Wrapping up my Internship

Interning at a television station has taught me a  lot this summer. Long drives into New Jersey, hours of co-editing, close captioning, that is, repeating everything being said on screen into a microphone, and blogging has added up to an exhausting, but very rewarding couple of months. Being able to observe and be a part of real-world, professional production and business is truly exciting and has given me a much more realistic outlook on future career goals, more so than working with peers in a college environment. While I have gotten to meet people who have inspired me, and some who have…

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Long interesting meeting.

Hi again, Today I sat in on my first meeting on the top floor. This meeting was about the new stance FHB has on one of their long term clients, ABC fine wines and liquors. FHB has been the ad agency for them for more than 15 years now and have had some limitations on what they could and could not do especially considering the online aspect of the campaign. The major problem with the website, that we found out, was the problem with the key words coming up with the search engines. It wasnt that the web page didnt…

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Lasting Impressions at At Media

My time interning at At Media flew by. I feel like I am more prepared to enter my senior year at Temple because this experience has reinforced how important this final semester is. I was intrigued by the inner workings of such a small company and how they are able to rely on a network of freelancers to complete their understated workload.  The team at At Media, mainly Antoinette Johnson and Tyler Westnedge, introduced me to several organizations, namely Old City Creative Corridor and recently, Skillshare. They have shown me how to reach out to people either through cold calling,…

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Dolce Caffè Font

This week, I was sent in a post from the artists who designed this font! Inspired by the café culture that forms such an integral part of everyday life in Europe, Dolce Caffè is a sweet & stylish handwritten font that is very legible, simple, and useful. It was designed in 2011 after the many cool handwritten chalkboards I saw on the streets of Berlin, a city that I love. All the glyphs were designed by hand first, and than vectorized with Illustrator CS5. Use this typeface when you need a neatly handwritten style for your projects. The letters are…

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Miles High Productions – The final week

This is the final week for my internship with Miles High Productions. With only one final report to submit to the marketing manager, the only other task that I need to get accomplished is my phone conference with the president and founder of the company, Chip Shultzman. In this upcoming phone conference, Chip will be interviewing me on the internship, finding out my thoughts on the company and the work that was assigned to me. Another main component of this phone conference will be regarding next summer and the opportunities that exist for my potential employment with Miles High. Based on…

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Taco Doritos

Well today was my last day of my internship at Katz Marketing Solutions and also my big presentation. I had to pick a brand to present on, and I picked Doritos because of their large budget capabilities and because of their willingness to utilize creative ideas in their advertising. They had just re-released a flavor that originated in 1967 and left the Doritos flavor line-up in the 80’s called Taco Doritos. This provided a definitive target market and allowed for more focused ideas. I was tasked with thinking up a budget and flight dates as well as the objectives of…

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NBC Philadelphia – The Final Week

As these ten weeks at NBC Philadelphia flew right by, I am able to look back on this experience as a major success. I have networked with highly ranked officials from every department throughout this organization. My main tool in networking was attending the morning meetings, where all the producers in each department meet to discuss trending stories around the community and the country. These meetings commence at 9:00am and  my assigned time to arrive for my internship is 9:30am. In order to make it to the meetings, I would have arrive early, which I did not mind doing because…

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Inspiring Ad Man

Hello again bloggers, Just wanted to take some time to talk about what inspirations I have had for myself to be in the field of advertising. I have to say that from day one it was me watching cartoons on the TV and my dad saying you know why that commercial did that or why those people were in that commercial. Whenever there is a show on and the person in the screen shot has a product with the brand name displayed he says that’s product placement. I just feel like the advertising field is made for me or maybe…

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Never Giving Up

My name is Tony Lim. I am interning at Weston Fitness, a health club in Philadelphia, located at 19th and Market. While working here as a marketing/advertising position, the experience is teaching me many positive things. A major important thing learned that can be used in the future and everyday life, is never give up. You have to walk around with your head up and realize more doors of opportunities will open up. It may be cliché to say, but I can only share my encounters. As the marketing aspect of the internship, I was assigned to gain wellness partnerships…

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My name is Sami Souders and I am a senior at Temple University. This summer, I found myself among other Temple graduates at the small but flourishing advertising agency, At Media. Founded by Antoinette Johnson and Tyler Westnedge in 2006, the company primarily handles branding and web design. They work with clients familiar to the campus, such as Pub Webb. From interning there as a designer, I have grown more interested in aspects relating to brand identity and logo design. The company is currently undergoing their own brand redesign and I was there to witness their initial brainstorming steps. Interning at…

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Putting my addictions to work!

This summer I started interning at JahRock’n Productions. JahRock’n Productions is a media company located in New York. You can visit their site at www.jahrockn.com. Part of my job as a marketing intern for JahRock’n was to control the social media for the company. Boy, was I glad that I was in charge of that! I absolutely love tweeting, youtubing, and facebooking. I do it a lot on my personal accounts..I guess you can call me an addict. I even had two Twitter accounts at once…not one, but two. So being able to tweet, facebook, and youtube, as part of…

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bizzaro world

Times at Chestnut Hill Local newspaper have been moving fast. I am very excited to be on the ground floor of a brand new project that has officials in Mount Airy buzzing. CHL will be coming out with a brand new website for Mount Airy– mtairyLOCAL.com. As of now I have the responsibility of designing the look of the new website, which will be noticeably similar to our current chestnuthillLOCAL.com website but with an alternate theme; a “bizzaro” version. Along with the design I have also been in charge of research for the new website. Creating directories of organizations and…

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Expectations and Realization

When I tell people that I intern at 95.7 WBEN I always get the same response.  “Wow, a radio station? That must be awesome! You must have so much fun.” Verbatim. Everytime.  And I’ll admit, I thought the same exact things when I first started.  Orignally I had applied to the rock stations in the area as a promotion intern because they were the stations I listened to.  Since many Philly stations are owned by Greater Media Philadelphia, I was offered an interview for the spot I have, promo intern at BEN.  I jumped at the oppurtunity and couldn’t wait…

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The best day so far!

Interning at Red Tettemer I am constantly helping other people and learning different things. Diana and Susan, another account manager, have been teaching me how to create status sheets and what they are used for. A status sheet is like an assignment page for the team working on a project. It is updated weekly and there is a status sheet for every job order. For instance, the cookbook for GPTMC would have a status sheet. An example of a task would be, to get estimates on binding prices (for the book). There is a lingo for account managers and Diana…

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Keeping in Touch with the Fans

For the summer I decided to take the initiative and suggest to my bosses at Ubiq-Walnut that the store be responsible for its own social networking and website as opposed to the “office” overseeing everything that transpires socially. Interestingly enough they agreed and suggest that since I made the suggestion that I would be the one responsible for contributing to the social media from the store. The benefits of updating the store’s Twitter, Facebook, Blog, and now Instagram from the store is that customers will be able to see in real time what’s available, when our shipments arrive, talk to…

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