Interning at The Gabriel Institute

I’ve been interning at the Gabriel Institute and I can say that I have really learned a lot. The Gabriel Institute is a B-to-B company, although they are moving towards working with consumers, and I’m sure it is a little different from companies that work directly with consumers. TGI is a company focused on team building. They work with business to restructure or reorganize their teams to improver their productivity and efficiency. TGI is also small company, only four full time employees at the headquarters. So interning at a relatively small B-to-B company is an interesting experience. Since the company…

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A “Chevy Nova” Situation

One of the first lessons I can remember learning in Professor Olson’s Intro to Advertising class is that when developing an ad campaign, one must always take into consideration who the audience is. The famous example that paired with this lesson was the “Chevy Nova” campaign which didn’t quite translate positively in Spanish – “Chevy Nova” = “Chevy doesn’t go.” Interestingly enough, a similar scenario surfaced while working at my internship this week. One of our biggest clients at MOD Worldwide is the fabulous Boyd’s Department Store, located right at 1818 Chestnut Street, which is famous for its regal blue…

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THE Charlie Sheen… On Twitter.

Yes, that’s right. Now you can follow Charlie Sheen and all that he has to say to out loud on Twitter. At 9 am yesterday morning, Sheen decided that he wanted to start a Twitter account to share his side of the story to his fans. By 12 yesterday, he had his Twitter account approved (somebody else already had @CharlieSheen, so he had to get it approved by Twitter before he could take it.) It has been 24 hours, and Charlie Sheen officially has over 900,000 followers! This number is an immense testament to social media, and just how quickly…

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Parkinson Council Internship

Parkinson Disease ABOUT US INFO : “The Parkinson Council, an affiliated chapter of the National Parkinson Foundation serving the greater Delaware Parkinson DiseaseValley, raises funds to provide financial grants to entities that are dedicated to: Promoting research into the causes and cure for Parkinson’s Disease Educating patients, caregivers, health professionals and the general public about Parkinson’s Disease Improving the quality of life for patients and their families I have just started my advertising internship within the Parkinson Council Non Profit Organzition. I have really enjoyed the last three weeks of my internship and suggest many try new organizations outside of ad agencies…

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The sofa, carpet, window treatment internship!

I am excited to announce that I FINALLY found an internship, after a very long search! Sheffield Furniture and Interiors has agreed to take me on as their intern Copywriter in their creative department. I am pretty excited about the opportunity to do real copy work and have things published. I am also quite nervous! What if I run out of creative ideas? How do people keep creative ideas coming about one singular topic over and over and over? I am going to have to start looking for inspiration in the home decor/furniture department! Beyond my own personal fears of…

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Gotta Be a Go-Getter

  Aside from designing some really cool content at Maiden Media Group, I have found that my favorite part of my internship has been immersing myself in a variety of other departments and activities. We have been taught in classes and heard from guest speakers for years that the best way to make an impression on an agency, and also learn the most, is to make an effort to get involved in any and all aspects of the agency. Just because I am a design intern doesn’t mean that I am interested in limiting myself to just that. My first…

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Cliches- A good thing?

Seth Godin is a marketing heavyweight (a quick trip to his Wiki will attest to that). I came across a blog post by him recently, and knew I had to share it here. He writes a very insightful post on clichés and how to use them to your advantage. Here’s the thing: you can’t stand out if you fit in all the way, and thus the act of deciding which part isn’t going to match is the important innovation. It’s a short and sweet article, so be sure to check it out HERE.

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Throwback Designer: Gerd Arntz

Gerd Arntz, a graphic designer from the early 1900’s is probably one of the most implicitly secret inspirations of today’s design. What may seem  like clip art to the average person, is a collection of prints created by Gerd. He displayed political wrongs and social movements through simple one color designs. Even if you don’t like his simple style, his work is used in everything and basically shaped the modern day icon. Trust me, even if you think you don’t like it, I guarantee you use this work in your work at one point.

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Spend a Semester in Brazil *Info Session*

Studying abroad can be a great experience in your college career. Vacationing at these places is much more different than going to actually learn about a country, embrace its culture and gain college credits. If you love traveling you should definitely check this out!   Semester in Brazil Info Session Friday, March 4 2011 Noon – 1pm Ritter Hall Annex Room 671 For more information about the full semester program go here For more information about the summer semester program go here  

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The Adjustment Bureau *REVIEW*

One of the coolest things about going to Temple is all of the opportunities we get to watch free early screenings of movies. The Adjustment Bureau was more of a love story as opposed to an action packed film but it was interesting nonetheless. It will make you question minor things that happen in life that to you are meaningless but in reality are guiding you down the path to your destiny. The Adjustment Bureau gets a rating of 4 out of 5 from me. As for my experience at The Reel, because it was a free screening one must…

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Soda’s So Stylish

The soda and beer industry are using a variety of new methods to promote their low-cal variations of beverages. Two “cans” that stand out especially are Michelob Ultra, and the newest 10-calorie Dr Pepper TEN. Michelob, known as one of the lowest calorie beers on the market, now has cans that are tall and thin, as opposed to the standard stout, cylinder cans we have all always known. This method of advertising is subtle and clever, as it implies skinniness without having to say it; it is recognized every time someone picks up the can to take a sip. A…

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Two 1 Five Design Group

I’ve been interning at Two 1 Five Design Group for couple of weeks now. I think it’s different from other internships because not only do you learn your responsibility but the responsibility of the whole process from start to finish. It’s basically a learning experience to teach you how to start your own business and run your own company. I’ve been learning lot of different ways to catch the eye and play with how the eye reads using contrast and other principles. The company handles more internet and paper ads rather than television. I see that there are lot of…

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Who Loves Ya?

This is my second semester interning at LevLane. I work with the media department to buy, plan, and track media for our clients KFC, Taco Bell, Kennedy Health and others. For the last couple of months I have been working on Overnights, creating media proposals, and invoicing. I recently did my first completed media plan and buy myself. It felt awesome! I completed the proposal to the client, he approved the plan, and I made the buy. It is really satisfying knowing that what I am doing on a day to day basis is something that I could see in…

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Parkinson Council Upcoming Events

The Parkinson Council has an upcoming event that many might be interested in. As you all know by now, I am interning with the Parkinson Council, helping them advertise for these upcoming events. The first major event is on April 16th 2011, the 10th annual Walk for Parkinson’s in Philadelphia. Registration for the event can be done online at  under the Stamp Out Parkinson subpage. The walk will begin rain or shine at Lloyd Hall on Kelly Drive at 9 am. For more information about this event you can contact the Parkinson Council’s  at 610- 668- 4292. Save To Date: Monday, June 27th Parkinson Council’s Golf Classic Below I have posted…

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Revisions and clients and deadlines – Oh my!

It was only a matter of time before I encountered my first deadline experience in the “real” world of advertising. The word “deadline” originated in 1855, and referred to “a boundary around a military prison beyond which a prisoner could not venture without risk of being shot by the guards.” A bit extreme when we think of a deadline in today’s context, nevertheless the consequences of missing a deadline very well may compare. While working one day at my internship at MOD Worldwide, located at Broad and Walnut streets in Center City, the whole office was feeling the heat from…

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