an internship. I searched high and low for agencies and branding companies that I felt could teach me the most, while looking the best on my resume. I know, that seems shallow. It was like searching for a significant other based on looks, not personality. (Don’t judge, we all do it at one point or another.) None the less, in my search for prestigious opportunities, I stumbled upon a very unexpected discovery that has taught me more than the typical “eye-candy” agency. For the past several weeks,…

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For the A+ School Rewards program, the region it covered expanded so we had to call the school and market the program for a few weeks. Stop & Shop, Giant and Martins grocery stores raise money for schools every time someone uses their registered bonus bucks card. Then at the end of the year, each school gets a check to be used to benefit new programs or equipment for the students. This telemarketing process was not my favorite part but was important to be executed professionally. It definitely taught me to be patient and have a positive attitude because there are…

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Philadelphia Whiskey Festival

As an intern at Philadelphia magazine we’re not required to attend events. However, when I interviewed and was told I would be given the chance to volunteer at certain events I couldn’t wait! I absolutely love to attend events and contributing to the success of an event is even more appealing to me. One of the events that came up this semester was “The Philadelphia Whiskey Festival.” An event sponsored by the Liquor Control Board and Philadelphia magazine. It was on November 15th at the Crystal Tea Room in the John Wanamaker building. Myself along with the two Marketing interns…

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Flowing with the work

Crane Communications is a full service-advertising agency providing media placement, marketing communications and promotions to prospective clients. While working there, one thing I learned is to handle everything with patience and a positive attitude. After all, being an intern is a learning experience. It’s easy to have a positive attitude when you’re working on something that runs parallel to your interests. For me, this was designing a tri-fold brochure for the ALS Billy Lake basketball event to benefit ALS research. This brochure had to be informational and functional as team scorecards for the event. Patience was required when revisions had…

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The Next Step

On Monday, we traveled back to Palumbo Academy to celebrate the success of the presentation with a pizza party. It was a great day to get to talk with the students over pizza and get their feedback on the workshop. As of now, we are still deciding on whether to continue the workshop in the spring or wait till next fall. Therefore, it was important to hear the student’s suggestions. All of the students had great things to say as well as great ideas for the next workshop, including possible tours of advertising agencies in Philadelphia. It was exciting to…

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Connor McGovern Internship post#1

Thus far my Internship with “Community Bikes and Boards” has been a fulfilling and enjoyable experience to say the least. I have learned a good deal about what quality advertising can result in as well as how to create a quick “rush job” for on the spot advertising. When I say “rush job” I am referring to an instance when we had that quick, sudden, but small earthquake that occurred in Philadelphia this past year. My Boss asked me to come up with a quick idea for a sale so I created a 35% off all bikes purchased in the…

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