
The way that you picture an intern before you have an internship yourself is pretty different than what it’s actually like. I remember hearing upperclassmen friends stress the importance of punctuality, always asking what more you can do to help, and being outgoing, and so on. It’s clear that they were onto something, because many of these friends are now recent graduates and happily working in the advertising industry. So in case you’re trying to imagine what life will be like a few weeks after you finally get that “We’d love to have you join the ____ team as a ______ intern!” email, here’s a…

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When you wear different hats, you’ll find that one size doesn’t fit all.

On paper, my role at ChatterBlast, a digital marketing services company in Philadelphia, is clear and concise: Research and Reporting intern. In real life though, my role isn’t so clean cut. While most of my work is typically research-centered (creating data reports, forming influencer lists, analyzing client information, etc.), I’ve also had the opportunity to wear some other hats in the office. When I work on research or reporting tasks, I mentally sport some super sleuth headgear (think Sherlock Holmes – minus the pipe). I’m on the lookout for clues and insights; anything that can help me come up with a recommendation or…

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93.3 WMMR Intern

Hello fellow readers and interns! I am Kelly. I am currently in my final semester as an Advertising Account Management major. This past semester, I have been interning with the Sales Department at 93.3 WMMR. Before starting the internship, I was very eager to see what I would be completing on a daily basis. The radio industry is an interesting industry that not many get to be a part of. I was most excited to see the workings of a radio station because it’s not something you can learn in a classroom or a textbook. Having heard about radio in previous…

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For the Future Interns of Cashman & Associates

This fall semester I interned at Cashman & Associates where I had the chance to attend various industry events, and produce work various client. The experience was very rewarding and I learned a lot along the way.   Every company has it’s own unique work environment – all with unique quirks. I’ve made a list of the top 10 things I feel would be beneficial for anyone who might the pleasure to intern for Cashman in the future.   1.  There is a corner store called “Sassafras” and it will become your favorite place to eat – they have everything your…

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My Life as a Newsie, Mariachi Band Member, and a Penguin…

This semester I have been an intern at Allied Integrated Marketing, which has given me invaluable experience working in the real world.  Allied is located in Center City, Philadelphia and works to promote new films and productions through word-of-mouth advertising and publicity.  The most common ways we promote productions at Allied are through street teaming and early screenings of films.  My supervisor, Ann-Marie, has been with Allied for 25 years and really knows what she is doing.  Ann-Marie is in charge of Allied Philadelphia’s 20th Century Fox account as well as the Broadway Philadelphia account.  The first half of this…

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Good news is…

Hi fellow interns, Good news for me is, the place I am interning at asked me to stay with them next semester as well! I am overjoyed to accept the offer and intern with The Fox School of Business for another semester 🙂 Interning in the Deans Office (creative production / PR department) at the Fox School of Business here at Temple has been a great experience. Since it was the first time working in a professional environment I found the experience very rewarding. Interning here has made me realize how excited I am to graduate and get out in the…

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Wrapping Up the Semester – and the Year at WXPN

My last two days at my internship are approaching this week. This semester I’ve had the opportunity to intern at WXPN, a member-supported public radio station broadcast from the University of Pennsylvania, where I did graphic design. I’ve been able to work on some fun projects, but my favorite was a promotional postcard created for the “2014 Year in Review.” It encourages listeners to submit their favorite songs of the year so that a list of the Top 200 Songs can be compiled and then played on the air. My supervisors didn’t have too many guidelines for the design, just…

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Sometimes I find it difficult to step outside of my comfort zone. I’ll be graduating in December and it gets harder and harder to remain the shy and timid person that I’ve always been. I’m not the type that likes to be the center of attention. I would rather just blend into my surroundings. My internship at Harmelin Media has impacted me in a way that sitting in a classroom could never have. It is one thing to learn about different tracks in advertising, but it’s another to experience it. Harmelin Media mainly focuses on media planning and buying, which…

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The Secret Behind Agency Life

The best part of my internship at LevLane this semester was to know that what I did mattered. As an intern it’s easy to think that you are not as important and are just there to do the busy work no one else wants to do. That was definitely not the case in my situation. It was nice to hear from my supervisors that the work I was given needed to be done and was important. As the traffic intern, I updated status reports and schedules for current projects and jobs. I knew I would learn a lot from this…

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Drink City Live! at Hard Rock Cafe

I’ve been given the opportunity to help plan another event at my internship! 🙂 It would mean a lot if any Temple students of age would come out and support on December 16. The event is a part of an event series at Philadelphia Weekly. They ususally occur once or twice a month. The holiday season is here!! Join Philly Weekly on Tuesday, December 16th for another of our great DRINK CITY LIVE events ——- Ugly Christmas Sweater Edition. Throw on your ugly Christmas sweater and enjoy an evening of complimentary hors d’oeuvres and drink specials at Hard Rock Cafe! The event will be…

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Appreciation Tastes So Good… Cashman’s Intern Luncheon at the Hard Rock Cafe

Yesterday, December 2nd, Cashman & Associates hosted our Intern Luncheon at the Hard Rock Cafe in Center City Philadelphia. As a public relations and special events agency, many times we make agreements with our clients to supplement payment for our services with trade aka product. Because we have been providing Hard Rock Philadelphia with a substantial amount of PR work for quite some time, we have a large amount of money to spend there and thought it would be the perfect place to host our luncheon.  The main purpose of the lunch is to not only reward the current interns for…

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Trying different roles at Ritual Ritual

During my internship at Ritual Ritual, I had the opportunity of trying a few different roles. Trying out different roles has helped me understand the aesthetic of Ritual Ritual, and has given me confidence when writing copy for emails or proposing ideas to Angela Monaco, the owner of the boutique. I had the opportunity of working as a sales associate at Ritual Ritual, which has helped me learn more about the products that Ritual Ritual sells. I worked with the ecommerce software that Ritual uses, and updated inventory for the web store. I attended the Philly Mag Shops designer warehouse…

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Status Reports and Saying “hello”

My internship at PerformRx (pharmacy benefit manager) is winding down and I only have a few weeks left. I have recently created a final list of projects that need to be completed before the end of the semester. Most of the smaller projects have already been finished, however I have a few projects left that I have been working on over the course of the semester that need some changes. Each week I am required to submit a progress report with updates on each project. Similar to an agenda book for classwork, the progress report lets me know whether or…

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Internship Essentials

Make sure you’re ALWAYS early not on time, internships and jobs pay very close attention to how punctual you are. Never use your cellphone unless given permission or on break even if it was never discussed. Check your email for assignments or constantly ask is there more that you could be doing. Familiarize yourself with the brand, signature events if any, and the competition. Make sure your work area is neat when you leave These are just a few things that constantly helped me throughout my internship, I hope these are helpful 🙂

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The Life of an Intern

Looking back on my internship, I realized how much I have learned. What I thought was a terrible experience actually taught me everything that I needed. My first day was unforgettable. The woman that had given me my the internship and was supposed to be my mentor had decided to further her career at another company. As soon as I had heard the news I immediately starting panicking, I wasn’t sure what I would be doing now or if I would even still have the internship. But thankfully after talking to various people, i still had the internship for marketing…

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