TAC! join temple’s advertising club.

  Temple Advertising Club (TAC) is a great club to get involved in! It offers you opportunities to learn about and interact with the real world of advertising, network, and make friends! I asked Kelly Reid, TAC’s Director of Communications about TAC, and this is what she relayed to me. Thank you Kelly! When and where are the meetings held? Mondays, 4:30-6:00 p.m. SAC room 217 A   Kelly said you can come and go as you please. You do not have to attend every meeting, only the meetings you are interested in. TAC sends out e-mails each week to let…

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Monday, Sept 26, 1pm, Tyler Auditorium: Valerie Spada, author of Gomorrah Girls

  We have a wonderful opportunity to hear the Italian award winning photographer, Valerio Spada, on September 26 at 1 pm. in the Tyler auditorium. Blurb, the self-publishing giant, and sponsor of the Photography Book Now, announced the competition’s $25,000 Grand Prize winner—Italian photographer Valerio Spada for Gomorrah Girl. The book explores the murder of Naples resident Annalisa Durante, a young woman caught in the crossfire of violence in “the land of Camorrah,” (the name for the Mafia in Naples). Read more: 

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College Day 2011: It’s free! It’s fun! It’s Philadelphia!

Campus Philly College Day 2011 Saturday, September 24, 2011, beginning at 10 a.m. It’s free! It’s fun! It’s Philadelphia! ·  Amazing city-wide discounts ·  Free admission to museums and cultural attractions ·  Free mini golf and carousel rides ·  Free transportation ·  Free screening of the new film, 50/50 ·  Free neighborhood tours ·  Get on camera with the #whyilovephilly campaign ·  Hang out with the Philadelphia Weekly crew and the Philly Theatre Casting Couch ·  Check out Campus Philly at the Popped! Music Festival, September 23-24, 2011 ·  Win prizes and score great giveaways on site with Campus Philly…

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Aspiring Art Director? AIGA Memberships Only $50! (through september 30th, so get them now!)

AIGA is the largest professional association of design in the world. They are currently haveing a sale on their student memberships through September 30, 2011! The membership will only cost you $50 (instead of $95) and by joining AIGA you will receive substantial benefits and gain access to invaluable resources and opportunities. As a member, you will receive discounts on many designer essentials like Adobe and Shutterstock products, and you will receive discounts on Apple Products and accessories as well as complimentary shipping and engraving. You will also get discounts on books and magazines like CMYK, Communication Arts, and Business Creative magazines. Lynda.com is…

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Interview with David D’Andrea

Juxtapoz sat down with poster artists David D’Andrea a couple of years ago for their (then upcoming) Fog Rising event in San Francisco. For such a short interview, it really has a lot of insight about D’Andrea’s design process and the relation of visual art to aural art. I recognize D’Andrea’s poster for Queens of the Stone Age, (they may be terrible but its still a sick poster). His aesthetic is one that would tell you what kind of music you’re going to go see by the style of the poster.Take a glance at it, tell me what you think. Another link to…

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Post(er)-Impressionist Art

Henri de Toulouse Lautrec was a French artist in Europe during the late 1900’s Post Impressionist period. He, along with other painters like Cézanne and Van Gogh, are known as some of the greatest fine artists of that time period–Lautrec can still be most easily reccognized by the posters he did for the Moulin Rouge. Much like today, famous artists were often commissioned to do art for special events, but Lautrec was one of the most successful in creating a painting that also effectively sold something, (especially during that time where the standards for something being considered “art” were much…

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Event Posters: Tips & Inspiration

Posters are a boundary-crossing type of design. Since the invention of the lithographic press in the 1800’s they’ve  been the art of music and theater; today they’re used to let you know about everything from films to societal protest. To be effective, posters have to do several things effectively: they have to catch your eye and tell you all the important important information quickly. To be great, posters have to stick in your head, (just like with normal advertising). Event posters are particularly interesting. They’re still advertising, yet they can push more boundaries because they’re not selling you anything tangible,…

