Work smart, not hard.

My last day at Weston Fitness was about a week ago, and since then I’ve had time to really evaluate my experiences I had there as an intern. Overall I enjoyed my experiences, I am happy to have been given the opportunities that Weston gave me, and most of all, I am grateful to have made some mistakes and to not have accomplished some of my assigned goals. “Work smart, not hard” is something that Mike had said early on in the semester, but it was a phrase that I kind of just brushed away. But on the last day,…

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Sweet Spot

Working with Temple Dining Services often means I am privy to some great behind the scenes decisions and news that other students may not hear about for years. For instance, I have been asked to provide a student’s perspective on the decisions regarding the new residence hall on Broad St., a facility that isn’t predicted to be open for at least a year and a half. I would share some of those exciting prospects but because it is so far off, I’d better not. I can, however, let you in on some news about next semester. Some of you may…

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Recollecting on the BIG Day

The Palumbo Academy students filed into the auditorium filled with new acquired knowledge about advertising. The Temple University students followed behind them, anxious for the events that were about to occur. It was the big day, the day we presented our hard work to the marketing executives of the Phillies. Excitement was displayed on all of our faces. Finally we get to show everyone else all of the hard work we did in preparation for this day. We rehearsed nervously and as the audience piled in our hearts were beating feverishly knowing that the time was coming. And so it…

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The Corporate Wellness Challenge

Over the course of the semester, we were focused on building new corporate wellness partners with companies in Philadelphia. This means that we provide discounted memberships along with other various benefits if a company signs up at least 15 employees for our gym. These relationships are very beneficial to both us and the companies involved, so we spent much of our time brainstorming ways to get companies to sign on. This also involved traveling with our boss to a few meetings with the CEO or Human Resource Manager of some big name insurance companies and law firms. We (the interns)…

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Semester in Review

Now that the semester is coming to an end and the stress is slowing dwindling, I’ve had the time to reflect on the past semester. For me, this semester passed by as a blur of activity. As a senior, I want to cherish everything during my last year at Temple. One of my fondest memories was having the opportunity to teach advertising to high school students. Over the summer, I contemplated the idea of a career in education and how I would love to have the opportunity to explore it further. When I heard about teaching advertising to students as…

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Let’s make a sale

As my final days as a Sales Intern at PHL-17 are coming to an end, I’ve been getting together all of the projects I have worked on. I have had to opportunity to learn so many different things during my time here. Some of my daily tasks included tracking ratings for specific programs and demographics, helping put together sales presentations, researching competitors’ advertisers and prospective clients, and helping out with making revisions or adding restrictions to commercial spot times. However, it was the experiences that have taught me the most.   Aside from daily tasks and projects, I was brought…

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Kol Tov! Closing Statements About My Internship

As the semester winded down, there was more work to be done at the National Museum of American Jewish History. As the museum prepared for the holidays, the main focus was on creating fliers for NMAJH’s events and posting holiday items on the site. Two main things I will take from interning at this museum is the importance of contributing time to the organization you work for. I learned that the more time you put into your work, the better you get at it.  Another lesson I will take with me is the great satisfaction an advertiser can feel from making a…

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Preparation for the Pre-Season Wings Game

As my internship is coming to an end The Philadelphia Wings season is getting ready to kick off its 2012 season. This past Sunday (12/11) was the Wings Exhibition game located in Trenton, NJ. Myself and some of the other interns traveled to the Sun National Bank Center to help our Boss, Nikki, make sure everything ran smoothly. It was exciting to finally work my first Wings games because all of the work I have done was leading up to this day. One of my main task when I first begun my internship was to work closely with The Angel’s…

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Participating in Trade Partnerships?

So I got the change to learn a little more about doing things for trade these past few weeks.  My boss at Silencia  has had a few people approach her and ask for help.  They are just starting up and don’t have a lot of money.  She offers to help for trade- which I think can be a great opportunity.  It works out for both people in my opinion because we get to help people start up and build their brand to hopefully blossom.  Plus, we get some little perks too (yummy hummus, coffee, etc!) I’m sure there are some…

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Take the Cake

Its hard to believe my time at Phillymag is over.  It seems like just yesterday I was applying for the position.  Although the past few months have gone by rather quickly, I have learned some valuable lessons and worked on some very cool projects.  Being that my last day was last week, I have had some time to reflect on these lessons, and projects I was a part of. One thing I learned was to be ambitious and willing to take risks.  It is important to realize, that as college students, we do not know everything.  Knowing this is key,…

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Connor McGovern post #2

Overall my experience with “Community Bikes and Boards” has been a very good one. It is much more of an experience then I expected it would be. Not only did I learn about how to produce quality advertising and run a  business, I also got  chance to do something that I really enjoyed like ride bikes, wear apparel, and will soon enough be skiing/snowboarding for free all to promote and market “Communities” merchandise. I wouldn’t have changed anything about my internship experience. The biggest thing that I have personally gained from this experience is observing what my boss has done…

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Interning for a Gym

On my first day going into Weston Fitness I was not really sure what to expect, which I assume is the norm for most students doing their first internship. I wasn’t really sure if my time here would be spent mostly on advertising or marketing, since the description said both. It turns out that it was a really good mix of both. There was one other intern working with me and we worked together on most things throughout the semester. My favorite marketing activity was walking around Philadelphia once a month and handing out “free 3-day passes” to local stores…

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Three things to know before working at a Start-up

As an intern and future employee at ListenLogic, a social media research company, I am confident to say that I have experienced first hand, what it’s like to work at a start-up. Here are a few things that I’ve picked up. Note that these three things aren’t in any special order, exhaustive in nature, or necessarily true for every company. They are more like guidelines for what to expect. The first and most important thing to know is that you automatically have the opportunity to be a part of building the company from the ground up. Anything you want to…

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Tell me more about that “social stuff!”

    Within the last ten years you have all heard that social media is an exciting, new and rapidly growing trend that has unimaginable potential for advertisers and various businesses. Many of those businesses do not yet understand it and think that Facebook “likes” or Twitter followers is the extent of social media’s potential. Pitching a new client to sell social media is a process of teaching them what they can find from that new “social stuff.” As an intern at ListenLogic, in Fort Washington Pennsylvania, I have had first-hand experience working at a social media research company that…

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Fitness Fears

Something I have learned at Weston Fitness was not about advertising and marketing, but was about the idea of Corporate Wellness. Interning at a gym, I quickly learned that health and wellness is at the forefront above anything else. A corporate wellness program involves the incorporation of health and wellness into the workplace in order to create a more health conscious environment for the employees. It is beneficial to all parties involved: the employees who now have the opportunity to adopt a healthier lifestyle, the company that has these employees who are becoming more productive at work, and the gym…

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