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    WHO? WHAT? The Philly Ad Club is a non profit organization and it is made up of over 2000 industry professionals from advertising, media buying, interactive, and specialty agencies in the greater Philadelphia area. Students have the ability to join the Philly Ad Club as well, and it is a great opportunity, so take advantage of it! Visit their Website Here or explore the Philly Ad Club Students YouTube Channel Here. WHY? Its great for expanding your Network!-The Philly Ad Club hosts networking events, so you can meet, talk, and network with industry professionals Check Out: Third Thursdays (THIS THURSDAY!!!) Networking Happy Hour Click on the…

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Experience the 2011 Philadelphia Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe!

WHO WHAT? >The Philly Fringe “For me, Fringe equals risk, as a creator and a watcher. So much of the work in both the Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe has this kind of once-in-a-lifetime feel to it” —    Adrienne Mackey, LAB Fellow and Co-Artistic Director of Swim Pony The Philly Fringe is an annual festival that fills Philadelphia with dance, music, theatre, and other forms of performing arts…even puppetry! It consists of over 200 self-produced shows all over the city! The shows are performed in and can be seen anywhere from traditional venues to street corners, to restaurants and…

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My Visit to McCann Erickson

My internship with Avis Budget Group and my socializing and networking there led me to some great opportunities. In a previous post I talked about the importance of networking, and I also talked about how from socializing at my internship, I was given a great opportunity to visit Mccann Erickson’s headquarters in New York City and talk with one of the account planners there. I learned a lot from my visit to Mccann Erickson. Before I met with the Account Planner, Lynn, I had prepared several questions and sent them to her so she could get an idea of where…

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Book Suggestions from Mccann Erickson and Avis Budget Group

Over the summer, at my internship with Avis Budget Group, I came across a lot of great books that will be helpful in the future. I wanted to share these great reads with you.   1. Delivering Happiness, a Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose By the CEO of Zappos, Tony Hsieh. When I first started my internship at Avis Budget Group (ABG), my department gave me this book to read. I interned with a new department called the Customer Led Experience (CLE) Department. The department is only about a year old and the idea behind it is not only young…

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Final Days at Skai Blue Media

As the end of the summer approaches and everyone is getting ready to start the fall semester, I can’t help but look back at the days I’ve spent at Skai Blue Media. Coming in to the office today, I sat down at my desk and before setting up my work space, I just sat there, staring into space and realizing that its almost over. The summer is ending, this internship has reached its final days and come December, will be the end of my finally semester at Temple. It only feel like it were yesterday, that I was a scrawny little…

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Lets Network!

During the Summer, I interned with Avis Budget Group (ABG). Avis and Budget are car rental brands. During my internship there I learned a lot about networking. So many people have told me about the importance of networking. I’ve also heard many times that the best jobs are not posted, but come from word of mouth. So, During my internship with ABG, I wanted to start networking. ABG was such a great place to start! Everyone was so friendly and helpful! I talked with so many people there. I really believe that 99% of people want to help! They were all in our position at…

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Final Goodbyes

Today is my last day at Harmelin Media.  It has been a great run, and I’ve sure learned a lot.  To be able to watch an organization from the inside out was a great experience, one that will definitely benefit me in years to come.  Everyone I worked with was more than helpful and always hoping for me to succeed.  In my last hour with Harmelin, I made my rounds to bid farewell to everyone I had worked with, it was then that I discovered that everyone had great things to say about me.  They all ensured me I’d do…

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Most Exciting

Most of my time spent at Harmelin Media has been assisting Media Buyers/Planners with their assignments, however, today was my day to shine.  I was finally given a project to work on myself; it was my responsibility to create the TV schedule for Boscov’s in the Washington D.C. area! It was great to be given the opportunity to prove myself knowledgeable enough to create a schedule without any assistance, and the fact that my supervisor had confidence in me to do so was very satisfying.  In the end, after approval, my schedule ran as is in D.C.  So get down there and…

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